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A WebAssembly shim for esbuild on Android x64.

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This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes. To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of esbuild in your package.json file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as ^0.19.0 or ~0.19.0. See npm's documentation about semver for more information.

This time there is only one breaking change, and it only matters for people using Deno. Deno tests that use esbuild will now fail unless you make the change described below.

  • Work around API deprecations in Deno 1.40.x (#3609, #3611)

    Deno 1.40.0 was just released and introduced run-time warnings about certain APIs that esbuild uses. With this release, esbuild will work around these run-time warnings by using newer APIs if they are present and falling back to the original APIs otherwise. This should avoid the warnings without breaking compatibility with older versions of Deno.

    Unfortunately, doing this introduces a breaking change. The newer child process APIs lack a way to synchronously terminate esbuild's child process, so calling esbuild.stop() from within a Deno test is no longer sufficient to prevent Deno from failing a test that uses esbuild's API (Deno fails tests that create a child process without killing it before the test ends). To work around this, esbuild's stop() function has been changed to return a promise, and you now have to change esbuild.stop() to await esbuild.stop() in all of your Deno tests.

  • Reorder implicit file extensions within node_modules (#3341, #3608)

    In version 0.18.0, esbuild changed the behavior of implicit file extensions within node_modules directories (i.e. in published packages) to prefer .js over .ts even when the --resolve-extensions= order prefers .ts over .js (which it does by default). However, doing that also accidentally made esbuild prefer .css over .ts, which caused problems for people that published packages containing both TypeScript and CSS in files with the same name.

    With this release, esbuild will reorder TypeScript file extensions immediately after the last JavaScript file extensions in the implicit file extension order instead of putting them at the end of the order. Specifically the default implicit file extension order is .tsx,.ts,.jsx,.js,.css,.json which used to become .jsx,.js,.css,.json,.tsx,.ts in node_modules directories. With this release it will now become .jsx,.js,.tsx,.ts,.css,.json instead.

    Why even rewrite the implicit file extension order at all? One reason is because the .js file is more likely to behave correctly than the .ts file. The behavior of the .ts file may depend on tsconfig.json and the tsconfig.json file may not even be published, or may use extends to refer to a base tsconfig.json file that wasn't published. People can get into this situation when they forget to add all .ts files to their .npmignore file before publishing to npm. Picking .js over .ts helps make it more likely that resulting bundle will behave correctly.




This is a WebAssembly shim for esbuild on Android x64. See for details.


Package last updated on 27 Jan 2024

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