🚀 Serverless Adapter
Install |
Usage |
Support |
Examples |
Architecture |
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Run REST APIs and other web applications using your existing Node.js application framework (Express, Koa, Hapi and
Fastify), on top of AWS Lambda, Huawei and many other clouds.
This library was a refactored version of @vendia/serverless-express, I
created a new way to interact and extend event sources by creating contracts to abstract the integrations between each
library layer.
Why you would use this libray instead of @vendia/serverless-express?
- Better APIs to extend library functionality.
- You don't need me to release a new version to integrate with the new event source, you can create an adapter and
just call the
method when building your handler.
- All code can be extended, if you want to modify the current behavior you can.
- This is important because if you find a bug, you can quickly resolve it by extending the class, and then you can
submit a PR to fix the bug.
- All code was written in Typescript.
- We have >99% coverage.
Using NPM:
npm install --save @h4ad/serverless-adapter
Using Yarn:
yarn add @h4ad/serverless-adapter
You can quickly use this library as follows:
import { ServerlessAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter';
import { ApiGatewayV2Adapter, AlbAdapter, SQSAdapter, SNSAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/adapters/aws';
import { ExpressFramework } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/frameworks/express';
import { DefaultHandler } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/handlers/default';
import { PromiseResolver } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/resolvers/promise';
import app from './app';
export const handler = ServerlessAdapter.new(app)
.setFramework(new ExpressFramework())
.setHandler(new DefaultHandler())
.setResolver(new PromiseResolver())
.addAdapter(new AlbAdapter())
.addAdapter(new SQSAdapter())
.addAdapter(new SNSAdapter())
Too fast? Ok, I can explain.
First, you need to create an instance of the builder with ServerlessAdapter.new(app)
. The variable app
is the
instance of your framework (Express, Fastify, Koa, etc).
So you need to specify for this library which framework
you will use to handle the request
with setFramework
, you
can only use one. If you use express in our backend, use ExpressFramework
, see more in support.
Then you specify which handler
you will use to interact with the serverless cloud with setHandler
, currently we only
have one, the DefaultHandler. In the next releases, maybe we will add support
for Azure, Huawei and others, for now, you can use this default.
Then you specify with setResolver
which resolver
you will use to wait for the library to forward the request to
your framework
, and then get the response
back to your cloud. I recommend you
use PromiseResolver, it's the most cloud-agnostic resolver
By now, you've already added the basic abstractions of this library, now, you can add the adapters
that will add
support for receiving and processing different sources of addAdapter
events. In the example I
added AlbAdapter, SQSAdapter
and SNSAdapter. With these adapters you can connect your lambda to three different
event sources and you can add more if you wish.
Finally, we call build
which will assemble your handler that you can expose directly to your cloud.
Final thoughts:
- You can set the
only once. - You can set the
only once. - You can set the
only once. - You can have as many
as you like, use and extend as you wish.
We are in beta, so some adapters may not work as expected, feel free to create an issue or provide feedback on current behavior.
By design we have these contracts that define the layers of the library: Frameworks, Adapters, Resolvers and Handlers.
If you don't know what each thing means, see Architecture.
Currently, we support these frameworks:
We support these event sources:
- Huawei
- Azure
- Firebase
- The support is coming soon.
- The support is coming soon.
We support these resolvers:
We support these handlers:
In Huawei, we added support to FunctionGraphV2 with Http Function and Event Function.
The difference between Http Function and Event Function is that in Http Function you must expose port 8000 and Huawei will proxy Api Gateway requests to your application.
So, on implementation, this library will create an http server to listen on port 8000 and forward the request to your framework.
In Event Function, you will receive the event from event source in the same way you receive in AWS, an object with some structure, you can see the supported event sources here.
Huawei Http Function
To integrate your app with Huawei FunctionGrapth with the Http Function type, you must do the following:
import { ServerlessAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter';
import { ExpressFramework } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/frameworks/express';
import { HttpHuaweiHandler } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/handlers/huawei';
import { DummyResolver } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/resolvers/dummy';
import { DummyAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/adapters/dummy';
import app from './app';
const dispose = ServerlessAdapter.new(app)
.setHandler(new HttpHuaweiHandler())
.setFramework(new ExpressFramework())
.setResolver(new DummyResolver())
.addAdapter(new DummyAdapter())
You don't need to expose a variable called handler
when you choose Http Function, you just need to call build to the library create a http server.
By the way of Huawei architecture in Http Function, they have no use for Resolvers and Adapters, so you need to use the dummy versions because the library requires it.
You need to configure a file called bootstrap
in the root of folder that you upload to Huawei, is like the file Procfile
but for Huawei.
In my setup, I configure like:
node /opt/function/code/index.js
The path /opt/function/code
is where your code is uploaded when you deploy something and index.js
is the file that contains the ServerlessAdapter
In the end, the structure of the zip file you upload looks like this:
Huawei Event Function
With Http Function you need to use HttpHuaweiHandler,
but with Event Function you should use DefaultHandler.
So, to add support to Api Gateway you do the following:
import { ServerlessAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter';
import { HuaweiApiGatewayAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/adapters/huawei';
import { ExpressFramework } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/frameworks/express';
import { DefaultHandler } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/handlers/default';
import { CallbackResolver } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/resolvers/callback';
import app from './app';
export const handler = ServerlessAdapter.new(app)
.setFramework(new ExpressFramework())
.setHandler(new DefaultHandler())
.setResolver(new CallbackResolver())
.addAdapter(new HuaweiApiGatewayAdapter())
One important thing
You must use the callback resolver because I couldn't get it to work with the PromiseResolver.
Maybe it's a bug in the library or something specific in Huawei, if you have a tip please create an issue.
You can see some examples of how to use this library here.
The main purpose of this library is to allow the developer to add support for any cloud and as many event sources as he
wants, without having to create an issue to request the feature or copy the library code because the library doesn't
expose good APIs for you to extend its functionality
So I refactored @vendia/serverless-express with 4 layers of abstraction:
Framework, Handler, Resolver and Adapter.
The FrameworkContract is responsible for forwarding
to IncomingMessage
and ServerResponse for your application instance. With this
abstraction you can implement any framework you want, they just need to accept both parameters and
call end
in ServerResponse, so the library knows when to continue
and return the response.
The HandlerContract is responsible to get the input from the serverless and then
manage to call each layer of abstraction to return a response. With this abstraction, you can implement different ways
to receive input from your serverless environment. They usually have the same structure, but if you need to deal with a
very different cloud, you can use this abstraction to add support for that cloud.
Handler is a good choice for implementing (monsters) ways to receive input.
For example, we can create an http server as its handler to test our serverless code without having to launch the framework. Because? I don't know, but you can.
The ResolverContract is responsible for waiting for the framework to handle the
request and then returning the response to the cloud. Using AWS for example, you have three ways to wait for the
response: returning a promise, calling the callback, and using in-context methods, each option has its own benefits,
but generally the promise option will be the better because any good cloud provider will support promises.
Finally, the masterpiece of this library, the AdapterContract is responsible for
handling the received event, transforming the request in a way that your application can understand and then
transforming the response in a way your cloud can understand.
Well, with these four contracts, you'll be able to add support to any cloud that exists (no more excuses not to use
cloud X with NodeJS).
Why you create this library?
The real reason I created this library was because I wanted to add API Gateway and SQS support at the same time to save
some money. But, @vendia/serverless-express was not supported, so
I created a PR, but until I finished this library, that PR was
never accepted.
So I build my own library based on that library with better APIs so I never have to wait for the maintainer to accept my
PR just to extend the library's functionality :)
Honestly, I just refactored all the code that the @vendia team and many other contributors wrote, thanks so much to them
for existing and giving us a brilliant library that is the core of my current company.