A Sample RandomGif UI Component
This is a sample UI Component built using fractal-component to its component reusability.
API / Interface
Component Properties
- apiKey: Giphy.com API key. If not set, default one will be used
- showButton: Boolean. Whether a click button should be shown. You will want to hide the button when you reuse this component to create a new component. e.g.
Action Interface
Outgoing Actions
- NEW_GIF: Send out when a new gif url has been retrieved from Giphy.com
- LOADING_START: Send out when loading is started
- LOADING_COMPLETE: Send out when loading is completed
Outgoing Actions
- REQUEST_NEW_GIF: Will attempt to get a random Gif from Giphy.com when receive this action
Giphy.com API key
This comes with a testing Giphy.com API key in order to retrieve random Gifs from https://giphy.com/. The api key is limted to 40 requests per hour.
You can create your own API key from https://developers.giphy.com/ and set the API key by api
property. e.g.
<Random apiKey="xxxxxxxx" />