What is @gitlab/ui?
@gitlab/ui is a comprehensive UI component library designed to be used with GitLab projects. It provides a wide range of reusable and customizable components that adhere to GitLab's design guidelines, making it easier to build consistent and visually appealing user interfaces.
What are @gitlab/ui's main functionalities?
The @gitlab/ui package provides various button components with different styles and variants. This example demonstrates how to use a primary button.
<gl-button variant="primary">Primary Button</gl-button>
import { GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui';
export default {
components: {
The package includes alert components for displaying different types of messages. This example shows a dismissible success alert.
<gl-alert variant="success" dismissible>
This is a success alert!
import { GlAlert } from '@gitlab/ui';
export default {
components: {
The @gitlab/ui package provides modal components for creating dialog boxes. This example demonstrates a modal with a title, body, and footer.
<gl-modal :visible="isVisible" @close="isVisible = false">
<template #title>
Modal Title
<template #body>
This is the modal body.
<template #footer>
<gl-button @click="isVisible = false">Close</gl-button>
import { GlModal, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui';
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
isVisible: false
Other packages similar to @gitlab/ui
Element UI is a popular Vue 2.0-based component library that provides a wide range of customizable UI components. It is similar to @gitlab/ui in terms of offering reusable components, but it is more general-purpose and not specifically tailored to GitLab's design guidelines.
Vuetify is a Vue.js framework that follows the Material Design specification. It offers a comprehensive suite of UI components and is known for its rich feature set and extensive customization options. Unlike @gitlab/ui, Vuetify is based on Material Design principles.
BootstrapVue provides Vue.js components and directives based on Bootstrap 4. It allows developers to use Bootstrap's responsive grid system and components within Vue applications. While @gitlab/ui is tailored for GitLab's design, BootstrapVue leverages the popular Bootstrap framework.
GitLab UI
GitLab UI is a UI component library that implements Pajamas, our
design system. GitLab UI is written in Vue.js and its objectives are to:
- Create reusable UI components to accelerate frontend development.
- Create UI consistency for all components within GitLab.
See https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab-ui/ for documentation.
To use GitLab UI in your project, add it as a dependency:
yarn add @gitlab/ui
Note: Make sure to also install GitLab UI's peer dependencies. Refer to the
for the list of peer dependencies and their expected versions.
In your main entrypoint before importing or using any component:
import setConfigs from '@gitlab/ui/dist/config'
This will set the global configs used by GitLab UI.
Include the required stylesheets in your app. Refer to the CSS docs for
installation options.
Import the components as desired:
import { GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui';
Note: GitLab UI is compatible with tree-shaking, you may enable this in your project to
reduce bundle sizes.
Quick start - development
Note: GitLab UI isn't designed to be built on Windows natively. Either
WSL or
GitPod can be used to set up a
UNIX-like environment in which to build it.
Make sure you have Node 16.x (LTS) and Yarn 1.22
or newer.
git clone git@gitlab.com:gitlab-org/gitlab-ui.git
cd gitlab-ui
yarn storybook
Go to http://localhost:9001/
Unit tests
Components’ unit tests live in the tests/components
. The tests are organized following the same
directory structure used to organize components.
yarn test:unit
runs all unit tests.
yarn test:unit:watch
runs all unit tests in watch mode.
yarn test:unit:debug
runs all unit tests and allow to attach a debugger to the test runner process.
yarn jest [name_pattern]
runs spec files that match the specified name pattern.
yarn jest datepicker
will match all spec files with a name that contains the word datepicker.
yarn jest datepicker -t "when draw event is emitted"
goes a step further and only runs the test
with a description that matches the argument passed to the t
SCSS tests
Even though we try to avoid writing complex SASS code to maintain CSS complexity low, we’ve
implemented some functions that benefit from automated testing. SASS tests live in the tests/scss
directory. GitLab UI uses sass-true to implement these tests, and
jest run them.
yarn jest run_scss_tests
runs all SCSS tests.
Visual regression tests
GitLab UI uses visual snapshot tests to prevent introducing regressions with CSS and
layout changes on components. Read more on this in the visual testing documentation.
GitLab visual regression tests
GitLab UI components are a reference implementation of the
Pajamas Design System components. These components
should conform with the design system specs, and they should look correct in the pajamas website and
the GitLab product. Please see Debugging GitLab UI issues with GitLab product CSS
for information on how to debug issues with GitLab product CSS in GitLab UI.
End to end tests
Components’ end to end tests live in the cypress/e2e
folder. See our
end to end testing documentation for more details.
yarn run cypress open
runs Cypress locally to run end to end tests.
Design tokens
GitLab UI uses design tokens to maintain a single source of truth that, through automation,
can be formatted for different uses. Read more on this in the design tokens documentation.
See Updating GitLab UI Packages for information on how the
package is kept up to date in various projects.
Contributing guide
Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to add new components and
contribute in general to GitLab UI.
Any question? Have a look at our FAQ.md, you might find the answer there.