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@evervault/react - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.6.0 to 2.7.0



@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

/// <reference types="node" />
import { events } from 'events';

@@ -41,16 +39,16 @@ import * as React_2 from 'react';

export declare type CardBrandName =
"american-express" |
"visa" |
"mastercard" |
"discover" |
"jcb" |
"diners-club" |
"unionpay" |
"maestro" |
"mir" |
"elo" |
"hipercard" |
"hiper" |
export declare type CardBrandName =
| "american-express"
| "visa"
| "mastercard"
| "discover"
| "jcb"
| "diners-club"
| "unionpay"
| "maestro"
| "mir"
| "elo"
| "hipercard"
| "hiper"
| "szep";

@@ -65,3 +63,3 @@ declare interface CardEvents {

declare interface CardExpiry {
export declare interface CardExpiry {
month: string | null;

@@ -132,3 +130,6 @@ year: string | null;

export declare interface CardTranslations extends TranslationsObject {
number: CardFieldTranslations<{ invalid?: string, unsupportedBrand?: string }>;
number: CardFieldTranslations<{
invalid?: string;
unsupportedBrand?: string;
expiry: CardFieldTranslations<{ invalid?: string }>;

@@ -171,2 +172,38 @@ cvc: CardFieldTranslations<{ invalid?: string }>;

textarea: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6px 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03), 0px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .02)",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "#717f96",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e",
select: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6px 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
button: {
fontSize: 16,
height: 40,
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
padding: "0 12px",
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {

@@ -194,2 +231,7 @@ color: "#df1c41",

export declare interface ComponentError {
code: string;
message: string;
declare interface ComponentsConfig {

@@ -288,3 +330,3 @@ url: string;

BFS: "QkTC";

@@ -317,3 +359,2 @@ header: {

getAppForms: () => Promise<Form[]>;

@@ -377,3 +418,2 @@ input: {

enableFormEncryption(thirdPartyForm: HTMLFormElement | undefined, formUuid: string | undefined): Promise<void>;
isInDebugMode(): boolean;

@@ -383,2 +423,3 @@ }

export declare interface EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_ERROR: ComponentError | undefined;
EV_RESIZE: { height: number };

@@ -441,11 +482,35 @@ EV_FRAME_READY: undefined;

declare interface Form {
uuid: string;
targetElements: TargetElement[];
appUuid: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date | null;
deletedAt: Date | null;
declare class Form {
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, options?: FormOptions);
get config(): {
theme: ThemeDefinition | undefined;
config: {
formSubmissionUrl: string | undefined;
formUuid: string | undefined;
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
unmount(): this;
update(options: FormOptions): this;
on<T extends keyof FormEvents>(event: T, callback: FormEvents[T]): () => void;
declare interface FormEvents {
ready: () => void;
error: () => void;
submitted: () => void;
export declare interface FormFrameClientMessages extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_ERROR: undefined;
EV_SUBMITTED: undefined;
export declare interface FormOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
formUuid?: string;
formSubmissionUrl?: string;
declare interface HttpConfig {

@@ -534,2 +599,21 @@ keysUrl: string;

textarea: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "transparent",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e",
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {

@@ -615,2 +699,24 @@ color: "#df1c41",

textarea: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 0,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03), 0px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .02)",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "#717f96",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e",
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {

@@ -914,7 +1020,2 @@ color: "#df1c41",

declare interface TargetElement {
elementType: string;
elementName: string;
export declare type ThemeDefinition = ThemeObject | ThemeFunction;

@@ -945,2 +1046,56 @@

export declare function ThreeDSecure({ session, theme, size, onReady, onError, onSuccess, onFailure, }: ThreeDSecureProps): React_2.JSX.Element;
declare class ThreeDSecure_2 {
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, session: string, options?: ThreeDSecureOptions);
get config(): {
theme: ThemeDefinition | undefined;
config: {
session: string;
size: {
width: string;
height: string;
} | undefined;
isOverlay: boolean;
mount(selector?: SelectorType): this;
update(options?: ThreeDSecureOptions): this;
unmount(): this;
on<T extends keyof ThreeDSecureEvents>(event: T, callback: ThreeDSecureEvents[T]): () => void;
declare interface ThreeDSecureEvents {
ready: () => void;
success: () => void;
failure: () => void;
error: (error: ComponentError) => void;
export declare interface ThreeDSecureFrameClientMessages
extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_SUCCESS: undefined;
EV_FAILURE: undefined;
EV_CANCEL: undefined;
export declare interface ThreeDSecureOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
size?: { width: string; height: string };
declare interface ThreeDSecureProps {
session: string;
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
size?: {
width: string;
height: string;
onReady?: () => void;
onSuccess?: () => void;
onFailure?: () => void;
onError?: (error: ComponentError) => void;
export declare interface TranslationsObject {

@@ -962,2 +1117,4 @@ [key: string]: string | TranslationsObject | undefined;

reveal(request: Request): Reveal_2;
form(opts?: FormOptions): Form;
threeDSecure(session: string, opts?: ThreeDSecureOptions): ThreeDSecure_2;

@@ -967,2 +1124,22 @@

export declare function useThreeDSecure(opts?: UseThreeDSecureOptions): {
start: (session: string, callbacks?: UseThreeDSecureCallbacks) => void;
update: (newOptions?: UseThreeDSecureOptions) => void;
declare interface UseThreeDSecureCallbacks {
onReady?: () => void;
onSuccess?: () => void;
onFailure?: () => void;
onError?: (error: ComponentError) => void;
declare interface UseThreeDSecureOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
size?: {
width: string;
height: string;
export { }


"use client";
import * as l from "react";
import { createContext as L, useContext as C, useState as S, useRef as p, useLayoutEffect as y, useEffect as m, useMemo as B } from "react";
function T(e) {
return (t) => ({
import * as d from "react";
import { createContext as C, useContext as j, useState as S, useRef as p, useLayoutEffect as y, useEffect as g, useMemo as B, useCallback as L } from "react";
function _(o) {
return (n) => ({
styles: {

@@ -33,2 +33,34 @@ body: {

textarea: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6px 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
boxShadow: "0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03), 0px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .02)",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "#717f96"
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e"
select: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6px 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1"
button: {
fontSize: 16,
height: 40,
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
padding: "0 12px"
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {

@@ -51,8 +83,8 @@ color: "#df1c41",

...e ? t.extend(e) : {}
...o ? n.extend(o) : {}
function j(e) {
return (t) => ({
function D(o) {
return (n) => ({
styles: {

@@ -97,2 +129,18 @@ body: {

textarea: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "transparent"
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e"
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {

@@ -123,8 +171,8 @@ color: "#df1c41",

...e ? t.extend(e) : {}
...o ? n.extend(o) : {}
function _(e) {
return (t) => ({
function M(o) {
return (n) => ({
styles: {

@@ -163,2 +211,19 @@ body: {

textarea: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 0,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "6 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
boxShadow: "0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03), 0px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .02)",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "#717f96"
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e"
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {

@@ -243,123 +308,123 @@ color: "#df1c41",

...e ? t.extend(e) : {}
...o ? n.extend(o) : {}
const D = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
const G = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
clean: T,
material: j,
minimal: _
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), R = L(null);
function E() {
clean: _,
material: D,
minimal: M
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), R = C(null);
function x() {
if (typeof window > "u")
return null;
if (typeof l.useContext != "function")
if (typeof d.useContext != "function")
throw new Error(
"You must use React >= 18.0 in order to use useEvervault()"
const e = l.useContext(R);
if (!e)
const o = d.useContext(R);
if (!o)
throw new Error(
"You must wrap your app in an <EvervaultProvider> to use useEvervault()"
return e;
return o;
const P = L(
const P = C(
void 0
function k() {
const e = C(P);
if (!e)
function I() {
const o = j(P);
if (!o)
throw new Error("Reveal consumers must be used within a Reveal component");
return e;
return o;
function O({
path: e,
onCopy: t,
path: o,
onCopy: n,
}) {
const [r, a] = S(null), u = p(null), { reveal: n } = k();
return l.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !t))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("copy", t);
}, [r, t]), y(() => {
if ((!u.current || r) ?? !n)
const [i, f] = S(null), l = p(null), { reveal: e } = I();
return d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!i || !n))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("copy", n);
}, [i, n]), y(() => {
if ((!l.current || i) ?? !e)
const c = n == null ? void 0 : n.copyButton(e, o);
c.mount(u.current), a(c);
}, [n, e, o, r]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { ref: u });
const a = e == null ? void 0 : e.copyButton(o, t);
a.mount(l.current), f(a);
}, [e, o, t, i]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: l });
function M({ path: e, theme: t, format: o }) {
const [r, a] = S(null), u = p(null), { reveal: n } = k();
function Y({ path: o, theme: n, format: t }) {
const [i, f] = S(null), l = p(null), { reveal: e } = I();
return y(() => {
if ((!u.current || r) ?? !n)
if ((!l.current || i) ?? !e)
const c = n.text(e, {
theme: t,
format: o
const a = e.text(o, {
theme: n,
format: t
c.mount(u.current), a(c);
}, [n, e, t, o, r]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { ref: u });
a.mount(l.current), f(a);
}, [e, o, n, t, i]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: l });
function I({ request: e, children: t, onReady: o, onError: r }) {
const a = p(!1), u = E(), [n, c] = S(null), s = p(null);
return l.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!n || !o))
return n == null ? void 0 : n.on("ready", o);
}, [n, o]), l.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!n || !r))
return n == null ? void 0 : n.on("error", r);
}, [n, r]), m(() => {
if (!s.current || a.current)
function T({ request: o, children: n, onReady: t, onError: i }) {
const f = p(!1), l = x(), [e, a] = S(null), c = p(null);
return d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!e || !t))
return e == null ? void 0 : e.on("ready", t);
}, [e, t]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!e || !i))
return e == null ? void 0 : e.on("error", i);
}, [e, i]), g(() => {
if (!c.current || f.current)
async function f() {
a.current = !0;
const d = await u;
if (!d)
async function s() {
f.current = !0;
const r = await l;
if (!r)
const v = d.ui.reveal(e);
const v = r.ui.reveal(o);
}, [n, e, u]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement(P.Provider, { value: { reveal: n } }, /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement(l.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { ref: s }), t));
}, [e, o, l]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(P.Provider, { value: { reveal: e } }, /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(d.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: c }), n));
I.Text = M;
I.CopyButton = O;
function F({
theme: e,
fields: t,
autoFocus: o,
translations: r,
onSwipe: a,
onReady: u,
onError: n,
onChange: c,
onComplete: s
T.Text = Y;
T.CopyButton = O;
function J({
theme: o,
fields: n,
autoFocus: t,
translations: i,
onSwipe: f,
onReady: l,
onError: e,
onChange: a,
onComplete: c
}) {
const f = E(), d = p(!1), v = p(null), [i, h] = l.useState(null);
m(() => {
if (!(!i || !u))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("ready", u);
}, [i, u]), m(() => {
if (!(!i || !n))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("error", n);
}, [i, n]), m(() => {
if (!(!i || !a))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("swipe", a);
}, [i, a]), m(() => {
if (!(!i || !c))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("change", c);
}, [i, c]), m(() => {
if (!(!i || !s))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("complete", s);
}, [i, s]);
const b = B(
const s = x(), r = p(!1), v = p(null), [u, m] = d.useState(null);
g(() => {
if (!(!u || !l))
return u == null ? void 0 : u.on("ready", l);
}, [u, l]), g(() => {
if (!(!u || !e))
return u == null ? void 0 : u.on("error", e);
}, [u, e]), g(() => {
if (!(!u || !f))
return u == null ? void 0 : u.on("swipe", f);
}, [u, f]), g(() => {
if (!(!u || !a))
return u == null ? void 0 : u.on("change", a);
}, [u, a]), g(() => {
if (!(!u || !c))
return u == null ? void 0 : u.on("complete", c);
}, [u, c]);
const h = B(
() => ({
theme: e,
fields: t,
autoFocus: o,
translations: r
theme: o,
fields: n,
autoFocus: t,
translations: i
[e, r, t, o]
[o, i, n, t]

@@ -369,180 +434,248 @@ return y(() => {

async function x() {
if (d.current || !v.current)
async function b() {
if (r.current || !v.current)
d.current = !0;
const w = await f;
if (!w)
r.current = !0;
const E = await s;
if (!E)
const z = w.ui.card(b);
z.mount(v.current), h(z);
const z = E.ui.card(h);
z.mount(v.current), m(z);
i ? i.update(b) : x().catch(console.error);
}, [b, i]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { ref: v });
u ? u.update(h) : b().catch(console.error);
}, [h, u]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: v });
function G({
theme: e,
autoFocus: t,
mode: o,
inputType: r,
length: a,
onReady: u,
onChange: n,
onError: c
function K({
theme: o,
autoFocus: n,
mode: t,
inputType: i,
length: f,
onReady: l,
onChange: e,
onError: a
}) {
const s = E(), f = p(!1), [d, v] = l.useState(null), i = p(null);
l.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!d || !u))
return d == null ? void 0 : d.on("ready", u);
}, [d, u]), l.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!d || !c))
return d == null ? void 0 : d.on("error", c);
}, [d, c]), l.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!d || !n))
return d == null ? void 0 : d.on("change", n);
}, [d, n]);
const h = B(
const c = x(), s = p(!1), [r, v] = d.useState(null), u = p(null);
d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !l))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("ready", l);
}, [r, l]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !a))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("error", a);
}, [r, a]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !e))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("change", e);
}, [r, e]);
const m = B(
() => ({
theme: e,
length: a,
autoFocus: t,
mode: o,
inputType: r
theme: o,
length: f,
autoFocus: n,
mode: t,
inputType: i
[e, a, t, o, r]
[o, f, n, t, i]
return y(() => {
if (!i.current)
if (!u.current)
async function b() {
if (f.current || !i.current)
async function h() {
if (s.current || !u.current)
f.current = !0;
const x = await s;
if (!x)
s.current = !0;
const b = await c;
if (!b)
const w =;
w.mount(i.current), v(w);
const E =;
E.mount(u.current), v(E);
d ? d.update(h) : b().catch(console.error);
}, [d, h]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { ref: i });
r ? r.update(m) : h().catch(console.error);
}, [r, m]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: u });
class Y extends Promise {
async encrypt(t) {
return (await this).encrypt(t);
function N({
session: o,
theme: n,
size: t,
onReady: i,
onError: f,
onSuccess: l,
onFailure: e
}) {
const a = x(), c = d.useRef(!1), s = d.useRef(null), [r, v] = d.useState(
d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !i))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("ready", i);
}, [r, i]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !l))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("success", l);
}, [r, l]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !e))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("failure", e);
}, [r, e]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!r || !f))
return r == null ? void 0 : r.on("error", f);
}, [r, f]);
const u = d.useMemo(
() => ({
theme: n,
size: t
[n, t]
return d.useLayoutEffect(() => {
async function m() {
if (c.current)
c.current = !0;
const h = await a;
if (!h)
const b = h.ui.threeDSecure(o, u);
b.mount(s.current), v(b);
r ? r.update(u) : m().catch(console.error);
}, [r, o, u]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: s });
function Q(o) {
const n = x(), t = p(null), i = L(
(l, e) => {
if (t.current)
async function a() {
const c = await n;
c && (t.current = c.ui.threeDSecure(l, o), e != null && e.onReady && t.current.on("ready", e.onReady), e != null && e.onSuccess && t.current.on("success", e.onSuccess), e != null && e.onFailure && t.current.on("failure", e.onFailure), e != null && e.onError && t.current.on("error", e.onError), t.current.mount());
[n, o]
), f = L((l) => {
t.current && t.current.update(l);
}, []);
return {
start: i,
update: f
class U extends Promise {
async encrypt(n) {
return (await this).encrypt(n);
async decrypt(t, o) {
return (await this).decrypt(t, o);
async decrypt(n, t) {
return (await this).decrypt(n, t);
const U = "";
function V(e) {
const t = document.createElement("script");
e ? t.src = e : t.src = U;
const o = document.head || document.body;
if (!o)
const V = "";
function A(o) {
const n = document.createElement("script");
o ? n.src = o : n.src = V;
const t = document.head || document.body;
if (!t)
throw new Error(
"Expected document.body not to be null. Evervault.js requires a <body> element."
return o.appendChild(t), t;
return t.appendChild(n), n;
let g = null;
function A(e) {
return g !== null || (g = new Promise((t, o) => {
let w = null;
function H(o) {
return w !== null || (w = new Promise((n, t) => {
if (typeof window > "u") {
t(void 0);
n(void 0);
if (window.Evervault) {
console.warn("Evervault has already been loaded"), t(window.Evervault);
console.warn("Evervault has already been loaded"), n(window.Evervault);
try {
const r = V(e);
r.addEventListener("load", () => {
window.Evervault ? t(window.Evervault) : o(new Error("Evervault.js not available"));
}), r.addEventListener("error", () => {
o(new Error("Failed to load Evervault.js"));
const i = A(o);
i.addEventListener("load", () => {
window.Evervault ? n(window.Evervault) : t(new Error("Evervault.js not available"));
}), i.addEventListener("error", () => {
t(new Error("Failed to load Evervault.js"));
} catch (r) {
} catch (i) {
})), g;
})), w;
function H(e) {
const t = Promise.resolve().then(() => A(e));
let o = !1;
return t.catch((r) => {
o || console.warn(r);
}), o = !0, t.then((r) => typeof window < "u" ? window.Evervault : r ?? void 0);
function q(o) {
const n = Promise.resolve().then(() => H(o));
let t = !1;
return n.catch((i) => {
t || console.warn(i);
}), t = !0, n.then((i) => typeof window < "u" ? window.Evervault : i ?? void 0);
const J = ({
teamId: e,
appId: t,
customConfig: o,
children: r,
const W = ({
teamId: o,
appId: n,
customConfig: t,
children: i,
}) => {
if (typeof window > "u")
return /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement(R.Provider, { value: null }, r);
const u = l.useMemo(
() => new Y((n, c) => {
H(o == null ? void 0 : o.jsSdkUrl).then((s) => {
s !== void 0 ? n(new s(e, t, o)) : (console.error("Evervault.js not available"), c("Evervault.js not available"));
}).catch((s) => c(s));
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(R.Provider, { value: null }, i);
const l = d.useMemo(
() => new U((e, a) => {
q(t == null ? void 0 : t.jsSdkUrl).then((c) => {
c !== void 0 ? e(new c(o, n, t)) : (console.error("Evervault.js not available"), a("Evervault.js not available"));
}).catch((c) => a(c));
return /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement(R.Provider, { ...a, value: u }, r);
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(R.Provider, { ...f, value: l }, i);
function K({
onChange: e,
config: t,
onInputsLoad: o
function X({
onChange: o,
config: n,
onInputsLoad: t
}) {
const r = l.useId();
const i = d.useId();
if (typeof window > "u")
return /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { id: r });
const a = E(), { height: u = "auto", ...n } = t ?? {}, c = n ? { height: u, ...n } : { height: u };
return l.useEffect(() => {
a == null || a.then((s) => {
const f = s.inputs(r, c);
f == null || f.on("change", (d) => {
typeof e == "function" && e(d);
}), o && (f == null ? void 0 : f.isInputsLoaded) != null && f.isInputsLoaded instanceof Promise && f.isInputsLoaded.then(() => o());
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: i });
const f = x(), { height: l = "auto", ...e } = n ?? {}, a = e ? { height: l, ...e } : { height: l };
return d.useEffect(() => {
f == null || f.then((c) => {
const s = c.inputs(i, a);
s == null || s.on("change", (r) => {
typeof o == "function" && o(r);
}), t && (s == null ? void 0 : s.isInputsLoaded) != null && s.isInputsLoaded instanceof Promise && s.isInputsLoaded.then(() => t());
}, [a]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { id: r });
}, [f]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: i });
function N({
request: e,
config: t,
onCopy: o,
onRevealLoad: r,
onRevealError: a
function Z({
request: o,
config: n,
onCopy: t,
onRevealLoad: i,
onRevealError: f
}) {
const u = l.useId();
const l = d.useId();
if (typeof window > "u")
return /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { id: u });
const n = E(), { height: c = "auto", ...s } = t ?? {}, f = s ? { height: c, ...s } : { height: c };
return l.useEffect(() => {
n == null || n.then((d) => {
const v = d.reveal(u, e, f, o);
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: l });
const e = x(), { height: a = "auto", ...c } = n ?? {}, s = c ? { height: a, ...c } : { height: a };
return d.useEffect(() => {
e == null || e.then((r) => {
const v = r.reveal(l, o, s, t);
(v == null ? void 0 : v.isRevealLoaded) != null && v.isRevealLoaded instanceof Promise && v.isRevealLoaded.then(() => {
r && r();
}).catch((i) => {
a && a(i);
i && i();
}).catch((u) => {
f && f(u);
}, [n]), /* @__PURE__ */ l.createElement("div", { id: u });
}, [e]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: l });
export {
F as Card,
K as EvervaultInput,
J as EvervaultProvider,
N as EvervaultReveal,
G as Pin,
Y as PromisifiedEvervaultClient,
I as Reveal,
D as themes,
E as useEvervault
J as Card,
X as EvervaultInput,
W as EvervaultProvider,
Z as EvervaultReveal,
K as Pin,
U as PromisifiedEvervaultClient,
T as Reveal,
N as ThreeDSecure,
G as themes,
x as useEvervault,
Q as useThreeDSecure
"private": false,
"name": "@evervault/react",
"version": "2.6.0",
"version": "2.7.0",
"description": "React package for the Evervault SDK",

@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ "license": "MIT",

"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.3",
"types": "^0.0.0",
"themes": "^0.0.0",
"@evervault/browser": "^2.23.0",
"tsconfig": "^0.0.1"
"types": "^0.1.0",
"themes": "^0.1.1",
"tsconfig": "^0.0.1",
"@evervault/browser": "^2.26.0"

@@ -42,0 +42,0 @@ "scripts": {

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