Elevate Security Component Library
A component library for sharing Elevate Components between each of our projects
Demo App (Story Book)
npm install @elevate_security/elevate-component-library --save
cont Elevate = require('@elevate_security/elevate-component-library')
render() {
return (
<Elevate.Typography.H1>This is the tab content 1</Elevate.Typography.H1>
- Card
- Icon
- Link
- Typography
- Layout
- Gauge
- LineBarChart
- Axis
- Line
- Input
- Button
- ButtonLink
- Tabs
- TimelineBlock
- ButtonIcon
- Breadcrumb
- Image
- Avatar
- Header
- GlobalStyle
- Logo
- Modal
- RadioButton
- Clone this repo
npm install
- To debug or demo in storybook:
npm run-script storybook
- To bootstrap work on a new componentnpm:
run-script create [component name]
Local Development/importing into other applications
In component library, run: npm link
Take the generated link and import into your parent project like so:
const Elevate = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@elevate_security/elevate-component-library')
const { Logo } = Elevate
Deploying to NPM
In a release branch, use npm version
to bump the version in package.json
, commit and tag altogether.
npm version $VERSION
git push origin : "v${VERSION}"
Then create a Pull Request from your release branch to master.