The status-bar showing the progress of uploading/downloading process with possiblity to cancel/retry.
From NPM
The plugin is on NPM as @filerobot/status-bar
npm install --save @filerobot/status-bar
import StatusBar from '@filerobot/status-bar'
filerobot.use(StatusBar, optionsObject)
From CDN
The plugin from CDN is found inside Filerobot
global object Filerobot.StatusBar
const StatusBar = window.Filerobot.StatusBar
filerobot.use(StatusBar, optionsObject)
If you are using @filerobot/file-explorer
pluign you don't need to manually import this plugin as it is being imported automatically there with its styles and the default id FileExplorer:StatusBar
Unless the FileExplorer id is changed then it would be respected.
Plugin's styles
import '@filerobot/core/dist/style.css'
import '@filerobot/status-bar/dist/style.css'
or if you prefer the minified version
import '@filerobot/core/dist/style.min.css'
import '@filerobot/status-bar/dist/style.min.css'
The plugin's css file should be imported after the [Core](Link TBD)'s css file for having the styles shown correctly.
target: string
default: null
The selector or filerobot's plugin that would be used for mounting the Status bar into.
id: string
default: 'StatusBar'
An unique identifier for the plugin to be indentified between the other plugins through it.
hideUploadButton: boolean
default: false
Hides the upload button shown in the status bar when there is new file(s) added when there is an uploading in progress.
hideRetryButton: boolean
default: false
Hides the retry button shown in the status bar when there any upload failed.
hideCancelButton: boolean
default: false
Hides the cancel button shown in the status bar when the upload process starts.
showProgressDetails: boolean
default: true
Hides the progress details shown in the status bar if true
ex. (1 of 3 files uploaded, 450 KB of 1.5 MB uploaded, 30s ETA)
locale: object
default: default locales
Customizing some of the translations or the language's strings and replace the default locale.