Book Objects
Business objects, basically, copy the structure of XML.
Specific elements will have its own implementation which calculates values from data.
Hence, there should be zero redundancy of the data.
There are codecs for different purposes (parsing XML, saving business objects to DB or rendering using JSX).
If there is an error in a source (i.e. typo in the XML) it should be fixed by the codec.
npm install git+ssh://ssh-config-name:HeduApp/book-objects.git#dist
Decode book XML into business objects
import * as BO from 'book-objects/business-object';
import XMLCodec from 'book-objects/codec/xml-codec';
const xmlCodec = new Codec.XMLCodec();
const book = (await xmlCodec.decode(bookXML)) as BO.Book;
Encode business objects into XML
import XMLCodec from 'book-objects/codec/xml-codec';
const xmlCodec = new XMLCodec();
const bookXML = await xmlCodec.encode(book);
Override component when encoding to JSX
import JSXCodec from 'book-objects/codec/jsx-codec';
import { BusinessObjectType } from 'book-objects/business-object';
import { ComponentOverrides } from 'book-objects/jsx';
import { CustomBook } from './CustomBook';
import { CDNImage } from './CDNImage';
const overrides: ComponentOverrides = {
[BusinessObjectType.Book]: (book) => <CustomBook {...{book}} />,
img: ({attributes: {src}}) => {
const imageID = src as string;
return (
<CDNImage {...{imageID}} />
const jsxCodec = new JSXCodec(overrides);
const EncodedComponent = await jsxCodec.encode(bookObject);
Synchronous JSX encoding
import JSXCodec from 'book-objects/codec/jsx-codec';
const jsxCodec = new JSXCodec(overrides);
const EncodedComponent = jsxCodec.encodeSync(bookObject);
Alsatian is used as a testing framework and test runner, Enzyme is used to test JSX.
To run tests:
npm run test
npm run test-watch
Code style
Code style is enforced by prettier
To prettify code:
npm run prettier
npm run prettier-watch
Before pushing to master
Release new version
npm version major|minor|patch # Should be same as the version in the commit message
npm run release