Calcite Components
Shared Web Components for Esri's Calcite design framework. To see the components in action, view the documentation.
Sketch library
All of the Calcite Components are available in the calcite-sketch-library with all variations and sizes.
npm install --save @esri/calcite-components
Script tag
Calcite components can be loaded via two <script>
tags in the head of your HTML document:
Browsers that support modules will load the first, while older browsers will load the second, bundled version.
Once these script tags are added, components can be used just like any other HTML element. Only components that are actually used will be loaded.
You will also need to explicitly load the calcite.css
If you already have a webpack build for your project, you can use @stencil/webpack to add calcite-components to your bundle.
After installing calcite-components, install the plugin as a dev dependency:
npm install --save-dev @stencil/webpack
Then import and call the plugin in webpack.config.js
const stencil = require('@stencil/webpack');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new stencil.StencilPlugin()
Lastly, add the import in your main bundle js (or ts) file:
import "@esri/calcite-components/dist/calcite.js";
This will add the initial stencil loader to your bundle, and copy over the actual component code to the output directory you've configured for Webpack. Components will still be lazy-loaded as they are needed. Note: you must use the .js
file path for the Webpack plugin to work correctly, even if your bundle file is a TypeScript file.
Stencil provides a full set of typings for all the components in this repo. To make TypeScript aware of these components, just import the library:
import "@esri/calcite-components";
This will provide autocomplete of component names/properties, as well as additional HTML element types:
const loader = document.createElement("calcite-loader");
loader.isActive = true;
const loader = document.querySelector(
) as HTMLCalciteLoaderElement;
loader.isActive = true;
Browser Support
![IE / Edge](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/godban/browsers-support-badges/master/src/images/edge.png) IE / Edge | ![Firefox](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/godban/browsers-support-badges/master/src/images/firefox.png) Firefox | ![Chrome](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/godban/browsers-support-badges/master/src/images/chrome.png) Chrome | ![Safari](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/godban/browsers-support-badges/master/src/images/safari.png) Safari |
IE11, Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
We welcome contributions to this project. See CONTRIBUTING.md for an overview of contribution guidelines.
COPYRIGHT © 2020 Esri
All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
This material is licensed for use under the Esri Master License Agreement (MLA), and is bound by the terms of that agreement. You may redistribute and use this code without modification, provided you adhere to the terms of the MLA and include this copyright notice.
See use restrictions at http://www.esri.com/legal/pdfs/mla_e204_e300/english
For additional information, contact: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Attn: Contracts and Legal Services Department 380 New York Street Redlands, California, USA 92373 USA
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