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@flourish/colors - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.1.2 to 6.1.4


"name": "@flourish/colors",
"version": "6.1.2",
"version": "6.1.4",
"description": "Adds color settings",

@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ "main": "colors.js",

"minify": "uglifyjs -m -o colors.min.js colors.js",
"precommit": "lint-staged"
"precommit": "lint-staged",
"test": "npm run build; mocha"

@@ -19,5 +20,7 @@ "author": "Kiln Enterprises Ltd",

"@flourish/eslint-plugin-flourish": "^0.7.2",
"chai": "^4.3.6",
"eslint": "^4.19.1",
"husky": "^0.14.3",
"lint-staged": "^7.3.0",
"mocha": "^10.0.0",
"rollup": "^0.41.1",

@@ -24,0 +27,0 @@ "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^3.3.0",

@@ -9,2 +9,12 @@ # Flourish colors

## Unit tests
Test using:
`npm run test`
Test a specific test file using:
`npx mocha test/name-of-test.test.mjs`
## Basic usage

@@ -47,2 +57,2 @@

`colors.updateColorScale(domain)` updates the color scale based on the `domain` array.
`colors.updateColorScale(domain)` updates the color scale based on the `domain` array. In general the domain array is an array of data values that the scale should be based on. For a categorical scale, this'll be an array of strings. For numeric (sequential or diverging) scales, this'll be an array of numbers (e.g. `[10, 50, 30, 20, 50, 10, 30, 60, 100, 90]`).

@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

# 6.1.4
* Return null from color functions if null is input
# 6.1.3
* Improve binning of custom diverging scales
# 6.1.2

@@ -2,0 +8,0 @@ * Set categorical color scales for all non-numeric typed domains

@@ -1,40 +0,186 @@

import { scaleQuantize, scaleQuantile, scaleThreshold } from "d3-scale";
import { scaleLinear, scaleQuantize, scaleQuantile, scaleThreshold } from "d3-scale";
import { range } from "d3-array";
export function binnedScale(state, domain, values, interpolator) {
function ascendingSort(a, b) { return a - b; }
function getFixedSizeThresholds(state, domain) {
var domain_min = domain[0];
var domain_max = domain[domain.length - 1];
var centers = [], thresholds, n;
if (state.bin_mode == "custom") {
thresholds = state.bin_thresholds
.filter(function (val) { return !isNaN(val); })
n = thresholds.length + 1;
var scale = scaleQuantize().domain([domain_min, domain_max]);
var n = Math.floor(state.bin_count);
var thresholds = scale.thresholds();
return thresholds;
function getQuantileThresholds(state, domain, values) {
var scale = scaleQuantile().domain(values);
var n = Math.floor(state.bin_count);
var thresholds = scale.quantiles();
return thresholds;
function getCustomThresholds(state) {
var thresholds = state.bin_thresholds
.filter(function (val) { return !isNaN(val) && val !== null; })
return thresholds;
function getThresholds(state, domain, values) {
var thresholds;
if (state.bin_mode == "fixed") {
thresholds = getFixedSizeThresholds(state, domain, values);
else if (state.bin_mode == "quantile") {
thresholds = getQuantileThresholds(state, domain, values);
else {
n = Math.floor(state.bin_count);
thresholds = [];
thresholds = getCustomThresholds(state);
var palette = interpolatePalette(interpolator, n, domain);
var scale;
if (state.bin_mode == "fixed") scale = scaleQuantize().domain([domain_min, domain_max]);
else if (state.bin_mode == "quantile") scale = scaleQuantile().domain(values);
else scale = scaleThreshold().domain(thresholds);
return thresholds;
if (!thresholds.length) {
palette.colors.forEach(function (color, i) {
if (i) thresholds.push(scale.invertExtent(color)[0]);
function getBinCenters(min, thresholds, max) {
var centers = [];
if (thresholds.length === 0) return [0.5 * (min + max)];
centers.push(0.5 * (min + thresholds[0]));
for (var i = 0; i < thresholds.length - 1; i++) {
centers.push(0.5 * (thresholds[i] + thresholds[i + 1]));
centers.push(0.5 * (max + thresholds[thresholds.length - 1]));
thresholds.forEach(function (threshold, i) {
if (i < (thresholds.length - 1)) centers.push((thresholds[i + 1] + threshold) / 2);
return centers;
function getIndexOfBinCenterAtDomainMid(centers, domain_mid) {
var found_index, tolerance = 1e-3;
centers.forEach(function(d, i) {
if (Math.abs(d - domain_mid) < tolerance) {
found_index = i;
return found_index;
function getNumberOfPreMidBinCenters(centers, domain_mid) {
var num = 0;
centers.forEach(function(d) {
if (d < domain_mid) num++;
return num;
function pushSamples(n, offset, sample_scale, colorInterpolator, colors) {
for (var i = 1 + offset; i <= n + offset; i++) {
function sampleColors(domain, bin_centers, colorInterpolator) {
// Sample colors from colorInterpolator
// Sequential is straightforward (just sample evenly)
// Diverging is less straightforward (sample evenly below 0.5 and above 0.5 of the colorInterpolator)
var n_bins = bin_centers.length;
var sample_scale = scaleLinear(); // sample_scale is used to evenly sample colors across a domain
var colors = [];
if (n_bins === 1) {
else if (domain.length === 2) {
sample_scale.domain([1, n_bins]).range([0, 1]);
pushSamples(n_bins, 0, sample_scale, colorInterpolator, colors);
else if (n_bins === 2) {
// DIVERGING (2 bins)
// Use the min/max values of colorInterpolator
else {
// DIVERGING (>2 bins)
var domain_mid = domain[1];
var pre_mid_n; // number of bin centers < domain_mid
var post_mid_n; // number of bin centers > domain_mid
// mid_i is the index within bin_centers of domain_mid (returns undefined if non-existent)
var mid_i = getIndexOfBinCenterAtDomainMid(bin_centers, domain_mid);
if (mid_i) {
// Special case: one of the bin centers is equal to domain_mid
// Sample color scale at:
// - the first pre_mid_n samples from (pre_mid_n + 1) samples between 0 and 0.5
// - 0.5
// - the last post_mid_n samples from (post_mid_n + 1) samples between 0.5 and 1
pre_mid_n = mid_i;
post_mid_n = n_bins - mid_i - 1;
sample_scale.domain([1, pre_mid_n + 1]).range([0, 0.5]);
pushSamples(pre_mid_n, 0, sample_scale, colorInterpolator, colors);
sample_scale.domain([1, post_mid_n + 1]).range([0.5, 1]);
pushSamples(post_mid_n, 1, sample_scale, colorInterpolator, colors);
else {
// Take color samples either side of colorInterpolator's midpoint (0.5)
pre_mid_n = getNumberOfPreMidBinCenters(bin_centers, domain_mid);
post_mid_n = n_bins - pre_mid_n;
sample_scale.domain([1, pre_mid_n + 1]).range([0, 0.5]);
pushSamples(pre_mid_n, 0, sample_scale, colorInterpolator, colors);
sample_scale.domain([1, post_mid_n + 1]).range([0.5, 1]);
pushSamples(post_mid_n, 1, sample_scale, colorInterpolator, colors);
return colors;
export function binnedScale(state, domain, values, colorInterpolator) {
// Returns a binned scale
// colorInterpolator (whose domain is [0, 1]) defines the colour range
// domain is a 2 or 3 element array that defines the domain of the input data
// values is the input data
// The method is:
// - get thresholds across domain (getThresholds)
// - compute midpoints between each threshold (getThresholdMidpoints)
// - sample evenly across colour scale (sampleColors)
// - return quantile or threshold scale using colour samples as range
var thresholds = getThresholds(state, domain, values);
var domain_min = domain[0];
var domain_max = domain[domain.length - 1];
var bin_centers = getBinCenters(domain_min, thresholds, domain_max);
var colors = sampleColors(domain, bin_centers, colorInterpolator);
var scale;
if (state.bin_mode == "quantile") {
scale = scaleQuantile().domain(values);
else {
scale = scaleThreshold().domain(thresholds);
var colorScale = function (value) {
return !isNaN(value) ? scale(value) : null;
return isNaN(value) || value === null ? null : scale(value);

@@ -44,19 +190,5 @@

colorScale.thresholds = Object.freeze(thresholds);
colorScale.centers = Object.freeze(centers);
colorScale.centers = Object.freeze(bin_centers);
return colorScale;
function interpolatePalette(interpolator, n, domain) {
var step = 1 / n;
var positions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var pos = i / n + step / 2;
var val = domain[0] + pos * (domain[domain.length - 1] - domain[0]);
var colors =;
return { positions: positions, colors: colors };
function ascendingSort(a, b) { return a - b; }

@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ import { scaleDiverging } from "d3-scale";

if (state.diverging_custom_domain) {
if (state.binning) domain[1] = state.diverging_domain_mid;
else domain = [state.diverging_domain_min, state.diverging_domain_mid, state.diverging_domain_max];
domain = [state.diverging_domain_min, state.diverging_domain_mid, state.diverging_domain_max];
var interpolate = function(t) {
var colorInterpolator = function(t) {
var interpolation = INTERPOLATORS[state.diverging_palette] || getCustomInterpolator(state);

@@ -52,5 +51,7 @@ if (state.diverging_reverse) return interpolation(1 - t);

var scale = scaleDiverging(interpolate).domain(domain);
if (state.binning) return binnedScale(state, domain, values, colorInterpolator);
var scale = scaleDiverging(colorInterpolator).domain(domain);
var colorScale = function (value) {
return !isNaN(value) ? scale(value) : null;
return isNaN(value) || value === null ? null : scale(value);

@@ -61,4 +62,3 @@

if (!state.binning) return colorScale;
else return binnedScale(state, domain, values, colorScale);
return colorScale;

@@ -65,0 +65,0 @@

@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ import { scaleSequential } from "d3-scale";

function getSequentialFunction(state, values) {
var domain = state.sequential_custom_domain && !state.binning ? [state.sequential_domain_min, state.sequential_domain_max] : getDomain(values);
var interpolate = function (t) {
var domain = state.sequential_custom_domain ? [state.sequential_domain_min, state.sequential_domain_max] : getDomain(values);
var colorInterpolator = function (t) {
var interpolation = INTERPOLATORS[state.sequential_palette] || getCustomInterpolator(state);

@@ -60,11 +60,14 @@ if (state.sequential_reverse) return interpolation(1 - t);

var scale = scaleSequential(interpolate).domain(domain);
if (state.binning) return binnedScale(state, domain, values, colorInterpolator);
var scale = scaleSequential(colorInterpolator).domain(domain);
var colorScale = function (value) {
return !isNaN(value) ? scale(value) : null;
return isNaN(value) || value === null ? null : scale(value);
colorScale.domain = Object.freeze(domain);
if (!state.binning) return colorScale;
else return binnedScale(state, domain, values, colorScale);
return colorScale;
export { getSequentialFunction };

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