Satisfactory File Parser
This is an NPM TypeScript Module to parse Satisfactory Files. Satisfactory is a game released by Coffee Stain Studios.
The Module is written entirely in TypeScript and comes with Type Definitions.
This parser can read, modify and write:
- Save Files
- Blueprint Files
, .sbpcfg
Supported Versions
Game Version Files of U5 and below are NOT supported. However, U6 and above is perfectly fine and parsable.
U8 is on the Horizon!
We can not promise that U8 saves will work out of the box!
If there will be changes, those will come very soon as soon as U8 is out on Experimental.
Installation via npm
npm install @etothepii/satisfactory-file-parser
Usage of the SaveParser is easy. For reading a save file, just pass a Buffer to it.
import { SaveParser } from "@etothepii/satisfactory-file-parser";
const file = fs.readFileSync('./MySave.sav') as Buffer;
const parsedSave = SaveParser.ParseSaveFile(file);
Consequently, writing a parsed save file back is just as easy.
import { SaveParser } from "@etothepii/satisfactory-file-parser";
The module's code is free to use and open source.