Golemio Errors Library
Minimal package with custom Error class extending the native built-in JavaScript Error
class, providing extra functionality and more capabilities for error handling.
Trying to adhere to Node.js best practices.
Developed by http://operatorict.cz
Install Node
Install all npm modules using command:
npm install
Compilation of typescript code
To compile typescript code into js one-time
npm run build
or run this, to watch all changes
npm run build-watch
from the application's root directory.
In your project's package.json
set dependency to Errors
npm install @golemio/errors --save
yarn add @golemio/errors --save
Then import module, e.g.
import { GeneralError, FatalError } from "@golemio/errors";
Our AbstractGolemioError has:
- whole stack trace of original
- extends (thus is the type of)
- extra info about origin class
- extra info about error status code
- string message (== same as native Error)
There are two main classes: GeneralError
and FatalError
. Both are extending AbstractGolemioError
class. Furthermore, GeneralError
You can use instance of AbstractGolemioError class as you would a standard JavaScript Error, you will just get additional info and more capabilities:
const found = await this.model.findOne(id);
if (!found ) {
throw new GeneralError("Id `" + id + "` not found", "MyModelClass", new Error("More info"), 404);
you can add the underlying Error to get the whole stack trace:
try {
const q = this.model.find("nonsense");
return await q.exec();
} catch (err) {
throw new GeneralError("Database error", "MyModelClass", err, 500);
and the result you will get:
MyModelClass: [500] Database error (ObjectParameterError: Parameter "filter" to find() must be an object, got nonsense)
GeneralError: Database error
at MyModel.<anonymous> ({path}\src\core\models\MyModel.ts:65:19)
at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
at rejected ({path}\src\core\models\MyModel.ts:5:65)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
if you call .toString()
on the error object in the error handler (or if you use our ErrorHandler class).
You can import the error handler function:
import { handleError } from "@golemio/errors";
The handle function provides a central point for error handling in your application. It logs the error, kills the application if it's unknown or fatal (programmer) error. Returns "API response ready" object if it's a known expected error with one of the standard HTTP codes.
You can use it:
try {
await functionThatThrowsError(); // Can throw our Error class
await jsBuiltInFunction(); // Can throw a native built-in JavaScript Error
} catch (err) { // Catches everything
handleError(err); // Handles everything
or for example in Express error handler route
// Error handler to catch all errors sent by routers (propagated through next(err))
this.express.use((err: any, req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
handleError(err).then((error) => {
if (error) {
log.silly("Error caught by the router error handler.");
res.status(error.status || 500).send(error);
and the result can be i.e.:
error_message: "Not Found.",
error_status: 404
or in development environment (NODE_ENV set to "development"):
"error_message": "Not Found.",
"error_status": 404,
"error_stack": "GeneralError: Id `nonsense` not found\n
at MyModel.<anonymous> ({path}y\\dist\\core\\models\\MyModel.js:116:23)\n
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)\n
at fulfilled ({path}\\dist\\core\\models\\MyModel.js:4:58)\n
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)"
Logging uses provided logger (as an argument) for standard logging with levels and debug
(https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug) for debugging.
You can set both LOG_LEVEL
settings in ENV variables.
For generating documentation run npm run generate-docs
. TypeDoc source code documentation is located in docs/typedoc
Contribution guidelines
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md
Contact benak@operatorict.cz or vycpalek@operatorict.cz