🚀 Utilities for a wide development world like the universe.
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Table of Contents
🌝 About
spaceship is a utility library for JavaScript developers who make web services.
We want to contribute to productivity improvement by providing frequently used functions in the utility.
There are 10 useful utility functions in spaceship 1.0.
🕊 Features
Easily manage status that pending, success, failure at asynchronous request
get browser info to use this info to handle many ituations
When we want to dynamically import scripts.
Detect the userAgent is Mobile
get formatted number string what you want.
It can be used in user search keyword case and also it can be used to prevent typos to see accurate results
Sometimes we make url with parameters from object data.
when we develop web service, we frequently get data params and change to object
get TimeStamp from system time stamp
generate Unique Key ( If you want some salt :)
🏁 Getting started
Using npm:
$ npm i @emplodies/spaceship
If you want to download by selecting the util
$ npm i @emplodies/spaceship.detect-browser
In a browser:
$ Sorry! Wait For a while. we'll prepare soon.
Hello World
import detectBrowser from "@emplodies/spaceship.detect-browser";
📖 Documentation
Our library Spaceship document site
🎁 Contributing
Any kind of contribution is welcome. There are many ways to contribute to this project.
Questions about the utilities provided by spaceship can be helpful to developers who are experiencing the same difficulty. If you have any questions about using the utility, please leave it as an issue.
We encourage all developers to share their content. :)
If there is a bug in the existing utility or there is an error in the managed document, please report it as an issue.
It is very helpful in making better open source.
Add Utils
You can add a utility to spaceship.
When suggesting new features, please follow the procedure below.
- New issue
Make new issue with enhancement
template. And assign three maintainer.
Check Contributing Guide.
Fork the project.
Create a pr feature branch
$ git checkout -b pr/you-new-utils
Run the tests
Open a pull request.
💉 Running tests
To test utils
$ npm run install
$ npm run test
When you add your own util to this repo, check these rules ✅
- You must add your util's test
- Plz maintain all tests are passed 🙏
Spaceship is MIT licensed