Nodejs Healthcheck
A library for adding reform standard compliant healthchecks to nodejs applications.
Configure an express.js handler with checks.
const healthcheck = require('@hmcts/nodejs-healthcheck');
app.get("/status", healthcheck.configure({
checks: {
mySimpleWebCheck: healthcheck.web(""),
myComplexWebCheck: healthcheck.web("", {
callback: (err, res) => {
return res.body.status == "good" ? healthcheck.up() : healthcheck.down()
timeout: 5000,
deadline: 10000,
myRawCheck: healthcheck.raw(() => {
return myInternalCheck() ? healthcheck.up() : healthcheck.down()
buildInfo: {
myCustomBuildInfo: "yay"
Bump the version (SemVer) and create a release in the GitHub UI, Travis CI will then build test and release to the npm registry.
To Test
Run yarn install (if packages not downloaded) and then run yarn test to run unit tests