HOPR Chat is a proof of concept and demo application, showing of the
capabilities of the HOPR protocol, allow you to start a HOPR Node and connect to the HOPR Network.
From releases
Go to Releases to install the application from a pre-compiled binary. For further instructions on how to do so, please read our quick start guide or for more experienced users try the advanced setup.
From docker images
Pick an image from any Docker Registry described above, and pull it (e.g. docker pull hopr/chat
). To run it with the proper bindings, you can do the following:
docker run -v $(pwd)/db:/app/db \
-e HOST_IPV4= \
-e BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=/ip4/,/ip4/ \
-e ETHEREUM_PROVIDER=wss://kovan.infura.io/ws/v3/f7240372c1b442a6885ce9bb825ebc36 \
-p 9091:9091 -it hopr/chat -p switzerland
For further informations on how to run HOPR Chat using Docker, please see our advanced setup.
From source code
To install HOPR Chat from source code, clone this repository:
git clone git@github.com:hoprnet/hopr-chat.git
To contribute to the project, please follow the next steps to learn how to install the source code's dependencies, compile the project from scratch, and run it locally from your computer.
Install depedencies
Compiling source code
yarn build
Run application
yarn start
When the service is running you can type help
to see a full list of commands.