Nodejs Healthcheck
A library for adding reform standard compliant healthchecks to nodejs applications.
Configure an express.js handler with checks.
const healthcheck = require('@hmcts/nodejs-healthcheck');
app.get("/status", healthcheck.configure({
checks: {
mySimpleWebCheck: healthcheck.web(""),
myComplexWebCheck: healthcheck.web("", {
callback: (err, res) => {
return res.body.status == "good" ? healthcheck.up() : healthcheck.down()
timeout: 5000,
deadline: 10000,
myRawCheck: healthcheck.raw(() => {
return myInternalCheck() ? healthcheck.up() : healthcheck.down()
buildInfo: {
myCustomBuildInfo: "yay"
To package and publish use the Makefile target. This requires your artifactory API key to be set to an
environment variable called JFROG_API_KEY
. You can get your key from your artifactory profile.
JFROG_API_KEY=fake-key make publish
To Test
Run yarn install (if packages not downloaded) and then run yarn test to run unit tests