hapijs debugging tools for the hpal CLI
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Lead Maintainer - Devin Ivy
was designed to help you,
- :ant: display information about your routes in a neat, customizable table.
hpal run debug:routes --show cors
- :beetle: use your hapi server, models, services, etc. interactively through a REPL.
hpal run debug:repl
- :bug: hit your routes from the command line without having to restart your server.
hpal run debug:curl post /user --name Pal -v
If you're getting started with the pal boilerplate, then your project is already setup with hpal-debug!
Install the hpal-debug package from npm as a dev dependency.
npm install --save-dev @hapipal/hpal-debug
Register hpal-debug on your server as a hapi plugin.
await server.register(require('@hapipal/hpal-debug'));
Ensure server.js
or server/index.js
exports a function named deployment
that returns your configured hapi server.
Below is a very simple example of boilerplate code to configure a hapi server server, and is not necessarily "production-ready." For a more complete setup, consider using the pal boilerplate, or check-out its approach as seen here.
'use strict';
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const AppPlugin = require('./app');
exports.deployment = async ({ start } = {}) => {
const server = Hapi.server();
await server.register(AppPlugin);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
await server.register(require('@hapipal/hpal-debug'));
if (start) {
await server.start();
console.log(`Server started at ${server.info.uri}`);
return server;
if (!module.parent) {
exports.deployment({ start: true });
And that's it! Now the hpal-debug commands should be available through the hpal CLI. A simple way to check that hpal-debug is setup correctly is to output a pretty display of your route table,
npx hpal run debug:routes
hpal-debug is intended for use with hapi v19+ and nodejs v12+ (see v1 for lower support).
hpal run debug:routes
hpal run debug:routes [<route-identifier>] --hide <column-name> --show <column-name>
e.g. hpal run debug:routes --show cors
This command outputs a neat display of your server's route table.
In order to display a single route, you may specify <route-identifier>
as a route id (e.g. user-create
), route method and path (e.g. post /users
), or route path (e.g. /users
, method defaulting to get
Columns may be hidden or shown using the -H
and -s
flags respectively. Use the flag multiple times to hide or show multiple columns. Below is the list of available columns.
The -r
flag will output a minimally formatted table with columns separated by tab characters. Non-TTY usage automatically defaults to raw output.
A summary of these options can be displayed with the -h
hpal run debug:repl
hpal run debug:repl
This command starts a fully-featured interactive REPL with your initialized server
in context. Each of your server's methods, properties, schwifty models, and schmervice services are also made directly available for convenience. Under hpal v2 you can use top-level await
. You may also call this command using hpal run debug
$ hpal run debug:repl
hpal> server.info
{ created: 1527567336111,
started: 0,
host: 'your-computer.local',
hpal> info.uri
hpal> Object.keys(registrations)
[ '@hapipal/hpal-debug', 'my-app' ]
hpal> table().length
hpal> !!match('get', '/my/user')
hpal> .exit
hpal run debug:curl
hpal run debug:curl <route-identifier> [<route-parameters>] --data <raw-payload> --header <header-info> --raw --verbose
e.g. hpal run debug:curl post /users --firstName Paldo -v
This command makes a request to a route and displays the result. Notably, you don't need a running server in order to test your route using hpal run debug:curl
It's required that you determine which route to hit by specifying a <route-identifier>
as a route id (e.g. user-create
), route method and path (e.g. post /users
), or route path (e.g. /users
, method defaulting to get
You may specify any payload, query, or path params as <route-parameters>
flags or in the <route-identifier>
. Any parameter that utilizes Joi validation through route.options.validate
has a command line flag. For example, a route with id user-update
, method patch
, and path /user/{id}
that validates the id
path parameter and a hometown
payload parameter might be hit using the following commands,
hpal run debug:curl patch /user/42 --hometown "Buenos Aires"
hpal run debug:curl user-update --id 42 --hometown "Buenos Aires"
Nested parameters may also be specified. If the route in the previous example validated payloads of the form { user: { hometown } }
, one might use one of the following commands instead,
hpal run debug:curl user-update --id 42 --user-hometown "Buenos Aires"
hpal run debug:curl user-update --id 42 --user '{ "hometown": "Buenos Aires" }'
The -d
flag may be used to specify a request payload as a raw string.
The -H
flag may be used to specify a request header in the format header-name: header value
. This flag may be used multiple times to set multiple headers.
The -r
and -v
flags affect the command's output, and may be used in tandem with each other or separately. The -r
flag ensures all output is unformatted, while the -v
flag shows information about the request and response including timing, the request payload, request headers, response headers, status code, and response payload. Non-TTY usage automatically defaults to raw output.
A summary of these options can be displayed with the -h
$ hpal run debug:curl /user -v
get /user (30ms)
request headers
user-agent shot
host your-computer.local:0
response headers
content-type application/json; charset=utf-8
vary origin
cache-control no-cache
content-length 55
accept-ranges bytes
result (200 ok)
id: 42,
firstName: 'Paldo',
hometown: 'Buenos Aires'