This scoped package is my personal framework.
I wrote it to understand how modern javascript frameworks do things. It's greatly inspired by React and Redux, etc, obviously. Also hyperx, which demonstrated that you can use tagged template strings instead of JSX, was a huge inspiration.
I also wrote it because I don't really like any of the options out there. They're all too complicated in my opinion.
It is meant to be used with browserify.
An Example
This example uses diffhtml, but you should be able to use an alternative that provides something with the same functionality of its innerHTML.
const framework = require('@erickmerchant/framework')
const diffhtml = require('diffhtml')
const diff = diffhtml.innerHTML
const html = diffhtml.html
const target = document.querySelector('main')
framework({target, store, component, diff})(init)
function init ({dispatch}) {
function store (state = 0, action) {
if (action === 'increment') state = state + 1
if (action === 'decrement') state = state - 1
return state
function component (href) {
return function ({state, dispatch}) {
return html`<p>
<button onclick='${decrement}'>-</button>
<button onclick='${increment}'>+</button>
function decrement () {
function increment () {
API Reference
Framework Code
framework({target, store, component, diff, raf})
- target: a DOM element. The place to render your application
- store: a function. See store
- component: a function. See component
- diff: a function. See diff
- raf: optional. A function. A replacement for window.requestAnimationFrame. It defaults to window.requestAnimationFrame
Returns a function. See init
This is what is returned from the store. It can be anything from simply a number like in the example, to a complex object.
Initializes a change in state and causes a render
- arguments: all get passed to the store
- href: the window.location will get updated with this and a render will happen
A convenient helper to pass a callback to process.nextTick. Can be used to manipulate the page in some way after a render. For example scrolling to a specific element
next callback
Application Code
store(state, ...arguments)
Called initially with zero arguments, it should return the default/initial state.
- state: the previous thing returned from calling store
- arguments: all the arguments passed to dispatch
Returns the component callback
component callback
callback({state, dispatch, show, next})
- state: the current state
- dispatch: the dispatch function
- show: a function. See show
- next: a function. See next
Should return the element to pass to diff
diff(target, element)
init callback
callback({state, dispatch})
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