![bitHound Score](https://www.bithound.io/bithound/farm.bithound.io/badges/score.svg)
Welcome to the farm.
This is a simple "framework" that we use at bitHound for working in a distributed environment.
You can clone this repo, npm install and then just run:
> node examples/hello.js
hello world !!!
amazing isn't it
How to use
The idea is that you would start up a 'broker' which allows all of your worker processes
to communicate with each other.
//when your process starts:
var broker = require('farm/lib/broker').start();
//when your process exits:
Once you have your broker running you can have your other processes join the farm and
schedule work to be done.
var farm = require('farm');
farm.jobs.send('show me the money', function (err, money) { });
Mind you not much will happen unless you have some processes out there that are set up to be workers:
var farm = require('farm');
farm.worker(function (task, callback) {
//do something cool with the task
//just because you are a worker, doesn't mean you can't start your own jobs
farm.jobs.send('other task', function (err, result) {
// you can get errors back, and pass errors along
if (err) { return callback(err); }
callback(null, "result");
//just make sure you say you are a worker when you join
farm.join('localhost', {worker: true});