Validation Scripts for Elevate Security Customer HR/Behaviors Dataset Formats.
Latest Integration Type definitions: type-config.yml (public link). spec.html (HTML version)
The CLI is self-documented, just execute and it will output the available commands.
Example, to check the src/tests/test_files/2019-10-30-00_58_46.csv
file with people/v1
integration type:
./dist/es-cdv-cli.nodejs.js check src/tests/test_files/2019-10-30-00_58_46.csv people/v1 # return code = 3 because there are invalid lines and no valid lines
./dist/es-cdv-cli.nodejs.js check src/tests/test_files/valid.csv people/v1 # return code = 0 because file is valid
echo $? # will see 0
Return codes of the CLI
- 0: file contains valid rows, and no invalid rows (so, only valid or empty rows)
- 1: invalid command
- 2: no valid rows or invalid input file format
- 4: some invalid rows
- 6=2+4: some empty rows and some invalid rows
- 8: unexpected failure
As a CLI:
By cloning the source code
git clone
cd customer-data-validators
npm install
./dist/es-cdv-cli.nodejs.js -h # for help
./dist/es-cdv-cli.nodejs.js check src/tests/test_files/2019-10-30-00_58_46.csv people/v1 # running the command
If you prefer to install a specific version of the package and run it as a binary
npm install @elevate_security/customer-data-validators
npm link
customer-data-validator -h
If you don't want to install the package up-front and just want to execute the command as a one-off:
npx --package @elevate_security/customer-data-validators customer-data-validator -h
If npx
is not installed: npm install -g npx
In a browser application
We're importing the library as an external script, to always get the latest available patch/minor version of the pinned major version (here below, version 1.x.y). This avoids rebuilding the UI everytime a new version of the validators is published.
<script src="^1"></script>
Then the library is available as esCustomerDataValidator
in the global object, you can use it like this:
const {CustomerDataValidator} = window.esCustomerDataValidator;
const results = await CustomerDataValidator(fileContent, 'people/v1')
Edit the schema
Update the type-config.yml
. Then run npm run convert
to update the type-config.json
Update js files
To rebuild the package, run npm run build:prod
For cli and functional tests:
npm run test
And for UI tests, run:
npm run test:ui
Publishing the library to NPM
This happens automatically when merging a feature PR to the master
branch. After the CirclecI Job finishes on the master
branch, CircleCI will create a PR to bump the version number. Make sure you merge this "Bump version" PR promptly to avoid version conflicts.
Public type-config.yml
Since some other projects like the scoring platform need to access the type definitions, CircleCI pushes the distribution files built from this repo to a public S3 bucket es-use1prod-assets (see .circleci/config.yml. Files are accessible from (master
can be replaced by any branch name from this repository and config/type-config.yml
can be replaced by any file from the dist folder)