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Library for rendering dashboard grid layout

  • 8.26.0
  • latest
  • Source
  • npm
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Version published

@gravity-ui/dashkit · npm package CI storybook


A dashboard grid rendering library.


npm i @gravity-ui/dashkit @gravity-ui/uikit


The library is used to line up widgets in a grid, resize them, add new ones, and delete them. The widget is a react component. For example, text, graphics, and images.

New widgets are added via a plugin system.


Plugins are required to create custom widgets.


type ItemManipulationCallback = (eventData: {
    layout: Layouts;
    oldItem: Layout;
    newItem: Layout;
    placeholder: Layout;
    e: MouseEvent;
    element: HTMLElement;
}) => void;

interface DashKitProps {
  config: Config;
  editMode: boolean;
  onItemEdit: ({id}: {id: string}) => void;
  onChange: (data: {config: Config; itemsStateAndParams: ItemsStateAndParams}) => void;
  onDrop: (dropProps: ItemDropProps) => void;
  onItemMountChange: (item: ConfigItem, state: {isAsync: boolead; isMounted: boolean}) => void;
  onItemRender: (item: ConfigItem) => void;

  onDragStart?: ItemManipulationCallback;
  onDrag?: ItemManipulationCallback;
  onDragStop?: ItemManipulationCallback;
  onResizeStart?: ItemManipulationCallback;
  onResize?: ItemManipulationCallback;
  onResizeStop?: ItemManipulationCallback;

  defaultGlobalParams: GlobalParams;
  globalParams: GlobalParams;
  itemsStateAndParams: ItemsStateAndParams;
  settings: SettingsProps;
  context: ContextProps;
  overlayControls?: Record<string, OverlayControlItem[]> | null;
  overlayMenuItems?: MenuItems[] | null;
  noOverlay?: boolean;

  focusable?: boolean;
  onItemFocus: (item: ConfigItem) => void;
  onItemBlur: (item: ConfigItem) => void;

  draggableHandleClassName?: string;
  getPreparedCopyItemOptions?: (options: PreparedCopyItemOptions) => PreparedCopyItemOptions;
  onCopyFulfill?: (error: null | Error, data?: PreparedCopyItemOptions) => void;
  • config: сonfig.
  • editMode: Whether edit mode is enabled.
  • onItemEdit: Called when you click to edit a widget.
  • onChange: Called when config or itemsStateAndParams are changed.
  • onDrop: Called when item dropped from ActionPanel using (#DashKitDnDWrapper)
  • onItemMountChange: Called when item mount state changed
  • onItemRender: Called when item render complete
  • defaultGlobalParams, globalParams: Parameters that affect all widgets. In DataLens, defaultGlobalParams are global parameters set in the dashboard settings. globalParams are globals parameters that can be set in the url.
  • itemsStateAndParams: itemsStateAndParams.
  • settings: DashKit settings.
  • context: Object that will be propped up on all widgets.
  • overlayControls: Object that overrides widget controls at the time of editing. If not transmitted, basic controls will be displayed. If null passed only close button or custom menu will be displayed.
  • overlayMenuItems: Custom dropdown menu items
  • noOverlay: If true, overlay and controls are not displayed while editing.
  • focusable: If true, grid items will be focusable.
  • onItemFocus: Called when focusable is true and item is focused.
  • onItemBlur: Called when focusable is true and item is focused out.
  • draggableHandleClassName : СSS class name of the element that makes the widget draggable.
  • onDragStart: ReactGridLayout called when item drag started
  • onDrag: ReactGridLayout called while item drag
  • onDragStop: ReactGridLayout called when item drag stopped
  • onResizeStart: ReactGridLayout called when item resize started
  • onResize: ReactGridLayout called while item resizing
  • onResizeStop: ReactGridLayout called when item resize stoped
  • getPreparedCopyItemOptions: Called for converting copied item to serializable object before saving it to localstorage. It should be used instead of deprecated context.getPreparedCopyItemOptions prop
  • onCopyFulfill: Called when item copy finished with error=null and defined data on successful operation done and with error: Error without data otherwise


DashKit configuration

Before using DashKit as a react component, it must be configured.

  • set language

    import {configure, Lang} from '@gravity-ui/uikit';
    configure({lang: Lang.En});
  • DashKit.setSettings

    Used for global DashKit settings (such as margins between widgets, default widget sizes and widget overlay menu)

    import {DashKit} from '@gravity-ui/dashkit';
      gridLayout: {margin: [8, 8]},
      isMobile: true,
      // menu: [] as Array<MenuItem>,
  • DashKit.registerPlugins

    Registering and configuring plugins

    import {DashKit} from '@gravity-ui/dashkit';
    import {pluginTitle, pluginText} from '@gravity-ui/dashkit';
        apiHandler({text}) {
          return api.getMarkdown(text);
      type: 'custom',
      defaultLayout: {
        w: 10,
        h: 8,
      renderer: function CustomPlugin() {
        return <div>Custom widget with custom controls</div>;


export interface Config {
  salt: string; // to form a unique id
  counter: number; // to form a unique id, only increases
  items: ConfigItem[]; //  initial widget states
  layout: ConfigLayout[]; // widget position on the grid
  aliases: ConfigAliases; // aliases for parameters see #Params
  connections: ConfigConnection[]; // links between widgets see #Params

Config example:

import {DashKitProps} from '@gravity-ui/dashkit';

const config: DashKitProps['config'] = {
  salt: '0.46703554571365613',
  counter: 4,
  items: [
      id: 'tT',
      data: {
        size: 'm',
        text: 'Caption',
        showInTOC: true,
      type: 'title',
      namespace: 'default',
      orderId: 1,
      id: 'Ea',
      data: {
        text: 'mode _editActive',
        _editActive: true,
      type: 'text',
      namespace: 'default',
      id: 'zR',
      data: {
        text: '### Text',
      type: 'text',
      namespace: 'default',
      orderId: 0,
      id: 'Dk',
      data: {
        foo: 'bar',
      type: 'custom',
      namespace: 'default',
      orderId: 5,
  layout: [
      h: 2,
      i: 'tT',
      w: 36,
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      h: 6,
      i: 'Ea',
      w: 12,
      x: 0,
      y: 2,
      h: 6,
      i: 'zR',
      w: 12,
      x: 12,
      y: 2,
      h: 4,
      i: 'Dk',
      w: 8,
      x: 0,
      y: 8,
  aliases: {},
  connections: [],

Add a new item to the config:

const newLayout = updateLayout: [
    h: 6,
    i: 'Ea',
    w: 12,
    x: 0,
    y: 6,
    h: 4,
    i: 'Dk',
    w: 8,
    x: 0,
    y: 12,

const newConfig = DashKit.setItem({
  item: {
    data: {
      text: `Some text`,
    namespace: 'default',
    type: 'text',
    // Optional. If new item needed to be inserted in current layout with predefined dimensions
    layout: { // Current item inseterted before 'Ea'
      h: 6,
      w: 12,
      x: 0,
      y: 2,
  config: config,
  options: {
    // Optional. New layout values for existing items when new element is dropped from ActionPanel
    updateLayout: newLayout,

Change an existing item in the config:

const newConfig = DashKit.setItem({
  item: {
    id: 'tT', //
    data: {
      size: 'm',
      text: `New caption`,
    namespace: 'default',
    type: 'title',
  config: config,

Delete an item from the config:

import {DashKitProps} from '@gravity-ui/dashkit';

const oldItemsStateAndParams: DashKitProps['itemsStateAndParams'] = {};

const {config: newConfig, itemsStateAndParams} = DashKit.removeItem({
  id: 'tT', //
  config: config,
  itemsStateAndParams: this.state.itemsStateAndParams,


type Params = Record<string, string | string[]>;

DashKit generates parameters according to the default parameters for widgets, links, and aliases. These parameters are required for the ChartKit library.

Generation order:

  1. defaultGlobalParams
  2. Default widget parameters item.default
  3. globalParams
  4. Parameters from itemsStateAndParams according to the queue.


Object that stores widget parameters and states as well as a parameter change queue. It has a __meta__ field for storing queue and meta information.

interface StateAndParamsMeta = {
    __meta__: {
        queue: {id: string}[]; // queue
        version: number; // current version itemsStateAndParams

And also widget states and parameters:

interface ItemsStateAndParamsBase {
  [itemId: string]: {
    state?: Record<string, any>;
    params?: Params;
type ItemsStateAndParams = StateAndParamsMeta & ItemsStateAndParamsBase;


You can specify custom DashKit widget overlay menu in edit mode

type MenuItem = {
  id: string; // uniq id
  title?: string; // string title
  icon?: ReactNode; // node of icon
  iconSize?: number | string; // icon size in px as number or as string with units
  handler?: (item: ConfigItem) => void; // custom item action handler
  visible?: (item: ConfigItem) => boolean; // optional visibility handler for filtering menu items
  className?: string; // custom class property

// use array of menu items in settings
<Dashkit overlayMenuItems={[] as Array<MenuItem> | null} />

// overlayMenuItems property has greater priority over setSettings menu
DashKit.setSettings({menu: [] as Array<MenuItem>});

Draggable items from ActionPanel

type DraggedOverItem = {
  h: number;
  w: number;
  type: string;
  parent: string;
  i?: number;

interface DashKitDnDWrapperProps {
  dragImageSrc?: string;
  onDragStart?: (dragProps: ItemDragProps) => void;
  onDragEnd?: () => void;
  onDropDragOver?: (draggedItem: DraggedOverItem, sharedItem: DraggedOverItem | null) => void | boolean;
  • dragImageSrc: Drag image preview, by default used transparent 1px png base64
  • onDragStart: Callback called when element is dragged from ActionPanel
  • onDragEnd: Callback called when element dropped or drag canceled
type ItemDragProps = {
    type: string; // Plugin type
    layout?: { // Optional. Layout item size for preview and init
        w?: number;
        h?: number;
    extra?: any; // Custom user context
type ItemDropProps = {
    commit: () => void; // Callback should be called after all config operations are made
    dragProps: ItemDragProps; // Item drag props
    itemLayout: ConfigLayout; // Calculated item layout dimensions
    newLayout: ConfigLayout[]; // New layout after element is dropped
const overlayMenuItems = [
    id: 'chart',
    icon: <Icon data={ChartColumn} />,
    title: 'Chart',
    qa: 'chart',
    dragProps: { // ItemDragProps
        type: 'custom', // Registered plugin type

const onDrop = (dropProps: ItemDropProps) => {
  // ... add element to your config

  <DashKit editMode={true} config={config} onChange={onChange} onDrop={onDrop} />
  <ActionPanel items={overlayMenuItems} />


Action panel variables
--dashkit-action-panel-colorBackground color
--dashkit-action-panel-border-colorBorder color
--dashkit-action-panel-border-radiusBorder radius
Action panel item variables
--dashkit-action-panel-item-colorBackgroud color
--dashkit-action-panel-item-text-colorText color
--dashkit-action-panel-item-color-hoverHover backgroud color
--dashkit-action-panel-item-text-color-hoverHover text color
Overlay variables
--dashkit-overlay-border-colorBorder color
--dashkit-overlay-colorBackground color
Grid item variables
--dashkit-grid-item-border-radiusBorder radius
Placeholder variables
--dashkit-placeholder-colorBackground color
Usage example
.custom-theme-wrapper {
  --dashkit-grid-item-edit-opacit: 1;
  --dashkit-overlay-color: var(--g-color-base-float);
  --dashkit-overlay-border-color: var(--g-color-base-float);
  --dashkit-overlay-opacity: 0.5;

  --dashkit-action-panel-border-color: var(--g-color-line-info);
  --dashkit-action-panel-color: var(--g-color-base-float-accent);
  --dashkit-action-panel-border-radius: var(--g-border-radius-xxl);
// ....

const CustomThemeWrapper = (props: {
  dashkitProps: DashkitProps;
  actionPanelProps: ActionPanelProps;
}) => {
  return (
    <div className="custom-theme-wrapper">
      <Dashkit {...props.dashkitProps} />
      <ActionPanel {...props.actionPanelProps} />


Build & watch

  • Build dependencies npm ci
  • Build a project npm run build
  • Build storybook npm run start

By default, storybook runs on http://localhost:7120/. New changes from a project aren't always picked up when storybook is running, so it's better to rebuild a project manually and restart storybook.

Example of an nginx config for development on a dev machine

server {

    include common/ssl;

    access_log /home/username/logs/common.access.log;
    error_log /home/username/logs/common.error.log;

    root /home/username/projects/dashkit;

    location / {
        try_files $uri @node;

    location @node {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_redirect off;


Package last updated on 29 Jan 2025

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