Meant to be used with @erickmerchant/framework, it can be used to construct a store that's easy to organize. It defines a state that is an object and each store that you define handles a single property on that object.
const framework = require('@erickmerchant/framework')
const container = require('@erickmerchant/combine-stores')
const store = container(function (define) {
define('errors', require('./stores/errors'))
define('fetchingCount', require('./stores/fetching-count'))
define('tasks', require('./stores/tasks'))
const component = require('./component.js')
const target = document.querySelector('main')
const yo = require('yo-yo')
const diff = yo.update
framework({target, store, component, diff})
API Reference
container((define) => { ... })
The function exported by this module.
define(property, store)
- property: the property that the store will handle
- store: a store. When it is called it is only passed the property that it handles as the first argument. When called with no arguments it should return the default for that property.