Asset Tokenization Studio - SDK
Table of Contents
The SDK enables the web (or any other client facing application) to interact with the smart contracts deployed on Hedera.
Run the command :
npm ci
Run the command :
npm run build
The SDK tests are located in the tests folder at the root of the sdk module.
Before running the tests you will need to create an ".env" file following the ".env.sample" template.
Then to execute all the tests run this command from the sdk folder:
npm run test
Input Ports
Initialises the SDK.
- network : ‘testnet’, ‘mainnet’, …
- mirrorNode: name and url of the mirror node the SDK will connect too.
- rpcNode: name and url of the rpc node the SDK will connect too.
- events: callbacks to the wallet events (walletInit, walletFound, …)
- configuration: factory contract Hedera Id, resolver contract Hedera Id, common, equity and bond business logic keys the SDK will connect to. This data must be aligned with the selected “network”.
- factories: list of factories and their respective environments in case the wallet allows for the network to be switched.
- resolvers: list of resolvers and their respective environments in case the wallet allows for the network to be switched.
- SupportedWallets: List of supported wallets.
Connects an account to the SDK.
- account : connected account
- network : ‘testnet’, ‘mainnet’, …
- mirrorNode: name and url of the mirror node the SDK will connect too.
- rpcNode: name and url of the rpc node the SDK will connect too.
- InitializationData:
- account: Account; Details of the connected account
- pairing: string; Wallet pairing string
- topic: string; Wallet’s connection topic
Disconnects an account from the SDK.
Sets a new network into the SDK.
- environment : network that we are connecting too
- mirrorNode: name and url of the mirror node the SDK will connect too.
- rpcNode: name and url of the rpc node the SDK will connect too.
- consensusNodes : (optional) list of consensus node
- NetworkResponse:
- environment: network that we are connecting too
- mirrorNode: name and url of the mirror node the SDK will connect too.
- rpcNode: name and url of the rpc node the SDK will connect too.
- consensusNodes : (optional) list of consensus node
Sets a new configuration into the SDK.
- factoryAddress: new factory address.
- resolverAddress: new resolver address.
- ConfigResponse:
- factoryAddress: new factory address.
- resolverAddress: new resolver address.
- diamondOwnerAccount: Hedera id of the account deploying the security
- Currency: hexadecimal of the currency’s 3 letter ISO code
- numberOfUnits: maximum supply
- nominalValue: only for information, represents the value of a single bond.
- startingDate: Bond’s starting date in seconds
- maturityDate: Bond’s maturity date in seconds
- couponFrequency: seconds in between two consecutives coupon’s record date
- couponRate: coupon interest rate in percentage. Only for information.
- firstCouponDate: record date, in seconds, of the first coupon.
- regulationType:
- 0 : no regulation
- 1 : Reg S
- 2 : Reg D
- regulationSubType:
- 0 : no sub regulation
- 1 : 506 B
- 2 : 506 C
- isCountryControlListWhiteList :
- True: list of “countries” are the not banned, all other countries are banned
- False: list of “countries” are banned, all other countries are not banned.
- countries: comma separated list of banned/not banned countries in 2-letters ISO format.
- SecurityViewModel:
The returned information is identical to the provided one, except for this fields
- type: string; “BOND” or “EQUITY”
- totalSupply: string; Corresponds to the total supply, which is 0 right after the initial deployment.
- maxSupply: string; Corresponds to the “numberOfUnits”
- diamondAddress: string; Hedera id of the deployed smart contract representing the Asset
- evmDiamondAddress: string; EVM address of the deployed smart contract representing the Asset
- paused: boolean; True (the Asset is paused), False (the asset is not paused)
- Regulation: RegulationViewModel; Details of the selected regulation during deployment (type, subType, dealSize, …)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Creates a new coupon for the bond.
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset.
- rate: coupon percentage rate.
- recordTimestamp: date (in seconds) at which token holders balances will be snapshotted.
- executionTimestamp : date (in seconds) at which the coupon should be paid.
- Payload: coupon Id
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
- diamondOwnerAccount: Hedera id of the account deploying the security
- votingRight: the equity grants voting rights to its holders.
- informationRight: the equity grants information rights to its holders.
- liquidationRight: the equity grants liquidation rights to its holders
- subscriptionright: the equity grants subscription rights to its holders
- conversionRight: the equity grants conversion rights to its holders
- redemptionRight: the equity grants redemption rights to its holders
- putRight: the equity grants put rights to its holders
- dividendRight: the equity grants dividend rights to its holders
- Currency: hexadecimal of the currency’s 3 letter ISO code
- numberOfShares: maximum supply
- nominalValue: only for information, represents the value of a single equity.
- regulationType:
- 0 : no regulation
- 1 : Reg S
- 2 : Reg D
- regulationSubType:
- 0 : no sub regulation
- 1 : 506 B
- 2 : 506 C
- isCountryControlListWhiteList :
- True: list of “countries” are the not banned, all other countries are banned
- False: list of “countries” are banned, all other countries are not banned.
- countries: comma separated list of banned/not banned countries in 2-letters ISO format.
- SecurityViewModel:
The returned information is identical to the provided one, except for this fields
- type: string; “BOND” or “EQUITY”
- totalSupply: string; Corresponds to the total supply, which is 0 right after the initial deployment.
- maxSupply: string; Corresponds to the “numberOfShares”
- diamondAddress: string; Hedera id of the deployed smart contract representing the Asset
- evmDiamondAddress: string; EVM address of the deployed smart contract representing the Asset
- paused: boolean; True (the Asset is paused), False (the asset is not paused)
- Regulation: RegulationViewModel; Details of the selected regulation during deployment (type, subType, dealSize, …)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Creates a new dividend for the equity.
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset.
- amountPerUnitOfSecurity: dividend amount per security.
- recordTimestamp: date (in seconds) at which token holders balances will be snapshotted.
- executionTimestamp : date (in seconds) at which the dividend should be paid.
- Payload: dividend Id
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Creates a new voting right for the equity.
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset.
- recordTimestamp: date (in seconds) at which token holders balances will be snapshotted.
- data : metadata associated to the voting rights.
- Payload: voting right Id
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Mints new assets to a given account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- amount: amount to be minted with decimals included
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Redeems assets
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- amount: amount to be redeemed with decimals included
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Redeems assets from a given account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- sourceId: accounts hedera id
- amount: amount to be redeemed with decimals included
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Transfer assets from a given account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- sourceId: source accounts hedera id
- targetId: destination accounts hedera id
- amount: amount to be transfered with decimals included
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Pauses the Security (can only be executed if the security is not paused)
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Unpauses the Security (can only be executed if the security is paused)
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Adds an account to the control list (either blacklist or whitelist depending on how the asset was configured during deployment)
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- Payload:True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Removes an account from the control list (either blacklist or whitelist depending on how the asset was configured during deployment)
- Request
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- Response
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Transfer fund to an account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- amount: amount to be transferred with decimals included
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Transfer fund to an account and locks them for a given amount of time
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- amount: amount to be transferred with decimals included
- expirationDate: date in seconds at which the funds can be released (lock expiration date)
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Updates the max supply. Setting max supply to "0" means removing it (unllimited max supply).
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- maxSupply: new max supply
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Locks funds into an account for a certain period of time
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id where funds will be locked
- amount: amount to be locked with decimals included
- expirationDate: date in seconds at which the funds can be released (lock expiration date)
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Releases locked funds from an account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id where funds will be released
- lockId: Id of the lock to be released
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Assigns a new set of roles for a given account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- roles: list of roles.
- actives: list of boolean indicating whether the correspond role (from the above mentioned role list) must be granted or revoked.
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Grants a role to an account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- role: role to be granted.
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Revokes a role from an account
- securityId: Hedera id of the diamond contract representing the asset
- targetId: accounts hedera id
- role: role to be revoked.
- Payload: True (success), false (failed)
- TransactionId:
Id of the Hedera transaction. Can be used to track the transaction in any Hedera block explorer.
Returns the details of a specific regulation and subregulation.
- regulationType:
- 0 : no regulation
- 1 : Reg S
- 2 : Reg D
- regulationSubType:
- 0 : no sub regulation
- 1 : 506 B
- 2 : 506 C
- RegulationViewModel.
- type: string;
- subType: string;
- dealSize: string;
- accreditedInvestors: string;
- maxNonAccreditedInvestors: number;
- manualInvestorVerification: string;
- internationalInvestors: string;
- resaleHoldPeriod: string;
Registers callbacks for the wallet events emitted by the SDK
Use Cases
The first thing you have to do when using the SDK is to :
- initialize it
- connect an account
Initialise the SDK
Use the Network.init method, with the following input data:
- Network:
- Testnet: testnet
- Mainnet: mainnet
- Mirror Node: mirror node url, for instance
- Rpc Node: rpc node url, for instance
- Resolver: resolver proxy smart contract address, for instance
- Testnet: '0.0.3532144'
- Mainnet: nothing deployed yet.
- Factory:
- Testnet: '0.0.3532205'
- Mainnet: nothing deployed yet.
- Business Logic Keys Common: Check the .env.sample from "web".
- Business Logic Keys Equity: Check the .env.sample from "web".
- Business Logic Keys Bond: Check the .env.sample from "web".
Connect an account to the SDK
Use the Network.connect method, with the following input data:
- Account: at least the account Hedera’s id must be provided.
- Testnet: testnet
- Mainnet: mainnet
- Mirror Node: mirror node url, for instance
- Rpc Node: rpc node url, for instance
- Wallet: only metamask is compatible right now
Deploy a new Bond
Use the Bond.Create method.
Deploy a new Equity
Use the Equity.Create method.
Retrieve Regulation Details from Factory
Use the Factory.getRegulationDetails method.
Manage an Asset
Manage Asset Roles
- The account applying the roles must have the “Admin Role”
- Use the Role.applyRoles method
- The account minting must have the “Minter Role” (check Manage Asset Roles)
- Use the Security.issue method
Transfer and lock
- The account transferring and locking the funds must have the “Locker Role” (check Manage Asset Roles)
- Use the Security.transferAndLock method
Add and Remove accounts from Control List
- The account applying the roles must have the “Control list Role” (check Manage Asset Roles)
- Use the Security.addToControlList and Security.removeFromControlList methods