This a built-in plugin to the Gasket CLI used to set up new apps with git
repositories when using the gasket create command.
The features of this plugin hooks are in the lifecycles it hooks during the
create process.
The prompt
will ask users during the create command if they wish to initialize
a git repo or not. This prompt will set the gitInit
property of the create
context. It is possible to default this in a preset, by setting this in the
preset's package.json, under a gasket.create
In the following example, when a new app is created with this preset, a git repo
will always be initialized, and the user not prompted.
"name": "gasket-preset-example",
"version": "1.2.3",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"@gasket/resolve": "^2.0.0",
"gasket-plugin-example": "^1.0.0"
"gasket": {
"create" : {
"gitInit": true
During the create
lifecycle, .gitignore and .gitattributes templates will be
registered to be generated for the app.
If you have a plugin which needs to add git ignore rules, in the create
lifecycle hook of your plugin, you can access gitignore
helper to add rules.
Rules can be added to different categories which will group them under comments.
The gitignore
helper will only be placed on the CreateContext when this plugin
is configured and gitInit
is true, either by preset config or prompt.
Example adding gitignore
module.exports = {
id: 'gasket-plugin-example',
hooks: {
create(gasket, createContext) {
const { gitignore } = createContext;
if(gitignore) {
gitignore.add(['file1.js', 'dir2/']);
gitignore.add('node_modules', 'dependencies');
The resulting .gitignore
that is generated will have all the added gitignore
rules and comments for categories.
# -- .gitignore file --
# dependencies
After all the app contents are generated, this plugin's postCreate hook will
make a first commit for the generated files. The timing for this hook is set to
run last. It is important when creating plugins that implement postCreate
hooks, that their timings do come after the Git plugin, especially if
modifying files, otherwise those modifications will not be part of the first
See plugin hook timings for more information.