Gravitywell GTM
Typed Google Tag Manager helper functions that ensures your app won't crash if GTM is not instantiated.
Table of Contents
yarn add @gravitywelluk/gtm
# or
npm install --save @gravitywelluk/gtm
Google GA4 Events
Helper functions to track Google GTM GA4 events.
Tracks a GA4 e-commerce event
import { gtmGa4EventEcommerce } from "@gravitywelluk/gtm";
gtmGa4EventEcommerce("add_to_cart", {
currency: "GBP",
value: 215.14,
items: items: [
item_id: "SKU_12345",
item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
affiliation: "Google Store",
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
currency: "USD",
discount: 2.22,
index: 5,
item_brand: "Google",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Adult",
item_category3: "Shirts",
item_category4: "Crew",
item_category5: "Short sleeve",
item_list_id: "related_products",
item_list_name: "Related Products",
item_variant: "green",
location_id: "L_12345",
price: 107.57,
quantity: 2
Tracks a GA4 authentication event.
import { gtmGa4EventAuth, GtmGa4EventAuthMethod } from "@gravitywelluk/gtm";
gtmGa4EventAuth("login", GtmGa4EventAuthMethod.GITHUB);
gtmGa4EventAuth("sign_up", GtmGa4EventAuthMethod.GOOGLE);
Tracks a GA4 share
import { gtmGa4EventShare, GtmGa4EventShareMethod } from "@gravitywelluk/gtm";
gtmGa4EventShare('/example-page', GtmGa4EventShareMethod.TWITTER);