Gemeente Nijmegen Api Client
An HTTP Api Client module. Used for applications requiring mutual TLS, backed by config in AWS.
How to use
Install using npm:
npm i @gemeentenijmegen/apiclient
The client expects either the following environment parameters to be set, or to be provided a client certificate, private key and root ca:
MTLS_PRIVATE_KEY_ARN // AWS Arn to the secrets manager ARN holding the private key
MTLS_CLIENT_CERT_NAME // The name of an SSM parameter holding the client certificate
MTLS_ROOT_CA_NAME // The name of an SSM parameter holding the root ca
Example use:
// create a client
const apiClient = new ApiClient();
// init (get parameters from store etc.)
await apiClient.init();
// Use the client to perform a POST request and get responses.
const data = await apiClient.postData('/test', { data: 'test ' }, {'Content-type': 'application/json'});
// Use the client to perform a GET request and get data.
const data = await apiClient.getData('/test', {'Content-type': 'application/json'});
The request can throw an error, the actual message is logged, a generic Error is thrown.