Fueled Frontend ESLint Configuration
is a private package in the @fueled
organization. Before installing, ensure that you have authenticated any future requests by logging in to NPM in the command line, and also that you are part of the @fueled
organization. For help with either of these, reach out to one of the Leads in the Frontend Web team.
First, install the global eslint config and the shared peer dependencies:
npm install --save-dev @fueled/eslint-config-frontend-web eslint-config-esnext
Create a .eslintrc.js
file at the root of your directory (and ensure that eslintConfig
is removed package.json
) with the following:
module.exports = {
env: {
'node': true,
extends: [
'settings': {},
'rules': {},
To run the linter on a directory of files:
$ eslint --ext .js ./path/to/src
If the project setup tool that was used (Vue CLI, Create React App etc) has an existing npm run lint
rule, ensure that this is replaced with the command above.
For React projects, swap @fueled/frontend-web
for @fueled/frontend-web/lib/react
, and run the same command to run the linter.
If Create React App is used to setup the project there will be a number of errors thrown against ~/src/serviceWorker.js
which can be ignored by adding /* eslint-disable */
at the start of the file, and // eslint-disable-line import/no-namespace
to the end of the line importing * as serviceWorker
in ~/src/index.js
You will also need to install the React peer dependencies:
`npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`
For Vue projects, swap @fueled/frontend-web
for @fueled/frontend-web/lib/vue
, and add ,.vue
to the file extensions when running the linter:
$ eslint --ext .js,.vue ./path/to/src
You will also need to install the Vue peer dependencies:
`npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-vue eslint-plugin-vue-a11y`
Common Errors
Because the Fueled Frontend linter is a little more aggressive than other defaults, there are a few rules that might break out of the box with Vue CLI or Create React App. Some are formatting changes that should be easily fixed by using the Fueled Frontend Prettier Config, however others require a bit more massaging:
is a developer's friend, but should only make it into production in rare circumstances – logging analytics calls for example. As such no-console
is set to error
where process.env.NODE_ENV
is production
, and warn
everywhere else. This ensures that it doesn't slow down local development, but will still trigger linting errors when pushing PR builds or deploying to production.
For instances where it is necessary to keep the console.log
use /* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
Best practice for using process.env
variables is to create a config.js
file at the root of the application, and then export the necessary environment variables.
Here is an example config.js
file (note the eslint-disable
to allow the correct use of process.env
in this file), and the necessary changes to router/index.js
in a Vue CLI project:
+ /* eslint-disable no-process-env */
+ export const ENV_BASE_URL = process.env.BASE_URL;
+ import { ENV_BASE_URL } from '../config.js';
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
- base: process.env.BASE_URL,
+ base: ENV_BASE_URL,
Project-specific Rules
Wherever possible no amendments should be made to @fueled/eslint-config-frontend-web
, however in rare edge cases (notably for legacy projects with existing configurations that differ from this standard) it is necessary to have overrides.
To add project-specific overrides, use rules
as you would ordinarily to add new or change existing rule sets:
module.exports = {
rules: {
quotes: [2, 'single', {
'allowTemplateLiterals': true,
Webpack import/no-unresolved
For non-standard webpack configuration, it may be necessary to make use of eslint-import-resolver-webpack. An example being the use of resourceQuery
to conditionally inline SVGs; this would trigger an error similar to:
error Unable to resolve path to module './images/foo.svg?inline' import/no-unresolved
To fix this, install eslint-import-resolver-webpack and configure it within the settings
object in .eslintrc.js
using the path to the webpack configuration. For Vue CLI this needs to be resolved from @vue/cli-service
– config: require.resolve('@vue/cli-service/webpack.config.js')
You may also have require: an aditional import/ignore
array to ensure that only the necessary files are linted:
module.exports = {
settings: {
'import/ignore': [
'import/resolver': {
webpack: {
config: './path/to/webpack/config',
is triggered on <button>
, <a>
etc. It should be ignored with <!-- eslint-disable …
as per the issue.