1.11.0 - 2022-07-17
✨ New documentation option index
for generating index page for schema categories (eg. queries, inputs, mutations...) powered by Docusaurus generated index feature. You can see the option in action in Demo 2.
What's Changed
- 📦 npm(deps): Bump @graphql-inspector/core from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #572
- :sparkles: add support for generated category index by @edno in #575
- 🧪 improve code coverage by @edno in #577
- 🧪 update StrykerJS config by @edno in #578
- :construction_worker: trigger doc generation on release by @edno in #582
Full Changelog: https://github.com/graphql-markdown/graphql-markdown/compare/1.10.3...1.11.0
<a id="1.10.3"></a>