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@histoire/controls - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.11.0 to 0.11.1




@@ -1,6 +0,14 @@

declare const _default: import("vue").DefineComponent<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
declare const _default: import("vue").DefineComponent<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
title?: string;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
tag?: string;
}>, {
tag: string;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
title?: string;
}>>>, {}>;
tag?: string;
}>, {
tag: string;
}>>>, {
tag: string;
export default _default;

@@ -16,1 +24,6 @@ declare type __VLS_NonUndefinedable<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;

declare type __VLS_WithDefaults<P, D> = {
[K in keyof Pick<P, keyof P>]: K extends keyof D ? P[K] & {
default: D[K];
} : P[K];

@@ -0,1 +1,39 @@

export declare const HstButton: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{
color: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<"default" | "flat" | "primary">;
}, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").VNodeProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ExtractPropTypes<{
color: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<"default" | "flat" | "primary">;
}>>, {}>;
export declare const HstButtonGroup: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: string) => void;
}, string, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").VNodeProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ExtractPropTypes<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}>> & {
"onUpdate:modelValue"?: (value: string) => any;
}, {}>;
export declare const HstCheckbox: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{

@@ -22,2 +60,31 @@ modelValue: {

}, {}>;
export declare const HstCheckboxList: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string[]>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: string[]) => void;
}, string, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").VNodeProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ExtractPropTypes<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string[]>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}>> & {
"onUpdate:modelValue"?: (value: string[]) => any;
}, {}>;
export declare const HstText: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{

@@ -267,2 +334,40 @@ title: {

export declare const components: {
HstButton: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{
color: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<"default" | "flat" | "primary">;
}, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").VNodeProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ExtractPropTypes<{
color: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<"default" | "flat" | "primary">;
}>>, {}>;
HstButtonGroup: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: string) => void;
}, string, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").VNodeProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ExtractPropTypes<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}>> & {
"onUpdate:modelValue"?: (value: string) => any;
}, {}>;
HstCheckbox: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{

@@ -289,2 +394,31 @@ modelValue: {

}, {}>;
HstCheckboxList: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string[]>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: string[]) => void;
}, string, import("@histoire/vendors/vue").VNodeProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("@histoire/vendors/vue").ExtractPropTypes<{
title: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string>;
modelValue: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<string[]>;
required: true;
options: {
type: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").PropType<import("./types").HstControlOption[]>;
required: true;
}>> & {
"onUpdate:modelValue"?: (value: string[]) => any;
}, {}>;
HstText: import("@histoire/vendors/vue").DefineComponent<{

@@ -291,0 +425,0 @@ title: {



@@ -1,32 +0,101 @@

import { defineComponent as _, openBlock as i, createElementBlock as m, withDirectives as V, createTextVNode as M, toDisplayString as k, unref as w, createElementVNode as c, renderSlot as g, ref as b, computed as y, watch as K, createBlock as f, withKeys as A, withModifiers as j, withCtx as v, normalizeClass as x, normalizeStyle as S, mergeProps as O, onUnmounted as R, isRef as D, vModelText as B, createCommentVNode as H, Fragment as E, renderList as L, createVNode as I } from "@histoire/vendors/vue";
import { VTooltip as N, Dropdown as G } from "@histoire/vendors/floating-vue";
import { Icon as U } from "@histoire/vendors/iconify";
import { useClipboard as P } from "@histoire/vendors/vue-use";
const W = { class: "htw-p-2 hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-800 htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-flex-wrap" }, X = { class: "htw-w-28 htw-whitespace-nowrap htw-text-ellipsis htw-overflow-hidden htw-shrink-0" }, J = { class: "htw-grow htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1" }, q = { class: "htw-block htw-grow" }, Q = {
import { defineComponent as y, openBlock as i, createElementBlock as w, normalizeClass as b, renderSlot as g, createBlock as f, resolveDynamicComponent as P, withCtx as m, withDirectives as C, createTextVNode as H, toDisplayString as k, unref as d, createElementVNode as h, computed as v, Fragment as N, renderList as A, watch as D, ref as _, withKeys as E, withModifiers as B, createVNode as j, normalizeStyle as V, mergeProps as L, onUnmounted as W, isRef as K, vModelText as G, createCommentVNode as M } from "@histoire/vendors/vue";
import { VTooltip as O, Dropdown as X } from "@histoire/vendors/floating-vue";
import { Icon as I } from "@histoire/vendors/iconify";
import { useClipboard as J } from "@histoire/vendors/vue-use";
const q = {
name: "HstButton"
}, U = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {
color: null
setup(l) {
const c = {
default: "htw-bg-gray-200 dark:htw-bg-gray-750 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100 hover:htw-bg-primary-200 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-900",
primary: "htw-bg-primary-500 hover:htw-bg-primary-600 htw-text-white dark:htw-text-black",
flat: "htw-bg-transparent hover:htw-bg-gray-500/20 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100"
return (n, a) => {
var o;
return i(), w("button", {
class: b(["htw-cursor-pointer htw-rounded-sm", c[(o = l.color) != null ? o : "default"]])
}, [
g(n.$slots, "default")
], 2);
}), Q = { class: "htw-w-28 htw-whitespace-nowrap htw-text-ellipsis htw-overflow-hidden htw-shrink-0" }, Y = { class: "htw-grow htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1" }, Z = { class: "htw-block htw-grow" }, tt = {
name: "HstWrapper"
}, z = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, S = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {
title: null
title: null,
tag: { default: "label" }
setup(s) {
return (h, a) => (i(), m("label", W, [
V((i(), m("span", X, [
M(k(s.title), 1)
])), [
[w(N), {
content: s.title,
placement: "left",
distance: 12
setup(l) {
return (c, n) => (i(), f(P(l.tag), { class: "htw-p-2 hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-800 htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-flex-wrap" }, {
default: m(() => [
C((i(), w("span", Q, [
H(k(l.title), 1)
])), [
[d(O), {
content: l.title,
placement: "left",
distance: 12
h("span", Y, [
h("span", Z, [
g(c.$slots, "default")
g(c.$slots, "actions")
c("span", J, [
c("span", q, [
g(h.$slots, "default")
g(h.$slots, "actions")
_: 3
}), Y = { class: "htw-text-white htw-w-[16px] htw-h-[16px] htw-relative" }, Z = {
}), et = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-px htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 htw-rounded-sm htw-p-px" }, lt = {
name: "HstButtonGroup"
}, nt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {
title: null,
modelValue: null,
options: null
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l, a = v(() => Array.isArray(n.options) ? Object.fromEntries( => typeof e == "string" ? [e, e] : [e.value, e.label])) : n.options);
function o(e) {
c("update:modelValue", e);
return (e, t) => (i(), f(S, {
tag: "div",
role: "group",
title: l.title,
class: "htw-flex-nowrap htw-items-center"
}, {
actions: m(() => [
g(e.$slots, "actions")
default: m(() => [
h("div", et, [
(i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(a), (r, s) => (i(), f(U, {
key: s,
class: "htw-px-1 htw-h-[22px] htw-flex-1 !htw-rounded-[3px]",
color: s === l.modelValue ? "primary" : "flat",
rounded: !1,
onClick: (u) => o(s)
}, {
default: m(() => [
H(k(r), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["color", "onClick"]))), 128))
_: 3
}, 8, ["title"]));
}), st = {
width: "16",

@@ -36,6 +105,56 @@ height: "16",

class: "htw-relative htw-z-10"
}, tt = ["stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset"], et = {
}, ot = ["stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset"], rt = {
name: "HstSimpleCheckbox"
}, F = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {
modelValue: { type: Boolean },
withToggle: { type: Boolean }
emits: {
"update:modelValue": (l) => !0
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l;
function a() {
!n.withToggle || c("update:modelValue", !n.modelValue);
D(() => n.modelValue, () => {
s.value = !0;
const o = _(), e = _(0), t = v(() => n.modelValue ? 1 : 0), r = v(() => (1 - t.value) * e.value), s = _(!1);
return D(o, () => {
var u, p, $;
e.value = ($ = (p = (u = o.value).getTotalLength) == null ? void 0 : != null ? $ : 21.21;
}), (u, p) => (i(), w("div", {
class: b(["htw-group htw-text-white htw-w-[16px] htw-h-[16px] htw-relative", { "htw-cursor-pointer": l.withToggle }]),
onClick: a
}, [
h("div", {
class: b(["htw-border htw-border-solid group-active:htw-bg-gray-500/20 htw-rounded-sm htw-box-border htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-transition-border htw-duration-150 htw-ease-out group-hover:htw-border-primary-500 group-hover:dark:htw-border-primary-500", [
l.modelValue ? "htw-border-primary-500 htw-border-8" : "htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 htw-delay-150"
}, null, 2),
(i(), w("svg", st, [
h("path", {
ref_key: "path",
ref: o,
d: "m 4 12 l 5 5 l 10 -10",
fill: "none",
class: b(["htw-stroke-white htw-stroke-2 htw-duration-200 htw-ease-in-out", [
s.value ? "htw-transition-all" : "htw-transition-none",
"htw-delay-150": l.modelValue
"stroke-dasharray": e.value,
"stroke-dashoffset": d(r)
}, null, 10, ot)
], 2));
}), at = {
name: "HstCheckbox"
}, st = /* @__PURE__ */ _({,
}, ut = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {

@@ -46,51 +165,25 @@ modelValue: { type: Boolean },

emits: {
"update:modelValue": (s) => !0
"update:modelValue": (l) => !0
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = s;
function o() {
h("update:modelValue", !a.modelValue), l.value = !0;
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l;
function a() {
c("update:modelValue", !n.modelValue);
const n = b(), u = b(0), t = y(() => a.modelValue ? 1 : 0), e = y(() => (1 - t.value) * u.value), l = b(!1);
return K(n, () => {
var r, d, p;
u.value = (p = (d = (r = n.value).getTotalLength) == null ? void 0 : != null ? p : 21.21;
}), (r, d) => (i(), f(z, {
return (o, e) => (i(), f(S, {
role: "checkbox",
tabindex: "0",
class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-items-center",
title: s.title,
onClick: d[0] || (d[0] = (p) => o()),
title: l.title,
onClick: e[0] || (e[0] = (t) => a()),
onKeydown: [
d[1] || (d[1] = A(j((p) => o(), ["prevent"]), ["enter"])),
d[2] || (d[2] = A(j((p) => o(), ["prevent"]), ["space"]))
e[1] || (e[1] = E(B((t) => a(), ["prevent"]), ["enter"])),
e[2] || (e[2] = E(B((t) => a(), ["prevent"]), ["space"]))
}, {
actions: v(() => [
g(r.$slots, "actions")
actions: m(() => [
g(o.$slots, "actions")
default: v(() => [
c("div", Y, [
c("div", {
class: x(["htw-border htw-border-solid group-active:htw-bg-gray-500/20 htw-rounded-sm htw-box-border htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-transition-border htw-duration-150 htw-ease-out", [
s.modelValue ? "htw-border-primary-500 htw-border-8" : "htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 htw-delay-150"
}, null, 2),
(i(), m("svg", Z, [
c("path", {
ref_key: "path",
ref: n,
d: "m 4 12 l 5 5 l 10 -10",
fill: "none",
class: x(["htw-stroke-white htw-stroke-2 htw-duration-200 htw-ease-in-out", [
l.value ? "htw-transition-all" : "htw-transition-none",
"htw-delay-150": s.modelValue
"stroke-dasharray": u.value,
"stroke-dashoffset": w(e)
}, null, 10, tt)
default: m(() => [
j(F, { "model-value": l.modelValue }, null, 8, ["model-value"])

@@ -100,6 +193,54 @@ _: 3

}), lt = ["value"], nt = {
}), it = { class: "-htw-my-1" }, ct = ["for", "onKeydown", "onClick"], ht = {
name: "HstCheckboxList"
}, dt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {
title: null,
modelValue: null,
options: null
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l, a = v(() => Array.isArray(n.options) ? Object.fromEntries( => typeof e == "string" ? [e, e] : [e.value, e.label])) : n.options);
function o(e) {
n.modelValue.includes(e) ? c("update:modelValue", n.modelValue.filter((t) => t !== e)) : c("update:modelValue", [...n.modelValue, e]);
return (e, t) => (i(), f(S, {
role: "group",
title: l.title,
class: b(["htw-cursor-text", e.$attrs.class]),
style: V(e.$
}, {
actions: m(() => [
g(e.$slots, "actions")
default: m(() => [
h("div", it, [
(i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(a), (r, s) => (i(), w("label", {
key: s,
tabindex: "0",
for: `${s}-radio`,
class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-flex htw-items-center htw-relative htw-py-1 htw-group",
onKeydown: [
E(B((u) => o(s), ["prevent"]), ["enter"]),
E(B((u) => o(s), ["prevent"]), ["space"])
onClick: (u) => o(s)
}, [
j(F, {
"model-value": l.modelValue.includes(s),
class: "htw-mr-2"
}, null, 8, ["model-value"]),
H(" " + k(r), 1)
], 40, ct))), 128))
_: 3
}, 8, ["title", "class", "style"]));
}), wt = ["value"], pt = {
name: "HstText"
}, ot = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, mt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {

@@ -110,25 +251,25 @@ title: null,

emits: {
"update:modelValue": (s) => !0
"update:modelValue": (l) => !0
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = b();
return (o, n) => (i(), f(z, {
title: s.title,
class: x(["htw-cursor-text htw-items-center", o.$attrs.class]),
style: S(o.$,
onClick: n[1] || (n[1] = (u) => a.value.focus())
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = _();
return (a, o) => (i(), f(S, {
title: l.title,
class: b(["htw-cursor-text htw-items-center", a.$attrs.class]),
style: V(a.$,
onClick: o[1] || (o[1] = (e) => n.value.focus())
}, {
actions: v(() => [
g(o.$slots, "actions")
actions: m(() => [
g(a.$slots, "actions")
default: v(() => [
c("input", O({
default: m(() => [
h("input", L({
ref_key: "input",
ref: a
}, { ...o.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
ref: n
}, { ...a.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
type: "text",
value: s.modelValue,
value: l.modelValue,
class: "htw-text-inherit htw-bg-transparent htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-px-2 htw-py-1 -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 focus:htw-border-primary-500 dark:focus:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm",
onInput: n[0] || (n[0] = (u) => h("update:modelValue",
}), null, 16, lt)
onInput: o[0] || (o[0] = (e) => c("update:modelValue",
}), null, 16, wt)

@@ -138,7 +279,7 @@ _: 3

}), rt = {
}), ft = {
name: "HstNumber",
inheritAttrs: !1
}, at = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, yt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {

@@ -149,55 +290,55 @@ title: null,

emits: {
"update:modelValue": (s) => !0
"update:modelValue": (l) => !0
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = s, o = y({
get: () => a.modelValue,
set: ($) => {
h("update:modelValue", $);
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l, a = v({
get: () => n.modelValue,
set: (x) => {
c("update:modelValue", x);
}), n = b();
function u() {
}), o = _();
function e() {
const t = b(!1);
let e, l;
function r($) {
t.value = !0, e = $.clientX, l = o.value, window.addEventListener("mousemove", d), window.addEventListener("mouseup", p);
const t = _(!1);
let r, s;
function u(x) {
t.value = !0, r = x.clientX, s = a.value, window.addEventListener("mousemove", p), window.addEventListener("mouseup", $);
function d($) {
let C = parseFloat(n.value.step);
isNaN(C) && (C = 1), o.value = l + Math.round(($.clientX - e) / 10 / C) * C;
function p(x) {
let T = parseFloat(o.value.step);
isNaN(T) && (T = 1), a.value = s + Math.round((x.clientX - r) / 10 / T) * T;
function p() {
t.value = !1, window.removeEventListener("mousemove", d), window.removeEventListener("mouseup", p);
function $() {
t.value = !1, window.removeEventListener("mousemove", p), window.removeEventListener("mouseup", $);
return R(() => {
}), ($, C) => (i(), f(z, {
class: x(["htw-cursor-ew-resize htw-items-center", [
return W(() => {
}), (x, T) => (i(), f(S, {
class: b(["htw-cursor-ew-resize htw-items-center", [
{ "htw-select-none": t.value }
title: s.title,
style: S($.$,
onClick: u,
onMousedown: r
title: l.title,
style: V(x.$,
onClick: e,
onMousedown: u
}, {
actions: v(() => [
g($.$slots, "actions")
actions: m(() => [
g(x.$slots, "actions")
default: v(() => [
V(c("input", O({
default: m(() => [
C(h("input", L({
ref_key: "input",
ref: n
}, { ...$.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
"onUpdate:modelValue": C[0] || (C[0] = (F) => D(o) ? o.value = F : null),
ref: o
}, { ...x.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
"onUpdate:modelValue": T[0] || (T[0] = (R) => K(a) ? a.value = R : null),
type: "number",
class: [{
"htw-select-none": t.value
}, "htw-text-inherit htw-bg-transparent htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-pl-2 htw-py-1 -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 focus:htw-border-primary-500 dark:focus:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm htw-cursor-ew-resize"]
}, "htw-text-inherit htw-bg-transparent htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-pl-2 htw-py-1 -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 focus:htw-border-primary-500 dark:focus:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm htw-cursor-ew-resize htw-box-border"]
}), null, 16), [
void 0,

@@ -212,9 +353,9 @@ { number: !0 }

const ut = { class: "htw-relative htw-w-full htw-flex htw-items-center" }, it = /* @__PURE__ */ c("div", { class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-flex htw-items-center" }, [
/* @__PURE__ */ c("div", { class: "htw-border htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 htw-h-1 htw-w-full htw-rounded-full" })
], -1), ht = {
const vt = { class: "htw-relative htw-w-full htw-flex htw-items-center" }, gt = /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-flex htw-items-center" }, [
/* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "htw-border htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 htw-h-1 htw-w-full htw-rounded-full" })
], -1), bt = {
name: "HstSlider",
inheritAttrs: !1
}, ct = /* @__PURE__ */ _({,
}, _t = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {

@@ -227,34 +368,34 @@ title: null,

emits: {
"update:modelValue": (s) => !0
"update:modelValue": (l) => !0
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = s, o = b(!1), n = b(null), u = y({
get: () => a.modelValue,
set: (l) => {
h("update:modelValue", l);
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l, a = _(!1), o = _(null), e = v({
get: () => n.modelValue,
set: (s) => {
c("update:modelValue", s);
}), t = y(() => (a.modelValue - a.min) / (a.max - a.min)), e = y(() => n.value ? {
left: 8 + (n.value.clientWidth - 16) * t.value + "px"
}), t = v(() => (n.modelValue - n.min) / (n.max - n.min)), r = v(() => o.value ? {
left: 8 + (o.value.clientWidth - 16) * t.value + "px"
} : {});
return (l, r) => (i(), f(z, {
class: x(["htw-items-center", l.$attrs.class]),
title: s.title,
style: S(l.$
return (s, u) => (i(), f(S, {
class: b(["htw-items-center", s.$attrs.class]),
title: l.title,
style: V(s.$
}, {
default: v(() => [
c("div", ut, [
V(c("input", O({
default: m(() => [
h("div", vt, [
C(h("input", L({
ref_key: "input",
ref: n,
"onUpdate:modelValue": r[0] || (r[0] = (d) => D(u) ? u.value = d : null),
ref: o,
"onUpdate:modelValue": u[0] || (u[0] = (p) => K(e) ? e.value = p : null),
class: "htw-range-input htw-appearance-none htw-border-0 htw-bg-transparent htw-cursor-pointer htw-relative htw-w-full htw-m-0 htw-text-gray-700",
type: "range"
}, { ...l.$attrs, class: null, style: null, min: s.min, max: s.max }, {
onMouseover: r[1] || (r[1] = (d) => o.value = !0),
onMouseleave: r[2] || (r[2] = (d) => o.value = !1)
}, { ...s.$attrs, class: null, style: null, min: l.min, max: l.max }, {
onMouseover: u[1] || (u[1] = (p) => a.value = !0),
onMouseleave: u[2] || (u[2] = (p) => a.value = !1)
}), null, 16), [
void 0,

@@ -264,9 +405,9 @@ { number: !0 }

o.value ? V((i(), m("div", {
a.value ? C((i(), w("div", {
key: 0,
class: "htw-absolute",
style: S(w(e))
style: V(d(r))
}, null, 4)), [
[w(N), { content: s.modelValue.toString(), shown: !0, distance: 16, delay: 0 }]
]) : H("", !0)
[d(O), { content: l.modelValue.toString(), shown: !0, distance: 16, delay: 0 }]
]) : M("", !0)

@@ -277,7 +418,7 @@ ]),

}), dt = ["value"], wt = {
}), $t = ["value"], xt = {
name: "HstTextarea",
inheritAttrs: !1
}, mt = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, kt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {

@@ -288,24 +429,24 @@ title: null,

emits: {
"update:modelValue": (s) => !0
"update:modelValue": (l) => !0
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = b();
return (o, n) => (i(), f(z, {
title: s.title,
class: x(["htw-cursor-text", o.$attrs.class]),
style: S(o.$,
onClick: n[1] || (n[1] = (u) => a.value.focus())
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = _();
return (a, o) => (i(), f(S, {
title: l.title,
class: b(["htw-cursor-text", a.$attrs.class]),
style: V(a.$,
onClick: o[1] || (o[1] = (e) => n.value.focus())
}, {
actions: v(() => [
g(o.$slots, "actions")
actions: m(() => [
g(a.$slots, "actions")
default: v(() => [
c("textarea", O({
default: m(() => [
h("textarea", L({
ref_key: "input",
ref: a
}, { ...o.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
value: s.modelValue,
ref: n
}, { ...a.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
value: l.modelValue,
class: "htw-text-inherit htw-bg-transparent htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-px-2 htw-py-1 -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 focus:htw-border-primary-500 dark:focus:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm htw-box-border htw-resize-y htw-min-h-[26px]",
onInput: n[0] || (n[0] = (u) => h("update:modelValue",
}), null, 16, dt)
onInput: o[0] || (o[0] = (e) => c("update:modelValue",
}), null, 16, $t)

@@ -316,6 +457,6 @@ _: 3

const pt = { class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-px-2 htw-h-[27px] -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 hover:htw-border-primary-500 dark:hover:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-items-center htw-leading-normal" }, ft = { class: "htw-flex-1 htw-truncate" }, vt = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-bg-gray-50 dark:htw-bg-gray-700" }, yt = ["onClick"], bt = {
const Vt = { class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-px-2 htw-h-[27px] -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 hover:htw-border-primary-500 dark:hover:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-items-center htw-leading-normal" }, Ct = { class: "htw-flex-1 htw-truncate" }, Ht = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-bg-gray-50 dark:htw-bg-gray-700" }, St = ["onClick"], Mt = {
name: "CustomSelect"
}, _t = /* @__PURE__ */ _({,
}, Nt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {

@@ -326,30 +467,30 @@ modelValue: null,

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = s, o = y(() => Array.isArray(a.options) ? => typeof t == "string" ? [t, t] : [t.value, t.label]) : Object.entries(a.options)), n = y(() => {
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l, a = v(() => Array.isArray(n.options) ? => typeof t == "string" ? [t, t] : [t.value, t.label]) : Object.entries(n.options)), o = v(() => {
var t;
return (t = o.value.find(([e]) => e === a.modelValue)) == null ? void 0 : t[1];
return (t = a.value.find(([r]) => r === n.modelValue)) == null ? void 0 : t[1];
function u(t, e) {
h("update:modelValue", t), e();
function e(t, r) {
c("update:modelValue", t), r();
return (t, e) => (i(), f(w(G), { "auto-size": "" }, {
popper: v(({ hide: l }) => [
c("div", vt, [
(i(!0), m(E, null, L(w(o), ([r, d]) => (i(), m("div", O({ ...t.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
key: d,
return (t, r) => (i(), f(d(X), { "auto-size": "" }, {
popper: m(({ hide: s }) => [
h("div", Ht, [
(i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(a), ([u, p]) => (i(), w("div", L({ ...t.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
key: p,
class: ["htw-px-2 htw-py-1 htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-700", {
"htw-bg-primary-200 dark:htw-bg-primary-800": a.modelValue === r
"htw-bg-primary-200 dark:htw-bg-primary-800": n.modelValue === u
onClick: (p) => u(r, l)
}), k(d), 17, yt))), 128))
onClick: ($) => e(u, s)
}), k(p), 17, St))), 128))
default: v(() => [
c("div", pt, [
c("div", ft, [
g(t.$slots, "default", { label: w(n) }, () => [
M(k(w(n)), 1)
default: m(() => [
h("div", Vt, [
h("div", Ct, [
g(t.$slots, "default", { label: d(o) }, () => [
H(k(d(o)), 1)
I(w(U), {
j(d(I), {
icon: "carbon:chevron-sort",

@@ -363,6 +504,6 @@ class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-flex-none htw-ml-auto"

}), $t = {
}), Tt = {
name: "HstSelect"
}, gt = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, Ot = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {

@@ -374,16 +515,16 @@ title: null,

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
return (a, o) => (i(), f(z, {
title: s.title,
class: x(["htw-cursor-text htw-items-center", a.$attrs.class]),
style: S(a.$
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
return (n, a) => (i(), f(S, {
title: l.title,
class: b(["htw-cursor-text htw-items-center", n.$attrs.class]),
style: V(n.$
}, {
actions: v(() => [
g(a.$slots, "actions")
actions: m(() => [
g(n.$slots, "actions")
default: v(() => [
I(_t, {
options: s.options,
"model-value": s.modelValue,
"onUpdate:modelValue": o[0] || (o[0] = (n) => h("update:modelValue", n))
default: m(() => [
j(Nt, {
options: l.options,
"model-value": l.modelValue,
"onUpdate:modelValue": a[0] || (a[0] = (o) => c("update:modelValue", o))
}, null, 8, ["options", "model-value"])

@@ -394,20 +535,20 @@ ]),

}), xt = {
}), zt = {
name: "HstCopyIcon"
}, T = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, z = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {
content: null
setup(s) {
const h = s, { copy: a, copied: o } = P(), n = () => a(h.content);
return (u, t) => V((i(), f(w(U), {
setup(l) {
const c = l, { copy: n, copied: a } = J(), o = () => n(c.content);
return (e, t) => C((i(), f(d(I), {
icon: "carbon:copy-file",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-cursor-pointer",
onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (e) => n())
onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (r) => o())
}, null, 512)), [
[w(N), {
[d(O), {
content: "Copied!",
triggers: [],
shown: w(o),
shown: d(a),
distance: 12,

@@ -418,9 +559,9 @@ delay: 0

}), kt = {
}), At = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-grid htw-gap-4 htw-grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,minmax(200px,1fr))] htw-m-4"
}, Vt = ["onMouseenter"], St = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Ht = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Ct = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Mt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Nt = {
}, Et = ["onMouseenter"], Bt = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Lt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, jt = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Dt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Kt = {
name: "HstColorShades"
}, Tt = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, Gt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {

@@ -431,74 +572,74 @@ shades: null,

setup(s) {
const h = s, a = (t, e = "") => Object.entries(t).reduce((l, [r, d]) => {
const p = e ? r === "DEFAULT" ? e : `${e}-${r}` : r, $ = typeof d == "object" ? a(d, p) : { [p]: d };
return { ...l, ...$ };
}, {}), o = y(() => {
const t = h.shades, e = h.getName, l = a(t);
return Object.entries(l).map(([r, d]) => {
const p = e ? e(r, d) : r;
setup(l) {
const c = l, n = (t, r = "") => Object.entries(t).reduce((s, [u, p]) => {
const $ = r ? u === "DEFAULT" ? r : `${r}-${u}` : u, x = typeof p == "object" ? n(p, $) : { [$]: p };
return { ...s, ...x };
}, {}), a = v(() => {
const t = c.shades, r = c.getName, s = n(t);
return Object.entries(s).map(([u, p]) => {
const $ = r ? r(u, p) : u;
return {
key: r,
color: d,
name: p
key: u,
color: p,
name: $
}), n = y(() => {
let t = o.value;
if ( {
const e = new RegExp(, "i");
t = t.filter(({ name: l }) => e.test(l));
}), o = v(() => {
let t = a.value;
if ( {
const r = new RegExp(, "i");
t = t.filter(({ name: s }) => r.test(s));
return t;
}), u = b(null);
return (t, e) => w(n).length ? (i(), m("div", kt, [
(i(!0), m(E, null, L(w(n), (l) => (i(), m("div", {
key: l.key,
}), e = _(null);
return (t, r) => d(o).length ? (i(), w("div", At, [
(i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(o), (s) => (i(), w("div", {
key: s.key,
class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-gap-2",
onMouseenter: (r) => u.value = l.key,
onMouseleave: e[0] || (e[0] = (r) => u.value = null)
onMouseenter: (u) => e.value = s.key,
onMouseleave: r[0] || (r[0] = (u) => e.value = null)
}, [
g(t.$slots, "default", {
color: l.color
color: s.color
}, () => [
c("div", {
h("div", {
class: "htw-rounded-full htw-w-16 htw-h-16",
style: S({
backgroundColor: l.color
style: V({
backgroundColor: s.color
}, null, 4)
c("div", null, [
c("div", St, [
V((i(), m("pre", Ht, [
M(k(, 1)
h("div", null, [
h("div", Bt, [
C((i(), w("pre", Lt, [
H(k(, 1)
])), [
[w(N), > 23 ? : ""]
[d(O), > 23 ? : ""]
u.value === l.key ? (i(), f(T, {
e.value === s.key ? (i(), f(z, {
key: 0,
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : H("", !0)
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : M("", !0)
c("div", Ct, [
V((i(), m("pre", Mt, [
M(k(l.color), 1)
h("div", jt, [
C((i(), w("pre", Dt, [
H(k(s.color), 1)
])), [
[w(N), l.color.length > 23 ? l.color : ""]
[d(O), s.color.length > 23 ? s.color : ""]
u.value === l.key ? (i(), f(T, {
e.value === s.key ? (i(), f(z, {
key: 0,
content: l.color,
content: s.color,
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : H("", !0)
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : M("", !0)
], 40, Vt))), 128))
])) : H("", !0);
], 40, Et))), 128))
])) : M("", !0);
}), zt = ["onMouseenter"], Et = { class: "htw-mx-4" }, Ot = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Lt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, At = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, jt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Dt = {
}), It = ["onMouseenter"], Ut = { class: "htw-mx-4" }, Ft = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Rt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Pt = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Wt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Xt = {
name: "HstTokenList"
}, Bt = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, Jt = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
props: {

@@ -508,46 +649,46 @@ tokens: null,

setup(s) {
const h = s, a = y(() => {
const n = h.tokens, u = h.getName;
return Object.entries(n).map(([t, e]) => {
const l = u ? u(t, e) : t;
setup(l) {
const c = l, n = v(() => {
const o = c.tokens, e = c.getName;
return Object.entries(o).map(([t, r]) => {
const s = e ? e(t, r) : t;
return {
key: t,
name: l,
value: typeof e == "number" ? e.toString() : e
name: s,
value: typeof r == "number" ? r.toString() : r
}), o = b(null);
return (n, u) => (i(!0), m(E, null, L(w(a), (t) => (i(), m("div", {
}), a = _(null);
return (o, e) => (i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(n), (t) => (i(), w("div", {
key: t.key,
class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-gap-2 htw-my-8",
onMouseenter: (e) => o.value = t.key,
onMouseleave: u[0] || (u[0] = (e) => o.value = null)
onMouseenter: (r) => a.value = t.key,
onMouseleave: e[0] || (e[0] = (r) => a.value = null)
}, [
g(n.$slots, "default", { token: t }),
c("div", Et, [
c("div", Ot, [
c("pre", Lt, k(, 1),
o.value === t.key ? (i(), f(T, {
g(o.$slots, "default", { token: t }),
h("div", Ut, [
h("div", Ft, [
h("pre", Rt, k(, 1),
a.value === t.key ? (i(), f(z, {
key: 0,
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : H("", !0)
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : M("", !0)
c("div", At, [
c("pre", jt, k(t.value), 1),
o.value === t.key ? (i(), f(T, {
h("div", Pt, [
h("pre", Wt, k(t.value), 1),
a.value === t.key ? (i(), f(z, {
key: 0,
content: typeof t.value == "string" ? t.value : JSON.stringify(t.value),
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : H("", !0)
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : M("", !0)
], 40, zt))), 128));
], 40, It))), 128));
const It = ["onMouseenter"], Ut = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Ft = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Kt = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Rt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Gt = {
const qt = ["onMouseenter"], Qt = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, Yt = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, Zt = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-1" }, te = { class: "htw-my-0 htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate htw-shrink" }, ee = {
name: "HstTokenGrid"
}, Pt = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, le = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {

@@ -558,60 +699,60 @@ tokens: null,

setup(s) {
const h = s, a = y(() => {
const u = h.tokens, t = h.getName;
return Object.entries(u).map(([e, l]) => {
const r = t ? t(e, l) : e;
setup(l) {
const c = l, n = v(() => {
const e = c.tokens, t = c.getName;
return Object.entries(e).map(([r, s]) => {
const u = t ? t(r, s) : r;
return {
key: e,
name: r,
value: typeof l == "number" ? l.toString() : l
key: r,
name: u,
value: typeof s == "number" ? s.toString() : s
}), o = y(() => `${h.colSize}px`), n = b(null);
return (u, t) => (i(), m("div", {
}), a = v(() => `${c.colSize}px`), o = _(null);
return (e, t) => (i(), w("div", {
class: "htw-bind-col-size htw-grid htw-gap-4 htw-m-4",
style: S({
"--histoire-col-size": w(o)
style: V({
"--histoire-col-size": d(a)
}, [
(i(!0), m(E, null, L(w(a), (e) => (i(), m("div", {
key: e.key,
(i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(n), (r) => (i(), w("div", {
key: r.key,
class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-gap-2",
onMouseenter: (l) => n.value = e.key,
onMouseleave: t[0] || (t[0] = (l) => n.value = null)
onMouseenter: (s) => o.value = r.key,
onMouseleave: t[0] || (t[0] = (s) => o.value = null)
}, [
g(u.$slots, "default", { token: e }),
c("div", null, [
c("div", Ut, [
V((i(), m("pre", Ft, [
M(k(, 1)
g(e.$slots, "default", { token: r }),
h("div", null, [
h("div", Qt, [
C((i(), w("pre", Yt, [
H(k(, 1)
])), [
[w(N), > s.colSize / 8 ? : ""]
[d(O), > l.colSize / 8 ? : ""]
n.value === e.key ? (i(), f(T, {
o.value === r.key ? (i(), f(z, {
key: 0,
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : H("", !0)
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : M("", !0)
c("div", Kt, [
V((i(), m("pre", Rt, [
M(k(e.value), 1)
h("div", Zt, [
C((i(), w("pre", te, [
H(k(r.value), 1)
])), [
[w(N), e.value.length > s.colSize / 8 ? e.value : ""]
[d(O), r.value.length > l.colSize / 8 ? r.value : ""]
n.value === e.key ? (i(), f(T, {
o.value === r.key ? (i(), f(z, {
key: 0,
content: typeof e.value == "string" ? e.value : JSON.stringify(e.value),
content: typeof r.value == "string" ? r.value : JSON.stringify(r.value),
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : H("", !0)
}, null, 8, ["content"])) : M("", !0)
], 40, It))), 128))
], 40, qt))), 128))
], 4));
}), Wt = { class: "-htw-my-1" }, Xt = ["id", "name", "value", "checked", "onChange"], Jt = ["for", "onKeydown"], qt = {
}), ne = { class: "-htw-my-1" }, se = ["id", "name", "value", "checked", "onChange"], oe = ["for", "onKeydown"], re = {
name: "HstRadio"
}, Qt = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
}, ae = /* @__PURE__ */ y({,
props: {

@@ -623,59 +764,59 @@ title: null,

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(s, { emit: h }) {
const a = s, o = y(() => Array.isArray(a.options) ? Object.fromEntries( => typeof t == "string" ? [t, t] : [t.value, t.label])) : a.options);
function n(t) {
h("update:modelValue", t), u.value = !0;
setup(l, { emit: c }) {
const n = l, a = v(() => Array.isArray(n.options) ? Object.fromEntries( => typeof t == "string" ? [t, t] : [t.value, t.label])) : n.options);
function o(t) {
c("update:modelValue", t), e.value = !0;
const u = b(!1);
return (t, e) => (i(), f(z, {
const e = _(!1);
return (t, r) => (i(), f(S, {
role: "group",
title: s.title,
class: x(["htw-cursor-text", t.$attrs.class]),
style: S(t.$
title: l.title,
class: b(["htw-cursor-text", t.$attrs.class]),
style: V(t.$
}, {
actions: v(() => [
actions: m(() => [
g(t.$slots, "actions")
default: v(() => [
c("div", Wt, [
(i(!0), m(E, null, L(w(o), (l, r) => (i(), m(E, { key: r }, [
c("input", {
id: `${r}-radio`,
default: m(() => [
h("div", ne, [
(i(!0), w(N, null, A(d(a), (s, u) => (i(), w(N, { key: u }, [
h("input", {
id: `${u}-radio`,
type: "radio",
name: `${r}-radio`,
value: r,
checked: r === s.modelValue,
name: `${u}-radio`,
value: u,
checked: u === l.modelValue,
class: "htw-hidden",
onChange: (d) => n(r)
}, null, 40, Xt),
c("label", {
onChange: (p) => o(u)
}, null, 40, se),
h("label", {
tabindex: "0",
for: `${r}-radio`,
for: `${u}-radio`,
class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-flex htw-items-center htw-relative htw-py-1 htw-group",
onKeydown: [
A(j((d) => n(r), ["prevent"]), ["enter"]),
A(j((d) => n(r), ["prevent"]), ["space"])
E(B((p) => o(u), ["prevent"]), ["enter"]),
E(B((p) => o(u), ["prevent"]), ["space"])
}, [
(i(), m("svg", {
(i(), w("svg", {
width: "16",
height: "16",
viewBox: "-12 -12 24 24",
class: x(["htw-relative htw-z-10 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-text-inherit htw-rounded-full htw-box-border htw-inset-0 htw-transition-border htw-duration-150 htw-ease-out htw-mr-2 group-hover:htw-border-primary-500", [
s.modelValue === r ? "htw-border-primary-500" : "htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25"
class: b(["htw-relative htw-z-10 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-text-inherit htw-rounded-full htw-box-border htw-inset-0 htw-transition-border htw-duration-150 htw-ease-out htw-mr-2 group-hover:htw-border-primary-500", [
l.modelValue === u ? "htw-border-primary-500" : "htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25"
}, [
c("circle", {
h("circle", {
r: "7",
class: x(["htw-will-change-transform", [
u.value ? "htw-transition-all" : "htw-transition-none",
class: b(["htw-will-change-transform", [
e.value ? "htw-transition-all" : "htw-transition-none",
"htw-delay-150": s.modelValue === r
"htw-delay-150": l.modelValue === u
s.modelValue === r ? "htw-fill-primary-500" : "htw-fill-transparent htw-scale-0"
l.modelValue === u ? "htw-fill-primary-500" : "htw-fill-transparent htw-scale-0"
}, null, 2)
], 2)),
M(" " + k(l), 1)
], 40, Jt)
H(" " + k(s), 1)
], 40, oe)
], 64))), 128))

@@ -687,28 +828,34 @@ ])

}), Yt = st, Zt = ot, te = at, ee = ct, se = mt, le = gt, ne = Tt, oe = Bt, re = Pt, ae = T, ue = Qt, we = {
HstCheckbox: Yt,
HstText: Zt,
HstNumber: te,
HstSlider: ee,
HstTextarea: se,
HstSelect: le,
HstColorShades: ne,
HstTokenList: oe,
HstTokenGrid: re,
HstCopyIcon: ae,
HstRadio: ue
}), ue = U, ie = nt, ce = ut, he = dt, de = mt, we = yt, pe = _t, me = kt, fe = Ot, ye = Gt, ve = Jt, ge = le, be = z, _e = ae, Ce = {
HstButton: ue,
HstButtonGroup: ie,
HstCheckbox: ce,
HstCheckboxList: he,
HstText: de,
HstNumber: we,
HstSlider: pe,
HstTextarea: me,
HstSelect: fe,
HstColorShades: ye,
HstTokenList: ve,
HstTokenGrid: ge,
HstCopyIcon: be,
HstRadio: _e
export {
Yt as HstCheckbox,
ne as HstColorShades,
ae as HstCopyIcon,
te as HstNumber,
ue as HstRadio,
le as HstSelect,
ee as HstSlider,
Zt as HstText,
se as HstTextarea,
re as HstTokenGrid,
oe as HstTokenList,
we as components
ue as HstButton,
ie as HstButtonGroup,
ce as HstCheckbox,
he as HstCheckboxList,
ye as HstColorShades,
be as HstCopyIcon,
we as HstNumber,
_e as HstRadio,
fe as HstSelect,
pe as HstSlider,
de as HstText,
me as HstTextarea,
ge as HstTokenGrid,
ve as HstTokenList,
Ce as components
"name": "@histoire/controls",
"version": "0.11.0",
"version": "0.11.1",
"description": "Prebuilt controls components",

@@ -34,3 +34,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"dependencies": {
"@histoire/vendors": "^0.11.0"
"@histoire/vendors": "^0.11.1"

@@ -37,0 +37,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -0,2 +1,5 @@

import HstButtonVue from './components/button/HstButton.vue'
import HstButtonGroupVue from './components/button/HstButtonGroup.vue'
import HstCheckboxVue from './components/checkbox/HstCheckbox.vue'
import HstCheckboxListVue from './components/checkbox/HstCheckboxList.vue'
import HstTextVue from './components/text/HstText.vue'

@@ -13,3 +16,6 @@ import HstNumberVue from './components/number/HstNumber.vue'

export const HstButton = HstButtonVue
export const HstButtonGroup = HstButtonGroupVue
export const HstCheckbox = HstCheckboxVue
export const HstCheckboxList = HstCheckboxListVue
export const HstText = HstTextVue

@@ -27,3 +33,6 @@ export const HstNumber = HstNumberVue

export const components = {

@@ -30,0 +39,0 @@ HstNumber,

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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