Helio SDK
NPM package with Typescript.
HelioSDK is a collection of software development tools in one installable package.
This SDK are required for developing a Helio app.
yarn add @heliofi/sdk
HelioSDK Services
Properties table for the HelioSDK
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
constructor | options?: { cluster: Cluster } | void | set properties, cluster available values: devnet, mainnet-beta, testnet |
setCluster | cluster: Cluster | void | set cluster available value |
currencyService | none | CurrencyService, never | returns object CurrencyService |
apiService | none | HelioApiConnector, never | returns object HelioApiAdapter |
solExplorerService | none | SolExplorerService, never | returns object SolExplorerService |
tokenConversionService | none | TokenConversionService, never | returns object TokenConversionService |
paylinkService | none | PaylinkSubmitService, never | returns object PaylinkSubmitService |
configService | none | ConfigService, never | returns object ConfigService |
Cluster = "devnet" | "testnet" | "mainnet-beta";
Properties table for the CurrencyService
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
getCurrencies | none | Promise<Currency[]> | if currencies are empty adds currencies |
getCurrencyBySymbol | symbol: string | Currency, never | get currency by symbol (e.g. "SOl") |
getCurrencyByMint | mint: string | Currency, never | get currency by mint address |
Currency: {
blockchain: {
engine: {
id: string;
type: "EVM" | "SOL";
id: string;
symbol: string;
name: string;
mintAddress?: string;
coinMarketCapId: number;
decimals: number;
symbolPrefix?: string;
order: number;
type?: "FIAT" | "DIGITAL";
iconUrl?: string;
Properties table for the HelioApiAdapter
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
findAddress | query: string, country_code: string | Promise<FetchifyFindAddress> | get addresses list by area code and country code |
retrieveAddress | address_id: string, country_code: string | Promise<FetchifyRetrieveAddress> | get address more info by address id and country code |
listCurrencies | none | Promise<Currency[]> | get currencies list |
getPaymentRequestByIdPublic | id: string | Promise<any> | get paylink info |
getTokenSwapMintAddresses | mintAddress: string | Promise<string[]> | get mint addresses list |
getTokenSwapQuote | paymentRequestId: string, paymentRequestType: PaymentRequestType, fromMint: string, quantity?: number, normalizedPrice?: number, toMint?: string | Promise<SwapRouteToken> | get route token for swap |
getLivePrice | amount: number, to: string, from: string, paymentRequestId?: string, paymentRequestType?: string | Promise<TokenQuoting> | get converted data |
getPreparedTransactionMessage | url: string, body: string | Promise<PrepareTransaction> | prepare transaction to send |
getPreparedTransactionSwapMessage | url: string, body: string | Promise<PrepareSwapTransaction> | prepare transaction to send for swap case |
FetchifyFindAddress: {
results: {
id: string;
count: number;
labels: string[];
FetchifyRetrieveAddress: {
result: {
province_name: string;
street_name: string;
street_prefix: string;
street_suffix: string;
building_number: string;
line_2: string;
province: string;
locality: string;
Currency: {
blockchain: {
engine: {
id: string;
type: "EVM" | "SOL";
id: string;
symbol: string;
name: string;
mintAddress?: string;
coinMarketCapId: number;
decimals: number;
symbolPrefix?: string;
order: number;
type?: "FIAT" | "DIGITAL";
iconUrl?: string;
PaymentRequestType = "PAYLINK" | "PAYSTREAM" | "INVOICE";
SwapRouteToken: {
routeToken: string;
TokenQuoting: {
rateToken: string;
PrepareTransaction: {
transactionToken: string;
transactionMessage: string;
PrepareSwapTransaction: {
standardTransaction: PrepareTransaction;
swapTransaction: string;
Properties table for the SolExplorerService
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
getSolanaExplorerTransactionURL | transactionID: string | string | get transaction URL by after pay |
Properties table for the TokenConversionService
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
convertFromMinimalUnits | symbol: any, minimalAmount: number | number | convert from minimal amount |
convertToMinimalUnits | symbol?: any actualAmount?: number | number | convert to minimal amount |
formatPrice | currency: Currency, normalizedAmount: number | string | format price |
convertFromMinimalAndRound | symbol: string, minimalAmount: number | string | convert from minimal amount and round |
Currency: {
blockchain: {
engine: {
id: string;
type: "EVM" | "SOL";
id: string;
symbol: string;
name: string;
mintAddress?: string;
coinMarketCapId: number;
decimals: number;
symbolPrefix?: string;
order: number;
type?: "FIAT" | "DIGITAL";
iconUrl?: string;
Properties table for the PaylinkSubmitService
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
handleTransaction | props: BasePaymentProps<BasePaymentResponse> | Promise<void> | prepare transaction, connect to wallet, send transaction |
import { Idl, Program } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { AnchorWallet } from "@solana/wallet-adapter-react";
import { Cluster, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
BasePaymentResponse: {
transactionSignature: string;
swapTransactionSignature?: string;
BasePaymentProps: {
onSuccess: (event: {
data: BasePaymentResponse;
transaction: string;
paymentPK?: string;
swapTransaction?: string;
}) => void;
onError: (event: { transaction?: string; errorMessage: string }) => void;
onPending?: (event: { transaction: string }) => void;
symbol: string;
anchorProvider: Program<HelioIdl>;
wallet: AnchorWallet;
connection: Connection;
rateToken?: string;
cluster: Cluster;
Properties table for the ConfigService
Methods | Params | Return | Description |
getAssetUrl | none | string | get helio assets url |
getCluster | none | Cluster | return selected cluster |
setCluster | cluster: Cluster | void | set cluster |
getHelioApiBaseUrl | none | string | get Helio api base url for current cluster |
Cluster = "devnet" | "testnet" | "mainnet-beta";
import { HelioSDK, ClusterType } from '@heliofi/sdk';
import { Cluster } from '@solana/web3.js';
const cluster = ClusterType.Devnet;
const helioSDK = new HelioSDK({ cluster });
const currencies = helioSDK.currencyService.getCurrencies();
const url = helioSDK.configService.getAssetUrl();
const mintAddresses = await helioSDK.apiService.getTokenSwapMintAddresses('mint address');
const transactionUrl = helioSDK.solExplorerService.getSolanaExplorerTransactionURL('transaction');
const amount = helioSDK.tokenConversionService.convertToMinimalUnits('symbol', 100);
await helioSDK.paylinkService.handleTransaction({...});