Enso UI Library
UI library for Enso
How to use
Run storybook:
yarn && yarn start:storybook
Duplicate a component
Duplicate, rename and wire a new component using the command:
yarn go newComponentTitle
Generate icons
Use svgr to generate icons from public folder:
yarn svgr
Or add it as a pre-commit hook:
husky add .husky/pre-commit "yarn svgr"
Link to another library
In order to yarn link
with this project, peer dependencies need to be linked with the project you want to link
Run yarn local-peer-deps
and enter the project directory, the script will yarn link all peer dependencies from the target project into ui-library.
Then, in this project, run
yarn link
Go to an existing project and use the following command to start using your local npm package.
yarn link @ensofinance/ui-library
Now start rollup in watch mode to develop and see changes.
yarn rollup:watch
and/or Storybook to view the Component Library
yarn storybook