Django IPware
A node library for server applications retrieving user's real IP address
Best attempt to get client's IP address while keeping it DRY.
There is not a good out-of-the-box solution against fake IP addresses, aka IP Address Spoofing.
You are encouraged to read the (Advanced users) section of this page and
use trusted proxy prefixes
and/or proxy count
features to match your needs, especially if you are
planning to include ipware
in any authentication, security or anti-fraud
related architecture.
How to install
npm install @fullerstack/nax-ipware
OR yarn add @fullerstack/nax-ipware
How to use
# In a view or a middleware where the `request` object is available
import {Ipware} from '@fullerstack/nax-ipware';
const ipware = new Ipware();
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
const clientIp = ipware.getClientIP(req)
Advanced users:
Precedence Order
The default meta precedence order is top to bottom. However, you may customize the order
by providing your own IPWARE_META_PRECEDENCE_ORDER
by adding it to your project's
export const IPWARE_HEADERS_IP_ATTRIBUTES_ORDER: string[] = [
, you can provide your custom request header meta precedence order when calling getClientIP()
ipware.getClientIP(request, {
requestHeadersOrder: ['X_FORWARDED_FOR'],
ipware.getClientIP(request, {
requestHeadersOrder: ['X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'],
Private Prefixes
You may customize the prefixes to indicate an IP address is private. This is done by passing your
during creation of Ipware() object, or through each call.
IP addresses matching the following prefixes are considered private
& are not publicly routable.
Trusted Proxies
If your node server is behind one or more known proxy server(s), you can filter out unwanted requests
by providing the trusted
proxy list bu calling ipware.getClientIpByTrustedProxies(request, options);
In the following example, your load balancer (LB) can be seen as a trusted
`Real` Client <public> <---> <public> LB (Server) <private> <--------> <private> Django Server
`Fake` Client <private> <---> <private> LB (Server) <private> ---^
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByTrustedProxies(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyIpPrefixes: ['']
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByTrustedProxies(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyIpPrefixes: ['', '']
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByTrustedProxies(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyIpPrefixes: ['177.139.', '177.140']
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByTrustedProxies(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyIpPrefixes: ['177.139.233.', '177.139.240']
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByTrustedProxies(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyIpPrefixes: ['177.139.', '177.140'],
proxyCount: 2
Proxy Count
If your Django server is behind a known
number of proxy server(s), you can filter out unwanted requests
by providing the number
of proxies when calling ipware.getClientIpByProxyCount(request, options);
In the following example, your load balancer (LB) can be seen as the only
`Real` Client <public> <---> <public> LB (Server) <private> <--------> <private> Django Server
`Fake` Client <private> ---^
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByProxyCount(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyCount: 1
const ipInfo = ipware.getClientIpByProxyCount(request, {
proxy: {
enabled: true,
proxyCount: 1,
proxyIpPrefixes: ['177.139.233.']
Originating Request
If your proxy server is configured such that the right-most IP address is that of the originating client, you
can indicate right-most
as your order
when calling any api.
Please note that the de-facto standard
for the originating client IP address is the left-most
as per client, proxy1, proxy2
Running the tests
To run the tests against the current environment:
yarn nx test nax-ipware
Released under a (MIT) license.
X.Y.Z Version
`MAJOR` version -- making incompatible API changes
`MINOR` version -- adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
`PATCH` version -- making backwards-compatible bug fixes
Neekware Inc.