mvtMaxValue | number | 10000 | MVT % is calculated from 0 to mvtMaxValue |
mvtCookieId | number | getCookie('mvtCookie') | The user's MVT ID to calculate what tests and variants they fall into |
pageIsSensitive | boolean | | Sensitive pages must have explicit settings in AB tests |
abTestSwitches | Record<string, boolean> | {'TestOne': true} | An object containing all of the boolean values of abTestSwitches, in Frontend from page.config.switches.abTests |
forcedTestVariant | Optional: { testId: ABTest['id']; variant: Variant } | | In Frontend this might be set by the URL override, but otherwise can be used to force a user into a test and variant at init time |
forcedTestException | Optional: ABTest['id'] | | Can be used to force a user out of a test (in Frontend, again with url override) |
arrayOfTestObjects | ABTest[] | | Pass all tests definitions into the config |
ServerSideTets | ServerSideTests | | ServerSideTets are accessed via window config in Frontend |
errorReporter | ErrorReporterFunc | | Pass an error reporter, probably Sentry |
ophanRecord | OphanRecordFunction | | Probably Ophan's 'record' function |