--skeleton-carousel | Mixin applied to the carousel | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-min-height | Carousel minimum height | 300px |
--skeleton-carousel-container | Mixin applied to the container | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-container-horizontal | Mixin applied to horizontal container | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-container-vertical | Mixin applied to vertical container | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-item | Mixin applied to slotted item | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-item-selected | Mixin applied to slotted selected item | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-controls | Mixin applied to the controls | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-controls-horizontal | Mixin applied to horizontal controls | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-controls-vertical | Mixin applied to vertical controls | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-dots | Mixin applied to dots container | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-dot | Mixin applied to each dot | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-dot-color | Dot color | var(--paper-grey-900) |
--skeleton-carousel-dot-selected | Mixin applied to selected dot | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-dot-disabled | Mixin applied to selected dot | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-nav | Mixin applied to navigation buttons | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-nav-color | Navigation buttons color | var(--paper-grey-900) |
--skeleton-carousel-nav-disabled | Mixin applied to disabled navigation | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-nav-disabled-color | Navigation buttons disabled color | var(--paper-grey-900) |
--skeleton-carousel-nav-prev | Mixin applied to previous button | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-nav-next | Mixin applied to next button | {} |
--skeleton-carousel-transition | Transition mixin () | {} |