Gets an auth token for a repo via a GitHub app installation

Generating Credentials
In order to simply credential management @electron/github-app-auth
a CLI tool to generate a "credential bundle" that contains the requisite
information to generate tokens. You need both a private key for your
application and the application ID.
npx @electron/github-app-auth --cert=my-private.key.pem --app-id=12345
This command will output a base64 encoded blob which you should store in your
services secret storage (normally accessed via an environment variable). Below
as the environment variable.
With @octokit/rest
import { appCredentialsFromString, getAuthOptionsForRepo } from '@electron/github-app-auth';
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest';
const creds = appCredentialsFromString(process.env.MY_GITHUB_APP_CREDS);
const authOpts = await getAuthOptionsForRepo({
owner: 'electron',
name: 'electron'
}, creds)
const octo = new Octokit({
With raw tokens
import { appCredentialsFromString, getTokenForRepo } from '@electron/github-app-auth';
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest';
const creds = appCredentialsFromString(process.env.MY_GITHUB_APP_CREDS);
const token = await getTokenForRepo({
owner: 'electron',
name: 'electron'
}, creds)
With raw tokens on the CLI
gh_token=$(npx @electron/github-app-auth --creds=$MY_GITHUB_APP_CREDS --owner=electron --repo=electron)