Makes your GraphQL input optional, but not null!
The problem
GraphQL Thread from 2018
It's common for Update mutations to accept a partial input, in order to do a partial update.
The simplest version of this is to simply omit the non-nullish (!
) operator in the input declaration, and not update anything that's nullish:
input UpdateUserInput {
firstName: String
lastName: String
country: String
The issue with this is that you lose the ability to say "if provided, this field cannot be null"
With a @nonNull
directive, you get this ability back:
input UpdateUserInput {
firstName: String @nonNull
lastName: String @nonNull
country: String
The @nonNull
directive cannot be used on Argument Definitions.
That is because, unlike in Object Inputs, GraphQL.js will always default optional arguments to null
Instead of:
type Mutation {
updateUser(firstName: String @nonNull): User
type Mutation {
updateUser(input: UpdateUserInput!): User
input UpdateUserInput {
firstName: String @nonNull
*NB: This library is built using graphql-tools and should be compatible with apollo
- Install from npm:
npm i @ephys/graphql-non-null-directive
- Declare the directive in your schema:
directive @nonNull on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
- Declare the directive in your Apollo Server:
import { createNonNullDirective } from '@ephys/graphql-non-null-directive';
const server = new ApolloServer({
schemaDirectives: {
nonNull: createNonNullDirective({
directiveName: 'nonNull',
buildInputError: (message: string) => {
return new Error(message);