Provides a set of utilities for animating @graspologic/renderer
import { createAnimationUtil, AnimationUtil } from '@graspologic/animation'
import { GraphRenderer } from '@graspologic/renderer'
const utils: AnimationUtil = createAnimationUtil()
export function randomizeRenderer(renderer: GraphRenderer) {
for (const node of renderer.graph.nodes) {
const x = Math.random()
const y = Math.random()
const z = Math.random()
utils.animatePosition(node, 'position', [x, y, z], 1000)
utils.animateColor(node, 'color', 0xff00bbff, 500)
for (const edge of renderer.graph.edges) {
const sourceX = Math.random()
const sourceY = Math.random()
const sourceZ = Math.random()
const targetX = Math.random()
const targetY = Math.random()
const targetZ = Math.random()
utils.animatePosition(edge, 'position', [sourceX, sourceY, sourceZ], 2000)
utils.animatePosition(edge, 'position2', [targetX, targetY, targetZ])
See the API documentation or examples for additional examples.