A multi producer, multi consumer unbounded channel for Effection. Channels are
useful for communicating between different parts of a system, for building
pubsub buses, or a whole lot of other synchronization needs.
Sending to a channel is synchronous and does not require the sender to be
running in an effection context. However, reading from a channel can only be
done through operations.
Because of the synchronous nature of sends, channels are unbounded in size, which
means that they cannot handle backpressure. As such, channels should be used more
as a synchronization mechanism, rather than a high-throughput system.
A basic example:
import { createChannel } from '@effection/channel';
import { main } from '@effection/main';
import { sleep } from '@effection/core';
main(function*() {
let channel = createChannel();
spawn(function*() {
while(true) {
yield sleep(1000);
channel.send({ message: "ping" });
let subscription = yield channel.subscribe();
while(true) {
let { value } = yield subscription.next();
console.log("value:", value);