Core library for TypeScript inspired by Elm. It contains only some of the more relevant data structures and functions.
npm install --save-dev @eeue56/ts-core
npm run build
npm run test
See src
Some useful tools for functional programming - piping, and composing. Both of these can be used to chain functions.
import { Basics } from '@eeue56/ts-core';
const doubleLength = Basics.pipe(
(str: string) => {
return str.length;
(length: number) => {
return length + length;
const func = Basics.compose(
(str: string) => {
return str.length;
(length: number) => {
return length + length;
const anotherDoubleLength = func('hello');
console.log('Expecting 10', anotherDoubleLength);
See src
Not particularly useful in JS as impurity doesn't matter, but sometimes it's nice to log what you're returning.
import { Debug } from '@eeue56/ts-core';
function getSomeObject(someObject){
return Debug.log("My name is", someObject);
See src
A Maybe/Optional type. Useful for when dealing with a value that can either be a value, or nothing.
import { Maybe } from '@eeue56/ts-core';
const someNothingMaybe = Maybe.Nothing();
const aValueOfZeroFromTheMaybe = Maybe.withDefault(0, someNothingMaybe);
const identity = (x) => x;
const someJustMaybe = Maybe.Just(10);
const newMaybe = Maybe.map(identity, someJustMaybe);
const aValueOfTenFromTheMaybe = Maybe.withDefault(0, someJustMaybe);
See src
A Result type. Useful for when dealing with a value that can either be a value, or an error.
import { Result } from '@eeue56/ts-core';
const someResult = Result.Ok(10);
const double = (x) => x + x;
const newResult = Result.map(double, someResult);
const someResultValue = Result.withDefault(0, newResult);
const someError = Result.Err("Failed to parse on line 10");
const strLength = (x) => x.length;
const newError = Result.mapError(strLength, someError);
See src
A Tuple type of size 2. Useful for combining a pair of values. Generally named objects are more useful than Tuples, however.
import { Tuple } from '@eeue56/ts-core';
const someTuple = Tuple.pair(10, "okay");
const someNewTuple = Tuple.mapFirst(double, someTuple);
const someOtherTuple = Tuple.mapSecond(strLength, someTuple);
const someFirstValue = Tuple.first(someOtherTuple);
const someSecondValue = Tuple.second(someOtherTuple);