🛴 Evergis UI
WIP 🚧 don't use in production
🏆 Before start:
npm i
Update webstorm to >2017.3.3
Install Styled Components plugin Jetbrains plugins
Configure prettier:
Add two watchers for Typescript and Typescript JSX files docs
Enable tslint and stylelint:
tslint settings
stylelint settings
Mark src directory as Resource root
🛠️ Start dev:
npm start
Open in browser localhost:6006
✅ Start tests:
npm run test
Used libraries, languages and tools
- Typescript Docs
- React Docs
- Styled-components Docs
- Jest Docs
- Enzyme Docs
- Storybook Docs
Style Guide
Every component in separate directory
Test file in same directory, with name *.test.tsx
Do not write snapshot tests for components, for snapshot testing used stories, test only specific behavior and functions
Story file in same directory, with name *.story.tsx
Write stories for every possible component state
Every component must be working without any props
Do not create pull request with any linters or ts errors
File naming convention:
- PascalCase for file exporting classes and Components
- camelCase for file exporting objects and functions
- kebab-case for module replacements
Do not use default exports
Write component description in source file
Completed Component must include the following:
- Stories for every possible component state
- Tests for specific behaviors and functions
- Declared Theme variables
- Props type
- Component description
Project structure
- baseUrl set in tsconfig to "./src", and you can write non relative paths
import {Atom} from "atoms/Atom"
- Import "styled-components" maps to styled-with-theme.ts
- theme is theme folder 🚢
- Simple reusable styled components and html tags with style are located in atoms folder
- Groups of atoms are located in molecules folder
- Groups of atoms, molecules and other are located in organisms folder