HOPR Admin
Runs a HOPR Node and the HOPR Admin interface.
hoprd [OPTION]...
See hoprd --help
for full list.
$ hoprd --help
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--network Which network to run the HOPR node on [choices: "ETHEREUM"] [default: "ETHEREUM"]
--provider A provider url for the Network you specified [default: "https://still-patient-forest.xdai.quiknode.pro/f0cdbd6455c0b3aea8512fc9e7d161c1c0abf66a/"]
--host The network host to run the HOPR node on. [default: ""]
--announce Announce public IP to the network [boolean] [default: false]
--admin Run an admin interface on localhost:3000, requires --apiToken [boolean] [default: false]
--rest Run a rest interface on localhost:3001, requires --apiToken [boolean] [default: false]
--restHost Updates the host for the rest server [default: "localhost"]
--restPort Updates the port for the rest server [default: 3001]
--healthCheck Run a health check end point on localhost:8080 [boolean] [default: false]
--healthCheckHost Updates the host for the healthcheck server [default: "localhost"]
--healthCheckPort Updates the port for the healthcheck server [default: 8080]
--forwardLogs Forwards all your node logs to a public available sink [boolean] [default: false]
--forwardLogsProvider A provider url for the logging sink node to use [default: "https://ceramic-clay.3boxlabs.com"]
--password A password to encrypt your keys [default: ""]
--apiToken (experimental) A REST API token and admin panel password for user authentication [string]
--identity The path to the identity file [default: "/home/tbr/.hopr-identity"]
--run Run a single hopr command, same syntax as in hopr-admin [default: ""]
--dryRun List all the options used to run the HOPR node, but quit instead of starting [boolean] [default: false]
--data manually specify the database directory to use [default: ""]
--init initialize a database if it doesn't already exist [boolean] [default: false]
--privateKey A private key to be used for your node wallet, to quickly boot your node [string] [default: undefined]
--adminHost Host to listen to for admin console [default: "localhost"]
--adminPort Port to listen to for admin console [default: 3000]
--testAnnounceLocalAddresses For testing local testnets. Announce local addresses. [boolean] [default: false]
--testPreferLocalAddresses For testing local testnets. Prefer local peers to remote. [boolean] [default: false]
--testUseWeakCrypto weaker crypto for faster node startup [boolean] [default: false]
--testNoAuthentication (experimental) disable remote authentication