Semantic Types
Type Interface
name: "type name",
alias: ["type alias"],
defaultValue: null,
sanitize: (value, meta, i18n, path) => sanitized,
serialize: (value, meta) => string
Common Type Meta
- {boolean} rawValue - Keep raw value, do not transform
- {boolean} optional - No error throw if value is null and default is null
- {any} default = Default value if value is null
Enumerable Types
Validation Error
- message
- status = 400
- info = { value, meta, [i18n], [path] }
- datetimeParser
- bigintWriter
- preProcess - [sync/async] (value, meta, opts: { rawValue, i18n, path }) => [ finished, processedValue ] or [ false ]
- postProcess - [sync/async] (value, meta, opts: { rawValue, i18n, path }) => processedValue
Note: if preProcess or postProcess is async function, sanitize_ should be called instead of sanitize