Optimism Smart Contracts

contains the various Solidity smart contracts used within the Optimism system.
Some of these contracts are meant to be deployed to Ethereum ("Layer 1"), while others are meant to be deployed to Optimism ("Layer 2").
Within each contract file you'll find the network upon which the contract is meant to be deloyed, listed as either EVM
(for Ethereum) or OVM
(for Optimism).
If neither EVM
nor OVM
are listed, the contract is likely intended to be used on either network.
Usage (npm)
You can import @eth-optimism/contracts
to use the Optimism contracts within your own codebase.
Install via npm
or yarn
npm install @eth-optimism/contracts
Within your contracts:
import { SomeContract } from "@eth-optimism/contracts/path/to/SomeContract.sol";
Note that the /path/to/SomeContract.sol
is the path to the target contract within the contracts folder inside of this package.
For example, the L1CrossDomainMessenger contract is located at packages/contracts/contracts/L1/messaging/L1CrossDomainMessenger.sol
, relative to this README.
You would therefore import the contract as:
import { L1CrossDomainMessenger } from "@eth-optimism/contracts/L1/messaging/L1CrossDomainMessenger.sol";
Guide for Developers
Install the following:
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/contracts.git
cd contracts
Install npm
yarn install
Running Tests
Tests are executed via yarn
yarn test
Run specific tests by giving a path to the file you want to run:
yarn test ./test/path/to/my/test.spec.ts
Measuring test coverage:
yarn test:coverage
The output is most easily viewable by opening the html file in your browser:
open ./coverage/index.html
Compiling and Building
Compile and build the various required with the build
yarn build
Deploying the Contracts
Required environment variables
You must set several required environment variables before you can execute a deployment.
Duplicate the file .env.example
and rename your duplicate to .env
Fill out each of the environment variables before continuing.
Creating a deployment configuration
Before you can carry out a deployment, you must create a deployment configuration file inside of the deploy-config folder.
Deployment configuration files are TypeScript files that export an object that conforms to the DeployConfig
See mainnet.ts for an example deployment configuration.
We recommend duplicating an existing deployment config and modifying it to satisfy your requirements.
Executing a deployment
Once you've created your deploy config, you can execute a deployment with the following command:
npx hardhat deploy --network <my network name>
Note that this only applies to fresh deployments.
If you want to upgrade an existing system (instead of deploying a new system from scratch), you must use the following command instead:
npx hardhat deploy --network <my network name> --tags upgrade
During the deployment process, you will be asked to transfer ownership of several contracts to a special contract address.
You will also be asked to verify various configuration values.
This is a safety mechanism to make sure that actions within an upgrade are performed atomically.
Ownership of these addresses will be automatically returned to the original owner address once the upgrade is complete.
The original owner can always recover ownership from the upgrade contract in an emergency.
Please read these instructions carefully, verify each of the presented configuration values, and carefully confirm that the contract you are giving ownership to has not been compromised (e.g., check the code on Etherscan).
After your deployment is complete, your new contracts will be written to an artifacts directory in ./deployments/<my network name>
Verifying contract source code
Contracts will be automatically verified via both Etherscan and Sourcify during the deployment process.
If there was an issue with verification during the deployment, you can manually verify your contracts with the command:
npx hardhat etherscan-verify --network <my network name>
Creating a genesis file
Optimism expects that certain contracts (called "predeploys") be deployed to the L2 network at pre-determined addresses.
We guarantee this by creating a genesis file in which certain contracts are already within the L2 state at the genesis block.
To create the genesis file for your network, you must first deploy the L1 contracts using the appropriate commands from above.
Once you've deployed your contracts, run the following command:
npx hardhat take-dump --network <my network name>
A genesis file will be created for you at /genesis/<my network name>.json
You can then ingest this file via geth init
Hardhat tasks
Optimism has removed the whitelist from the Optimism mainnet.
However, if you are running your own network and still wish to use the whitelist, you can manage the whitelist with the whitelist
Run the following to get help text for the whitelist
npx hardhat whitelist --help
Withdrawing fees
Any wallet can trigger a withdrawal of fees within the SequencerFeeWallet
contract on L2 back to L1 as long as a threshold balance has been reached.
Fees within the wallet will return to a fixed address on L1.
Run the following to get help text for the withdraw-fees
npx hardhat withdraw-fees --help
Please refer to our Security Policy for information about how to disclose security issues with this code.
We also maintain a bug bounty program via Immunefi with a maximum payout of $2,000,042 for critical bug reports.