Elevate Component Library V2
Looking for V1 Go here
A UI library backed by TailwindCss and AmCharts
The package is a wrapper for TailwindCss and Amcharts, with an Elevate Security theme
Setup - This repo uses yarn.
this project uses yarn for development and the circle-ci build
To install node_modules run:
This command will build all the files, create a lib folder and add the output from the build.
You can check to see what's been built and the file structure
yarn build
If you look at the config.yml, when yourun the commands below in versioning, circle-ci will know to do a deployment to npmjs
In a release branch, use npm version to bump the version in package.json, commit and tag altogether. If you manually bump the version, circle-ci will not build your changes reflected in config.yml
npm version $VERSION
git push origin : "v${VERSION}"