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The legacy ESLintRC config file format for ESLint

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Package description

What is @eslint/eslintrc?

The @eslint/eslintrc package is a utility for working with ESLint configuration files. It provides tools to load and parse ESLint configuration files, resolve extends chains, and manage configuration cascading and hierarchy.

What are @eslint/eslintrc's main functionalities?

Loading ESLint Configuration

This feature allows you to load an ESLint configuration file using the ConfigArrayFactory class. The loaded configuration can then be used to configure the ESLint engine.

const { ConfigArrayFactory } = require('@eslint/eslintrc');
const factory = new ConfigArrayFactory();
const configArray = factory.loadFile('.eslintrc.js');

Parsing Configuration Files

This feature is used to parse ESLint configuration files directly. It is part of the legacy API and allows for direct interaction with configuration files.

const { Legacy: { ConfigFile } } = require('@eslint/eslintrc');
const config = ConfigFile.load('.eslintrc');

Resolving Extends Chains

This feature resolves the 'extends' chains in ESLint configuration files, allowing you to get the final configuration that applies to a specific file, taking into account all the extended configurations.

const { CascadingConfigArrayFactory } = require('@eslint/eslintrc');
const factory = new CascadingConfigArrayFactory();
const configArray = factory.getConfigArrayForFile('some-file.js');

Other packages similar to @eslint/eslintrc



2.1.4 (2023-11-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Use original plugin from disk in FlatCompat (#137) (1c4cf6a)



ESLintRC Library

This repository contains the legacy ESLintRC configuration file format for ESLint. This package is not intended for use outside of the ESLint ecosystem. It is ESLint-specific and not intended for use in other programs.

Note: This package is frozen except for critical bug fixes as ESLint moves to a new config system.


You can install the package as follows:

npm install @eslint/eslintrc --save-dev

# or

yarn add @eslint/eslintrc -D

Usage (ESM)

The primary class in this package is FlatCompat, which is a utility to translate ESLintRC-style configs into flat configs. Here's how you use it inside of your eslint.config.js file:

import { FlatCompat } from "@eslint/eslintrc";
import js from "@eslint/js";
import path from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";

// mimic CommonJS variables -- not needed if using CommonJS
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);

const compat = new FlatCompat({
    baseDirectory: __dirname,                  // optional; default: process.cwd()
    resolvePluginsRelativeTo: __dirname,       // optional
    recommendedConfig: js.configs.recommended, // optional
    allConfig: js.configs.all,                 // optional

export default [

    // mimic ESLintRC-style extends
    ...compat.extends("standard", "example"),

    // mimic environments
        es2020: true,
        node: true

    // mimic plugins
    ...compat.plugins("airbnb", "react"),

    // translate an entire config
        plugins: ["airbnb", "react"],
        extends: "standard",
        env: {
            es2020: true,
            node: true
        rules: {
            semi: "error"

Usage (CommonJS)

Using FlatCompat in CommonJS files is similar to ESM, but you'll use require() and module.exports instead of import and export. Here's how you use it inside of your eslint.config.js CommonJS file:

const { FlatCompat } = require("@eslint/eslintrc");
const js = require("@eslint/js");

const compat = new FlatCompat({
    baseDirectory: __dirname,                  // optional; default: process.cwd()
    resolvePluginsRelativeTo: __dirname,       // optional
    recommendedConfig: js.configs.recommended, // optional
    allConfig: js.configs.all,                 // optional

module.exports = [

    // mimic ESLintRC-style extends
    ...compat.extends("standard", "example"),

    // mimic environments
        es2020: true,
        node: true

    // mimic plugins
    ...compat.plugins("airbnb", "react"),

    // translate an entire config
        plugins: ["airbnb", "react"],
        extends: "standard",
        env: {
            es2020: true,
            node: true
        rules: {
            semi: "error"


MIT License



Package last updated on 01 Dec 2023

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