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@enact/webos - npm Package Versions






[1.13.3] - 2018-01-16


  • core/kind and core/hoc public documentation to be visible
  • moonstone/TimePicker to not read out meridiem label when meridiem picker gets a focus
  • moonstone/Scroller to correctly update scrollbars when the scroller's contents change
  • Several samples that would not rescale correctly when the viewport was resized
published 1.13.2 •



[1.13.2] - 2017-12-14


  • moonstone/Panels to maintain spotlight focus when noAnimation is set
  • moonstone/Panels to not accept back key presses during transition
  • moonstone/Panels to revert 1.13.0 fix that blurred Spotlight when transitioning panels
  • moonstone/Scroller and other scrolling components to not show scroll thumb when only child item is updated
  • moonstone/Scroller and other scrolling components to not hide scroll thumb immediately after scroll position reaches the top or the bottom
  • moonstone/Scroller and other scrolling components to show scroll thumb properly when scroll position reaches the top or the bottom by paging controls
  • spotlight to guard against accessing unconfigured container configurations
  • ui/ViewManager to revert 1.13.0 fix for lifecycle timing when entering a view
published 1.13.1 •



[1.13.1] - 2017-12-06


  • moonstone/Slider to not unnecessarily fire onChange if the initial value has not changed
published 1.13.0 •



[1.13.0] - 2017-11-28


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer props disabled, loading, miniFeedbackHideDelay, and thumbnailComponent as well as new APIs: areControlsVisible, getVideoNode, showFeedback, and toggleControls
  • ui/Transition animation timing functions ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-quart, and ease-out-quart to provide prettier options for transitions that may be more suited to a specific visual style


  • moonstone/Expandable and derivatives to use the new ease-out-quart animation timing function to better match the aesthetic of Enyo's Expandables
  • moonstone/LabeledItem to start marquee when hovering while disabled
  • moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeController to not abort marquee when moving among components
  • moonstone/Marquee to correctly start when hovering on disabled spottable components
  • moonstone/Marquee to restart animation on every resize update
  • moonstone/MarqueeDecorator to stop when unhovering a disabled component using marqueeOn 'focus'
  • moonstone/Panels to prevent loss of spotlight issue when moving between panels
  • moonstone/Picker marquee issues with disabled buttons or Picker
  • moonstone/Slider by removing unnecessary repaints to the screen
  • moonstone/Slider to fire onChange events when the knob is pressed near the boundaries
  • moonstone/Slider to not forward onChange when disabled on mouseUp/click
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator to correctly display tooltip direction when locale changes
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to bring it in line with real-world use-cases
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to correctly position knob when interacting with media slider
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to defer rendering playback controls until needed
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to not read out the focused button when the media controls hide
  • moonstone/VirtualList to handle focus properly via page up at the first page and via page down at the last page
  • moonstone/VirtualList to render items from a correct index on edge cases at the top of a list
  • ui/ViewManager to prevent interaction issue with moonstone/Scroller
published 1.12.2 •



[1.12.2] - 2017-11-15


  • moonstone/VirtualList to scroll and focus properly by pageUp and pageDown when disabled items are in it
  • moonstone/Button to correctly specify minimum width when in large text mode
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scrollable to restore last focused index when panel is changed
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to display time correctly in RTL locale
  • moonstone/VirtualList to scroll correctly using page down key with disabled items
  • moonstone/Scrollable to not cause a script error when scrollbar is not rendered
  • moonstone/Picker incrementer and decrementer to not change size when focused
  • moonstone/Panels.Header to use a slightly smaller font size for title in non-latin locales and a line-height for titleBelow and subTitleBelow that better meets the needs of tall-glyph languages like Tamil and Thai, as well as latin locales
  • moonstone/Scroller and moonstone/VirtualList to keep spotlight when pressing a 5-way control while scrolling
  • moonstone/Panels to prevent user interaction with panel contents during transition
  • moonstone/Slider and related components to correctly position knob for detachedKnob on mouse down and fire value where mouse was positioned on mouse up
  • moonstone/DayPicker to update day names when changing locale
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and all other Expandable components to revert 1.12.1 change to pull down from the top
  • spotlight to handle non-5-way keys correctly to focus on next 5-way keys
  • spotlight/Spottable to forward onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave
  • ui/Remeasurable to update on every trigger change
  • ui/Transition to revert 1.12.1 change to support clip transition-type directions and rendering optimizations
published 1.12.1 •



[1.12.1] - 2017-11-07


  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and all other Expandable components to now pull down from the top instead of being revealed from the bottom, matching Enyo's design
  • moonstone/VirtualListNative to scroll properly with page up/down keys if there is a disabled item
  • moonstone/RangePicker to display negative values correctly in RTL
  • moonstone/Scrollable to not blur scroll buttons when wheeling
  • moonstone/Scrollbar to hide scroll thumb immediately without delay after scroll position reaches min or max
  • moonstone/Divider to pass marqueeOn prop
  • moonstone/Slider to fire onChange on mouse up and key up
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to show knob when pressed
  • moonstone/Panels.Header to layout titleBelow and subTitleBelow correctly
  • moonstone/Panels.Header to use correct font-weight for subTitleBelow
  • ui/Transition support for all clip transition-type directions and made rendering optimizations
published 1.12.0 •



[1.12.0] - 2017-10-27


  • core/util.Job APIs idle, idleUntil, startRaf and startRafAfter


  • moonstone/Input to correctly hide VKB when dismissing
  • moonstone/Panels to retain focus when back key is pressed on breadcrumb
  • moonstone/Popup from last-focused to default-element in SpotlightContainerDecorator config
  • moonstone/Scrollable to prevent focusing outside the viewport when pressing a 5-way key during wheeling
  • moonstone/Scroller to called scrollToBoundary once when focus is moved using holding child item
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to apply skin correctly
  • spotlight to focus enabled items that were hovered while disabled
  • spotlight to not access non-existent container configurations
  • spotlight/Spottable to not block next enter key when focus is moved while pressing enter
published 1.11.0 •



[1.11.0] - 2017-10-24


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer properties seekDisabled and onSeekFailed to disable seek function


  • moonstone/ExpandableList to become disabled if there are no children
  • spotlight to handle key events to preserve pointer mode for specific keys


  • moonstone/Scroller to apply scroll position on vertical or horizontal Scroller when child gets a focus
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scrollable to scroll without animation when panel is changed
  • moonstone/ContextualPopup padding to not overlap close button
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scrollable and moonstone/Scroller to change focus via page up/down only when the scrollbar is visible
  • moonstone/Picker to only increment one value on hold
  • moonstone/ItemOverlay to remeasure when focused
  • spotlight to not require multiple 5-way key presses in order to change focus after the window regains focus
published 1.10.1 •



[1.10.1] - 2017-10-16


  • moonstone/Scrollable and moonstone/Scroller to scroll via page up/down when focus is inside a Spotlight container
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to scroll by 5-way keys right after wheeling
  • moonstone/VirtualList not to move focus when a current item and the last item are located at the same line and pressing a page down key
  • moonstone/Panels.Header to layout header row correctly in standard type
  • moonstone/Input to not dismiss on-screen keyboard when dragging cursor out of input box
  • moonstone/Panels.Header RTL line-height issue
  • moonstone/Panels to render children on idle
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scrollable to limit its muted spotlight container scrim to its bounds
  • moonstone/Input to always forward onKeyUp event
  • spotlight.Spotlight method focus() to prevent focusing components within containers that are being removed
  • ui/Pressable to properly set pressed state to false on blur and release
published 1.10.0 •



[1.10.0] - 2017-10-09


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer support for designating components with .spottable-default as the default focus target when pressing 5-way down from the slider
  • moonstone/Slider property activateOnFocus which when enabled, allows 5-way directional key interaction with the Slider value without pressing [Enter] first
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property noMiniFeedback to support controlling the visibility of mini feedback


  • moonstone/Popup to focus on mount if it’s initially opened and non-animating and to always pass an object to onHide and onShow
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to emit onScrub event and provide audio guidance when setting focus to slider


  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and derivatives to restore focus to the Item if the contents were last focused when closed
  • moonstone/Slider toggling activated state when holding enter/select key
  • moonstone/TimePicker picker icons shifting slightly when focusing an adjacent picker
  • moonstone/Icon so it handles color the same way generic text does, by inheriting from the parent's color. This applies to all instances of Icon, IconButton, and Icon inside Button.
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to correctly position knob on mouse click
  • moonstone/Panels.Header to show an ellipsis for long titles with RTL text
  • moonstone/Marquee to restart when invalidated by a prop change and managed by a moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeController
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