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Geocoder autocomplete field

  • 1.5.0
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Geoapify Geocoder Autocomplete

Geoapify Geocoder Autocomplete is a JavaScript(TypeScript) library that provides autocomplete functionality for the Geoapify Geocoding API:

  • adds an input field to a given container;
  • makes calls to Geocoding API on user input;
  • shows place suggestions in a dropdown list;
  • notifies on suggestions change;
  • makes a call to Place Details API to get more information and geometry on user selection if is not skipped;
  • notifies on selection change. Returns Geocoding API object or Place Details API object depending on options set.

The library makes a call to Geoapify Place Details API on user select events. The API lets to get detailed information about the place selected as well as place category and place geometry (building polygon or region boundary). Note, that the Place Details API call costs an additional 'geocoding & places' request. Use the skipDetails option to switch the functionality off.

You can also:

  • specify a location type - country, state, city, postcode, street, amenity;
  • filter results by country, circle or boundary box
  • prioritize search by a location, boundary box, circle, and countries
  • select a language for search results;
  • change result number shown in the dropdown list.

Live demo

JSFiddle demo

Add Geocoder Autocomplete to your project or webpage

STEP 0. Get an API key from Geoapify

You will need an API key to execute Geoapify Geocoding requests. Register and get an API key for Free on Geoapify has a Freemium pricing model. You can start for Free and extend when you need it.

STEP 1. Add the Geocoder Autocomplete package
  • Option 1. Install the Geocoder Autocomplete package with NPM or Yarn project manager:
npm install @geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete
# or 
yarn add @geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete
  • Option 2. Refer to the Geocoder Autocomplete library as a UMD module (for CMS websites, including WordPress):
        <script src=".../index.min.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".../minimal.css">

You can use UNPKG to refer or download the library:^1/dist/index.min.js^1/styles/minimal.css

STEP 2. Add a container element to webpage

The autocomplete input will be added into the container element and will take the element full width:

<div id="autocomplete" class="autocomplete-container"></div>

The container element must have position: absolute; or position: relative;

.autocomplete-container {
    position: relative;
STEP 3. Initialize the autocomplete field
  • Option 1. Import the Geocoder Autocomplete types when you use it as a module:
import { GeocoderAutocomplete } from '@geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete';

const autocomplete = new GeocoderAutocomplete(
                        { /* Geocoder options */ });

autocomplete.on('select', (location) => {
    // check selected location here 

autocomplete.on('suggestions', (suggestions) => {
    // process suggestions here
  • Option 2. Refer to the Geocoder Autocomplete as autocomplete when you added it as a script:
const autocompleteInput = new autocomplete.GeocoderAutocomplete(
                        { /* Geocoder options */ });

autocompleteInput.on('select', (location) => {
    // check selected location here 

autocompleteInput.on('suggestions', (suggestions) => {
    // process suggestions here
STEP 4. Choose Geoapify autocomplete styles:

We provide several Themes within the library:

  • minimal and round-borders - for webpages with light background color
  • minimal-dark and round-borders-dark for webpages with dark background color.

You can import the appropriate css-file to your styles:

 @import "~@geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete/styles/minimal.css";

or as a link in a HTML-file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="^1/styles/minimal.css">

Geoapify Geocoder options

typecountry, state, city, postcode, street, amenityType of the location
langLanguageCodeResults language
limitnumberThe maximal number of returned suggestions
placeholderstringAn input field placeholder
debounceDelaynumberA delay between user input and the API call to prevent unnecessary calls. The default value is 100ms.
skipIconsbooleanDon't add icons to suggestions
skipDetailsbooleanSkip Place Details API call on selection change
skipSelectionOnArrowKeybooleanDon't choose the location with the arrow keys
filterFilterOptionsFilter places by country, boundary, circle, place
biasBiasOptionsPrefer places by country, boundary, circle, location
allowNonVerifiedHouseNumberbooleanAllow the addition of house numbers that are not verified by the Geocoding API or missing in the database. Check the "Working with non-verified values" section for details.
allowNonVerifiedStreetbooleanAllow the addition of streets that are not verified by the Geocoding API or missing in the database. Check the "Working with non-verified values" section for details.

2-character ISO 639-1 language code: ab, aa, af, ak, sq, am, ar, an, hy, as, av, ae, ay, az, bm, ba, eu, be, bn, bh, bi, bs, br, bg, my, ca, ch, ce, ny, zh, cv, kw, co, cr, hr, cs, da, dv, nl, en, eo, et, ee, fo, fj, fi, fr, ff, gl, ka, de, el, gn, gu, ht, ha, he, hz, hi, ho, hu, ia, id, ie, ga, ig, ik, io, is, it, iu, ja, jv, kl, kn, kr, ks, kk, km, ki, rw, ky, kv, kg, ko, ku, kj, la, lb, lg, li, ln, lo, lt, lu, lv, gv, mk, mg, ms, ml, mt, mi, mr, mh, mn, na, nv, nb, nd, ne, ng, nn, no, ii, nr, oc, oj, cu, om, or, os, pa, pi, fa, pl, ps, pt, qu, rm, rn, ro, ru, sa, sc, sd, se, sm, sg, sr, gd, sn, si, sk, sl, so, st, es, su, sw, ss, sv, ta, te, tg, th, ti, bo, tk, tl, tn, to, tr, ts, tt, tw, ty, ug, uk, ur, uz, ve, vi, vo, wa, cy, wo, fy, xh, yi, yo, za.


The Geocoder Autocomplete allows specify the following types of filters:

NameFilterFilter ValueDescriptionExamples
By circlecircle{ lon: number ,lat: number, radiusMeters: number }Search places inside the circlefilter['circle'] = {lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968, radiusMeters: 5000}
By rectanglerect{ lon1: number ,lat1: number, lon2: number ,lat2: number}Search places inside the rectanglefilter['rect'] = {lon1: 89.097540, lat1: 39.668983, lon2: -88.399274, lat2: 40.383412}
By countrycountrycodeCountyCode[]Search places in the countriesfilter['countrycode'] = ['de', 'fr', 'es']
By placeplacestringSearch for places within a given city or postal code. For example, search for streets within a city. Use the 'place_id' returned by another search to specify a filter.filter['place'] = '51ac66e77e9826274059f9426dc08c114840f00101f901dcf3000000000000c00208'

You can provide filters as initial options or add by calling a function:

    options.filter = {
        'circle': {lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968, radiusMeters: 5000}

    // or

    autocomplete.addFilterByCircle({lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968, radiusMeters: 5000});

You can combine several filters (but only one of each type) in one request. The AND logic is applied to the multiple filters.


You can chage priority of the search by setting bias. The Geocoder Autocomplete allows specify the following types of bias:

NameBiasBias ValueDescriptionExamples
By circlecircle{ lon: number ,lat: number, radiusMeters: number }First, search places inside the circle, then worldwidebias['circle'] = {lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968, radiusMeters: 5000}
By rectanglerect{ lon1: number ,lat1: number, lon2: number ,lat2: number}First, search places inside the rectangle, then worldwidebias['rect'] = {lon1: 89.097540, lat1: 39.668983, lon2: -88.399274, lat2: 40.383412}
By countrycountrycodeCountyCode[]First, search places in the countries, then worldwidebias['countrycode'] = ['de', 'fr', 'es']
By locationproximity{lon: number ,lat: number}Prioritize results by farness from the locationbias['proximity'] = {lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968}

You can combine several bias parameters (but only one of each type) in one request. The OR logic is applied to the multiple bias.

NOTE! The default bias for the geocoding requests is "countrycode:auto", the API detects a country by IP address and provides the search there first. Set bias['countrycode'] = ['none'] to avoid prioritization by country.

You can provide filters as initial options or add by calling a function:

    options.bias = {
        'circle': {lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968, radiusMeters: 5000},
        'countrycode': ['none']

    // or

    autocomplete.addBiasByCircle({lon: -87.770231, lat: 41.878968, radiusMeters: 5000});

  • Use 'auto' to detect the country by IP address;
  • Use 'none' to skip;
  • 2-digits ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code: ad, ae, af, ag, ai, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, as, at, au, aw, az, ba, bb, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bm, bn, bo, br, bs, bt, bv, bw, by, bz, ca, cc, cd, cf, cg, ch, ci, ck, cl, cm, cn, co, cr, cu, cv, cx, cy, cz, de, dj, dk, dm, do, dz, ec, ee, eg, eh, er, es, et, eu, fi, fj, fk, fm, fo, fr, ga, gb, gd, ge, gf, gh, gi, gl, gm, gn, gp, gq, gr, gs, gt, gu, gw, gy, hk, hm, hn, hr, ht, hu, id, ie, il, in, io, iq, ir, is, it, jm, jo, jp, ke, kg, kh, ki, km, kn, kp, kr, kw, ky, kz, la, lb, lc, li, lk, lr, ls, lt, lu, lv, ly, ma, mc, md, me, mg, mh, mk, ml, mm, mn, mo, mp, mq, mr, ms, mt, mu, mv, mw, mx, my, mz, na, nc, ne, nf, ng, ni, nl, no, np, nr, nu, nz, om, pa, pe, pf, pg, ph, pk, pl, pm, pr, ps, pt, pw, py, qa, re, ro, rs, ru, rw, sa, sb, sc, sd, se, sg, sh, si, sj, sk, sl, sm, sn, so, sr, st, sv, sy, sz, tc, td, tf, tg, th, tj, tk, tm, tn, to, tr, tt, tv, tw, tz, ua, ug, um, us, uy, uz, va, vc, ve, vg, vi, vn, vu, wf, ws, ye, yt, za, zm, zw.

Learn more about Geoapify Geocoder options on Geoapify Documentation page.

Set option with API

The library provides an API that allows to set Geoapify Geocoder options during runtime:

const autocomplete = new GeocoderAutocomplete(...);

// set location type
// set results language
// set dropdown elements limit

// set filter

// set bias

// get and change dropdown list state
Set display value

You can also set initial value or change display value:

const autocomplete = new GeocoderAutocomplete(...);


Hooks and suggestions filter

By adding preprocessing and post-processing hooks and suggestions filter you can change the entered/displayed values and suggestions list:

  • Preprocess Hook - you can modify the text to search. For example, if you expect that the user enters a street name you can add a city or postcode to search streets in the city.
  • Postprocess Hook - you can modify the text that will be displayed in the input field and suggestions list. For example, you can show only a street name.
  • Suggestions Filter - allows filtering some suggestions. It lets to avoid duplicated results when you modify the address with a post-process hook. For example, suggestions may contain several addresses with the same street name, they will be duplicated when not the whole address but only the street name is shown.

// add preprocess hook
autocomplete.setPreprocessHook((value: string) => {
    // return augmented value here
    return `${value} ${someAdditionalInfo}`

// remove the hook

autocomplete.setPostprocessHook((feature) => {
    // feature is GeoJSON feature containing structured address
    // return a part of the address to be displayed

// remove the hook

autocomplete.setSuggestionsFilter((features: any[]) => {
    // features is an array of GeoJSON features, that contains suggestions
    // return filtered array
    const processedStreets = [];
    const filtered = features.filter(feature => {
        if (! || processedStreets.indexOf( >= 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    return filtered;

// remove the filter

Geocoder Autocomplete events

You can add event listeners to the Geocoder Autocomplete:

autocomplete.on('select', (location) => {
    // check selected location here 

autocomplete.on('suggestions', (suggestions) => {
    // process suggestions here

autocomplete.on('input', (userInput) => {
    // process user input here

autocomplete.on('open', () => {
    // dropdown list is opened 

autocomplete.on('close', () => {
    // dropdown list is closed 

autocomplete.once('open', () => {
    // dropdown list is opened, one time callback

autocomplete.once('close', () => {
    // dropdown list is closed, one time callback

The location have GeoJSON.Feature type, suggestions have GeoJSON.Feature[] type. The feature properties contain information about address and location.

Use off() function to remove event listerers:

// remove open event'open', this.onOpen);

// remove all open events'open');

Learn more about Geocoder result properties on Geoapify Documentation page.

Working with non-verified values

If you are considering using the Geocoder Autocomplete library to collect postal addresses, it is best to make it more tolerant and allow adding non-verified address parts - house numbers and streets. For example, it may occur that new streets or houses are not yet included in the databases. Therefore, restricting customer addresses will not be a proper strategy. To allow users to add non-verified address parts, use the allowNonVerifiedHouseNumber and allowNonVerifiedStreet parameters.

How does it work?

The API returns a parsed address, the found address, and a match type as results. Using this data, the library extends the result by adding missing values, such as house numbers. The non-verified part has a "non-verified" class which makes the text red by default. The GPS coordinates of the results will point to the actual results and should be adjusted by the user if necessary.

In addition, the result object is extended by the list of non-verified properties. For example:

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
        "address_line1": "Bürgermeister-Heinrich-Straße 60",
        "address_line2": "93077 Bad Abbach, Germany",
        "housenumber": "60",
        "nonVerifiedParts": [


We provide several Themes within the library:

  • minimal and round-borders - for webpages with light background color
  • minimal-dark and round-borders-dark for webpages with dark background color.

However, you have also opportunity to style the component by yourself. Here are the classes used:

.geoapify-autocomplete-input The input element
.geoapify-autocomplete-itemsThe dropdown list
.geoapify-autocomplete-items .activeSelected item in the dropdown list
.geoapify-autocomplete-itemThe dropdown list item
.geoapify-autocomplete-item.iconThe dropdown list item icon
.geoapify-autocomplete-item.textThe dropdown list item text
.geoapify-close-buttonThe clear button
.geoapify-autocomplete-items .main-part .non-verifiedA portion of the street address could not be verified by Geocoder

Find more Geoapify APIs, Playgrounds and code samples on



Package last updated on 21 Nov 2022

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