Elevate Security Component Library
A component library for sharing Elevate Components between each of our projects
Demo App (Story Book)
npm install @elevate_security/elevate-component-library --save
cont Elevate = require('@elevate_security/elevate-component-library')
render() {
return (
<Elevate.Typography.H1>This is the tab content 1</Elevate.Typography.H1>
- Clone this repo
npm install
- To debug or demo in storybook:
npm run storybook
Local Development/importing into other applications
In component library, run: npm link
Take the generated link and import into your parent project like so:
const Elevate = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@elevate_security/elevate-component-library')
const { Logo } = Elevate
Deploying to NPM
After getting your PR approved, but before merging, do the following on your feature branch:
- Decide the semver increment of your change (major/minor/patch)
- Run the following command, selecting the correct version increment:
npm version major|minor|patch
. This command bumps the package.json version and creates a git commit with a tag attached for the new version. - Push to your feature branch:
git push origin <my-feature-branch>
- Merge your PR using a merge commit
- Pull the latest master and push the git tag you created:
git checkout master && git pull origin master && git push --tags origin
- Pushing the tag will trigger a publish build in CircleCI