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@hpcc-js/preact-shim - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.11.3 to 2.12.0

@@ -6,2 +6,14 @@ # Change Log

# [2.12.0]( (2020-01-07)
### Features
* **PReact:** Bump PReact version and add some widgets ([19658d3](
## [2.11.3]( (2019-12-11)

@@ -8,0 +20,0 @@

var PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/preact-shim";
var PKG_VERSION = "2.11.3";
var BUILD_VERSION = "2.11.1";
var PKG_VERSION = "2.12.0";
var BUILD_VERSION = "2.12.0";
/** Virtual DOM Node */
function VNode() {}
var n,u,i,t,o,f,r={},e=[],c=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i;function s(n,l){for(var u in l)n[u]=l[u];return n}function a(n){var l=n.parentNode;l&&l.removeChild(n);}function h(n,l,u){var i,t=arguments,o={};for(i in l)"key"!==i&&"ref"!==i&&(o[i]=l[i]);if(arguments.length>3)for(u=[u],i=3;i<arguments.length;i++)u.push(t[i]);if(null!=u&&(o.children=u),"function"==typeof n&&null!=n.defaultProps)for(i in n.defaultProps)void 0===o[i]&&(o[i]=n.defaultProps[i]);return v(n,o,l&&l.key,l&&l.ref)}function v(l,u,i,t){var o={type:l,props:u,key:i,ref:t,__k:null,__:null,__b:0,__e:null,__d:null,__c:null,constructor:void 0};return n.vnode&&n.vnode(o),o}function y(n){return n.children}function d(n,l){this.props=n,this.context=l;}function m(n,l){if(null==l)return n.__?m(n.__,n.__.__k.indexOf(n)+1):null;for(var u;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e)return u.__e;return "function"==typeof n.type?m(n):null}function w(n){var l,u;if(null!=(n=n.__)&&null!=n.__c){for(n.__e=n.__c.base=null,l=0;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e){n.__e=n.__c.base=u.__e;break}return w(n)}}function g(l){(!l.__d&&(l.__d=!0)&&1===u.push(l)||t!==n.debounceRendering)&&((t=n.debounceRendering)||i)(k);}function k(){var n,l,i,t,o,f,r;for(u.sort(function(n,l){return l.__v.__b-n.__v.__b});n=u.pop();)n.__d&&(i=void 0,t=void 0,f=(o=(l=n).__v).__e,(r=l.__P)&&(i=[],t=T(r,o,s({},o),l.__n,void 0!==r.ownerSVGElement,null,i,null==f?m(o):f),$(i,o),t!=f&&w(o)));}function _(n,l,u,i,t,o,f,c,s){var h,v,p,y,d,w,g,k=u&&u.__k||e,_=k.length;if(c==r&&(c=null!=o?o[0]:_?m(u,0):null),h=0,l.__k=b(l.__k,function(u){if(null!=u){if(u.__=l,u.__b=l.__b+1,null===(p=k[h])||p&&u.key==p.key&&u.type===p.type)k[h]=void 0;else for(v=0;v<_;v++){if((p=k[v])&&u.key==p.key&&u.type===p.type){k[v]=void 0;break}p=null;}if(y=T(n,u,p=p||r,i,t,o,f,c,s),(v=u.ref)&&p.ref!=v&&(g||(g=[]),p.ref&&g.push(p.ref,null,u),g.push(v,u.__c||y,u)),null!=y){if(null==w&&(w=y),null!=u.__d)y=u.__d,u.__d=null;else if(o==p||y!=c||null==y.parentNode){n:if(null==c||c.parentNode!==n)n.appendChild(y);else{for(d=c,v=0;(d=d.nextSibling)&&v<_;v+=2)if(d==y)break n;n.insertBefore(y,c);}"option"==l.type&&(n.value="");}c=y.nextSibling,"function"==typeof l.type&&(l.__d=y);}}return h++,u}),l.__e=w,null!=o&&"function"!=typeof l.type)for(h=o.length;h--;)null!=o[h]&&a(o[h]);for(h=_;h--;)null!=k[h]&&A(k[h],k[h]);if(g)for(h=0;h<g.length;h++)z(g[h],g[++h],g[++h]);}function b(n,l,u){if(null==u&&(u=[]),null==n||"boolean"==typeof n)l&&u.push(l(null));else if(Array.isArray(n))for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++)b(n[i],l,u);else u.push(l?l("string"==typeof n||"number"==typeof n?v(null,n,null,null):null!=n.__e||null!=n.__c?v(n.type,n.props,n.key,null):n):n);return u}function x(n,l,u,i,t){var o;for(o in u)o in l||P(n,o,null,u[o],i);for(o in l)t&&"function"!=typeof l[o]||"value"===o||"checked"===o||u[o]===l[o]||P(n,o,l[o],u[o],i);}function C(n,l,u){"-"===l[0]?n.setProperty(l,u):n[l]="number"==typeof u&&!1===c.test(l)?u+"px":null==u?"":u;}function P(n,l,u,i,t){var o,f,r,e,c;if(t?"className"===l&&(l="class"):"class"===l&&(l="className"),"key"===l||"children"===l);else if("style"===l)if(,"string"==typeof u)o.cssText=u;else{if("string"==typeof i&&(o.cssText="",i=null),i)for(f in i)u&&f in u||C(o,f,"");if(u)for(r in u)i&&u[r]===i[r]||C(o,r,u[r]);}else"o"===l[0]&&"n"===l[1]?(e=l!==(l=l.replace(/Capture$/,"")),c=l.toLowerCase(),l=(c in n?c:l).slice(2),u?(i||n.addEventListener(l,N,e),(n.l||(n.l={}))[l]=u):n.removeEventListener(l,N,e)):"list"!==l&&"tagName"!==l&&"form"!==l&&"type"!==l&&!t&&l in n?n[l]=null==u?"":u:"function"!=typeof u&&"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"!==l&&(l!==(l=l.replace(/^xlink:?/,""))?null==u||!1===u?n.removeAttributeNS("",l.toLowerCase()):n.setAttributeNS("",l.toLowerCase(),u):null==u||!1===u?n.removeAttribute(l):n.setAttribute(l,u));}function N(l){this.l[l.type](n.event?n.event(l):l);}function T(l,u,i,t,o,f,r,e,c){var a,h,v,p,m,w,g,k,x,C,P=u.type;if(void 0!==u.constructor)return null;(a=n.__b)&&a(u);try{n:if("function"==typeof P){if(k=u.props,x=(a=P.contextType)&&t[a.__c],C=a?x?x.props.value:a.__:t,i.__c?g=(h=u.__c=i.__c).__=h.__E:("prototype"in P&&P.prototype.render?u.__c=h=new P(k,C):(u.__c=h=new d(k,C),h.constructor=P,h.render=D),x&&x.sub(h),h.props=k,h.state||(h.state={}),h.context=C,h.__n=t,v=h.__d=!0,h.__h=[]),null==h.__s&&(h.__s=h.state),null!=P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&(h.__s==h.state&&(h.__s=s({},h.__s)),s(h.__s,P.getDerivedStateFromProps(k,h.__s))),p=h.props,m=h.state,v)null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&null!=h.componentWillMount&&h.componentWillMount(),null!=h.componentDidMount&&h.__h.push(h.componentDidMount);else{if(null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&k!==p&&null!=h.componentWillReceiveProps&&h.componentWillReceiveProps(k,C),!h.__e&&null!=h.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===h.shouldComponentUpdate(k,h.__s,C)){for(h.props=k,h.state=h.__s,h.__d=!1,h.__v=u,u.__e=i.__e,u.__k=i.__k,h.__h.length&&r.push(h),a=0;a<u.__k.length;a++)u.__k[a]&&(u.__k[a].__=u);break n}null!=h.componentWillUpdate&&h.componentWillUpdate(k,h.__s,C),null!=h.componentDidUpdate&&h.__h.push(function(){h.componentDidUpdate(p,m,w);});}h.context=C,h.props=k,h.state=h.__s,(a=n.__r)&&a(u),h.__d=!1,h.__v=u,h.__P=l,a=h.render(h.props,h.state,h.context),u.__k=b(null!=a&&a.type==y&&null==a.key?a.props.children:a),null!=h.getChildContext&&(t=s(s({},t),h.getChildContext())),v||null==h.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||(w=h.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(p,m)),_(l,u,i,t,o,f,r,e,c),h.base=u.__e,h.__h.length&&r.push(h),g&&(h.__E=h.__=null),h.__e=null;}else u.__e=j(i.__e,u,i,t,o,f,r,c);(a=n.diffed)&&a(u);}catch(l){n.__e(l,u,i);}return u.__e}function $(l,u){n.__c&&n.__c(u,l),l.some(function(u){try{l=u.__h,u.__h=[],l.some(function(n){;});}catch(l){n.__e(l,u.__v);}});}function j(n,l,u,i,t,o,f,c){var s,a,h,v,p,y=u.props,d=l.props;if(t="svg"===l.type||t,null==n&&null!=o)for(s=0;s<o.length;s++)if(null!=(a=o[s])&&(null===l.type?3===a.nodeType:a.localName===l.type)){n=a,o[s]=null;break}if(null==n){if(null===l.type)return document.createTextNode(d);n=t?document.createElementNS("",l.type):document.createElement(l.type),o=null;}if(null===l.type)null!=o&&(o[o.indexOf(n)]=null),y!==d&&(;else if(l!==u){if(null!=o&&(,h=(y=u.props||r).dangerouslySetInnerHTML,v=d.dangerouslySetInnerHTML,!c){if(y===r)for(y={},p=0;p<n.attributes.length;p++)y[n.attributes[p].name]=n.attributes[p].value;(v||h)&&(v&&h&&v.__html==h.__html||(n.innerHTML=v&&v.__html||""));}x(n,d,y,t,c),l.__k=l.props.children,v||_(n,l,u,i,"foreignObject"!==l.type&&t,o,f,r,c),c||("value"in d&&void 0!==d.value&&d.value!==n.value&&(n.value=null==d.value?"":d.value),"checked"in d&&void 0!==d.checked&&d.checked!==n.checked&&(n.checked=d.checked));}return n}function z(l,u,i){try{"function"==typeof l?l(u):l.current=u;}catch(l){n.__e(l,i);}}function A(l,u,i){var t,o,f;if(n.unmount&&n.unmount(l),(t=l.ref)&&z(t,null,u),i||"function"==typeof l.type||(i=null!=(o=l.__e)),l.__e=l.__d=null,null!=(t=l.__c)){if(t.componentWillUnmount)try{t.componentWillUnmount();}catch(l){n.__e(l,u);}t.base=t.__P=null;}if(t=l.__k)for(f=0;f<t.length;f++)t[f]&&A(t[f],u,i);null!=o&&a(o);}function D(n,l,u){return this.constructor(n,u)}function E(l,u,i){var t,f,c;n.__&&n.__(l,u),f=(t=i===o)?null:i&&i.__k||u.__k,l=h(y,null,[l]),c=[],T(u,(t?u:i||u).__k=l,f||r,r,void 0!==u.ownerSVGElement,i&&!t?[i]:f?,c,i||r,t),$(c,l);}n={__e:function(n,l){for(var u;l=l.__;)if((u=l.__c)&&!u.__)try{if(u.constructor&&null!=u.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError)u.setState(u.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError(n));else{if(null==u.componentDidCatch)continue;u.componentDidCatch(n);}return g(u.__E=u)}catch(l){n=l;}throw n}},d.prototype.setState=function(n,l){var u;u=this.__s!==this.state?this.__s:this.__s=s({},this.state),"function"==typeof n&&(n=n(u,this.props)),n&&s(u,n),null!=n&&this.__v&&(this.__e=!1,l&&this.__h.push(l),g(this));},d.prototype.forceUpdate=function(n){this.__v&&(this.__e=!0,n&&this.__h.push(n),g(this));},d.prototype.render=y,u=[],i="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,o=r,f=0;
/** Global options
* @public
* @namespace options {Object}
var options = {
/** If `true`, `prop` changes trigger synchronous component updates.
* @name syncComponentUpdates
* @type Boolean
* @default true
//syncComponentUpdates: true,
/** Processes all created VNodes.
* @param {VNode} vnode A newly-created VNode to normalize/process
//vnode(vnode) { }
/** Hook invoked after a component is mounted. */
// afterMount(component) { }
/** Hook invoked after the DOM is updated with a component's latest render. */
// afterUpdate(component) { }
/** Hook invoked immediately before a component is unmounted. */
// beforeUnmount(component) { }
var stack = [];
/** JSX/hyperscript reviver
* Benchmarks:
* @see
* @public
function h(nodeName, attributes) {
var children = EMPTY_CHILDREN,
for (i = arguments.length; i-- > 2;) {
if (attributes && attributes.children != null) {
if (!stack.length) stack.push(attributes.children);
delete attributes.children;
while (stack.length) {
if ((child = stack.pop()) && child.pop !== undefined) {
for (i = child.length; i--;) {
} else {
if (typeof child === 'boolean') child = null;
if (simple = typeof nodeName !== 'function') {
if (child == null) child = '';else if (typeof child === 'number') child = String(child);else if (typeof child !== 'string') simple = false;
if (simple && lastSimple) {
children[children.length - 1] += child;
} else if (children === EMPTY_CHILDREN) {
children = [child];
} else {
lastSimple = simple;
var p = new VNode();
p.nodeName = nodeName;
p.children = children;
p.attributes = attributes == null ? undefined : attributes;
p.key = attributes == null ? undefined : attributes.key;
return p;
/** Copy own-properties from `props` onto `obj`.
* @returns obj
* @private
function extend(obj, props) {
for (var i in props) {
obj[i] = props[i];
}return obj;
/** Call a function asynchronously, as soon as possible.
* @param {Function} callback
var defer = typeof Promise == 'function' ? Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout;
// DOM properties that should NOT have "px" added when numeric
var IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i;
/** Managed queue of dirty components to be re-rendered */
var items = [];
function enqueueRender(component) {
if (!component._dirty && (component._dirty = true) && items.push(component) == 1) {
( defer)(rerender);
function rerender() {
var p,
list = items;
items = [];
while (p = list.pop()) {
if (p._dirty) renderComponent(p);
/** Check if two nodes are equivalent.
* @param {Element} node
* @param {VNode} vnode
* @private
function isSameNodeType(node, vnode, hydrating) {
if (typeof vnode === 'string' || typeof vnode === 'number') {
return node.splitText !== undefined;
if (typeof vnode.nodeName === 'string') {
return !node._componentConstructor && isNamedNode(node, vnode.nodeName);
return hydrating || node._componentConstructor === vnode.nodeName;
/** Check if an Element has a given normalized name.
* @param {Element} node
* @param {String} nodeName
function isNamedNode(node, nodeName) {
return node.normalizedNodeName === nodeName || node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName.toLowerCase();
* Reconstruct Component-style `props` from a VNode.
* Ensures default/fallback values from `defaultProps`:
* Own-properties of `defaultProps` not present in `vnode.attributes` are added.
* @param {VNode} vnode
* @returns {Object} props
function getNodeProps(vnode) {
var props = extend({}, vnode.attributes);
props.children = vnode.children;
var defaultProps = vnode.nodeName.defaultProps;
if (defaultProps !== undefined) {
for (var i in defaultProps) {
if (props[i] === undefined) {
props[i] = defaultProps[i];
return props;
/** Create an element with the given nodeName.
* @param {String} nodeName
* @param {Boolean} [isSvg=false] If `true`, creates an element within the SVG namespace.
* @returns {Element} node
function createNode(nodeName, isSvg) {
var node = isSvg ? document.createElementNS('', nodeName) : document.createElement(nodeName);
node.normalizedNodeName = nodeName;
return node;
/** Remove a child node from its parent if attached.
* @param {Element} node The node to remove
function removeNode(node) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (parentNode) parentNode.removeChild(node);
/** Set a named attribute on the given Node, with special behavior for some names and event handlers.
* If `value` is `null`, the attribute/handler will be removed.
* @param {Element} node An element to mutate
* @param {string} name The name/key to set, such as an event or attribute name
* @param {any} old The last value that was set for this name/node pair
* @param {any} value An attribute value, such as a function to be used as an event handler
* @param {Boolean} isSvg Are we currently diffing inside an svg?
* @private
function setAccessor(node, name, old, value, isSvg) {
if (name === 'className') name = 'class';
if (name === 'key') ; else if (name === 'ref') {
if (old) old(null);
if (value) value(node);
} else if (name === 'class' && !isSvg) {
node.className = value || '';
} else if (name === 'style') {
if (!value || typeof value === 'string' || typeof old === 'string') { = value || '';
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
if (typeof old !== 'string') {
for (var i in old) {
if (!(i in value))[i] = '';
for (var i in value) {[i] = typeof value[i] === 'number' && IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL.test(i) === false ? value[i] + 'px' : value[i];
} else if (name === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') {
if (value) node.innerHTML = value.__html || '';
} else if (name[0] == 'o' && name[1] == 'n') {
var useCapture = name !== (name = name.replace(/Capture$/, ''));
name = name.toLowerCase().substring(2);
if (value) {
if (!old) node.addEventListener(name, eventProxy, useCapture);
} else {
node.removeEventListener(name, eventProxy, useCapture);
(node._listeners || (node._listeners = {}))[name] = value;
} else if (name !== 'list' && name !== 'type' && !isSvg && name in node) {
setProperty(node, name, value == null ? '' : value);
if (value == null || value === false) node.removeAttribute(name);
} else {
var ns = isSvg && name !== (name = name.replace(/^xlink\:?/, ''));
if (value == null || value === false) {
if (ns) node.removeAttributeNS('', name.toLowerCase());else node.removeAttribute(name);
} else if (typeof value !== 'function') {
if (ns) node.setAttributeNS('', name.toLowerCase(), value);else node.setAttribute(name, value);
/** Attempt to set a DOM property to the given value.
* IE & FF throw for certain property-value combinations.
function setProperty(node, name, value) {
try {
node[name] = value;
} catch (e) {}
/** Proxy an event to hooked event handlers
* @private
function eventProxy(e) {
return this._listeners[e.type]( e);
/** Queue of components that have been mounted and are awaiting componentDidMount */
var mounts = [];
/** Diff recursion count, used to track the end of the diff cycle. */
var diffLevel = 0;
/** Global flag indicating if the diff is currently within an SVG */
var isSvgMode = false;
/** Global flag indicating if the diff is performing hydration */
var hydrating = false;
/** Invoke queued componentDidMount lifecycle methods */
function flushMounts() {
var c;
while (c = mounts.pop()) {
if (c.componentDidMount) c.componentDidMount();
/** Apply differences in a given vnode (and it's deep children) to a real DOM Node.
* @param {Element} [dom=null] A DOM node to mutate into the shape of the `vnode`
* @param {VNode} vnode A VNode (with descendants forming a tree) representing the desired DOM structure
* @returns {Element} dom The created/mutated element
* @private
function diff(dom, vnode, context, mountAll, parent, componentRoot) {
// diffLevel having been 0 here indicates initial entry into the diff (not a subdiff)
if (!diffLevel++) {
// when first starting the diff, check if we're diffing an SVG or within an SVG
isSvgMode = parent != null && parent.ownerSVGElement !== undefined;
// hydration is indicated by the existing element to be diffed not having a prop cache
hydrating = dom != null && !('__preactattr_' in dom);
var ret = idiff(dom, vnode, context, mountAll, componentRoot);
// append the element if its a new parent
if (parent && ret.parentNode !== parent) parent.appendChild(ret);
// diffLevel being reduced to 0 means we're exiting the diff
if (! --diffLevel) {
hydrating = false;
// invoke queued componentDidMount lifecycle methods
if (!componentRoot) flushMounts();
return ret;
/** Internals of `diff()`, separated to allow bypassing diffLevel / mount flushing. */
function idiff(dom, vnode, context, mountAll, componentRoot) {
var out = dom,
prevSvgMode = isSvgMode;
// empty values (null, undefined, booleans) render as empty Text nodes
if (vnode == null || typeof vnode === 'boolean') vnode = '';
// Fast case: Strings & Numbers create/update Text nodes.
if (typeof vnode === 'string' || typeof vnode === 'number') {
// update if it's already a Text node:
if (dom && dom.splitText !== undefined && dom.parentNode && (!dom._component || componentRoot)) {
/* istanbul ignore if */ /* Browser quirk that can't be covered: */
if (dom.nodeValue != vnode) {
dom.nodeValue = vnode;
} else {
// it wasn't a Text node: replace it with one and recycle the old Element
out = document.createTextNode(vnode);
if (dom) {
if (dom.parentNode) dom.parentNode.replaceChild(out, dom);
recollectNodeTree(dom, true);
out['__preactattr_'] = true;
return out;
// If the VNode represents a Component, perform a component diff:
var vnodeName = vnode.nodeName;
if (typeof vnodeName === 'function') {
return buildComponentFromVNode(dom, vnode, context, mountAll);
// Tracks entering and exiting SVG namespace when descending through the tree.
isSvgMode = vnodeName === 'svg' ? true : vnodeName === 'foreignObject' ? false : isSvgMode;
// If there's no existing element or it's the wrong type, create a new one:
vnodeName = String(vnodeName);
if (!dom || !isNamedNode(dom, vnodeName)) {
out = createNode(vnodeName, isSvgMode);
if (dom) {
// move children into the replacement node
while (dom.firstChild) {
} // if the previous Element was mounted into the DOM, replace it inline
if (dom.parentNode) dom.parentNode.replaceChild(out, dom);
// recycle the old element (skips non-Element node types)
recollectNodeTree(dom, true);
var fc = out.firstChild,
props = out['__preactattr_'],
vchildren = vnode.children;
if (props == null) {
props = out['__preactattr_'] = {};
for (var a = out.attributes, i = a.length; i--;) {
props[a[i].name] = a[i].value;
// Optimization: fast-path for elements containing a single TextNode:
if (!hydrating && vchildren && vchildren.length === 1 && typeof vchildren[0] === 'string' && fc != null && fc.splitText !== undefined && fc.nextSibling == null) {
if (fc.nodeValue != vchildren[0]) {
fc.nodeValue = vchildren[0];
// otherwise, if there are existing or new children, diff them:
else if (vchildren && vchildren.length || fc != null) {
innerDiffNode(out, vchildren, context, mountAll, hydrating || props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null);
// Apply attributes/props from VNode to the DOM Element:
diffAttributes(out, vnode.attributes, props);
// restore previous SVG mode: (in case we're exiting an SVG namespace)
isSvgMode = prevSvgMode;
return out;
/** Apply child and attribute changes between a VNode and a DOM Node to the DOM.
* @param {Element} dom Element whose children should be compared & mutated
* @param {Array} vchildren Array of VNodes to compare to `dom.childNodes`
* @param {Object} context Implicitly descendant context object (from most recent `getChildContext()`)
* @param {Boolean} mountAll
* @param {Boolean} isHydrating If `true`, consumes externally created elements similar to hydration
function innerDiffNode(dom, vchildren, context, mountAll, isHydrating) {
var originalChildren = dom.childNodes,
children = [],
keyed = {},
keyedLen = 0,
min = 0,
len = originalChildren.length,
childrenLen = 0,
vlen = vchildren ? vchildren.length : 0,
// Build up a map of keyed children and an Array of unkeyed children:
if (len !== 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var _child = originalChildren[i],
props = _child['__preactattr_'],
key = vlen && props ? _child._component ? _child._component.__key : props.key : null;
if (key != null) {
keyed[key] = _child;
} else if (props || (_child.splitText !== undefined ? isHydrating ? _child.nodeValue.trim() : true : isHydrating)) {
children[childrenLen++] = _child;
if (vlen !== 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < vlen; i++) {
vchild = vchildren[i];
child = null;
// attempt to find a node based on key matching
var key = vchild.key;
if (key != null) {
if (keyedLen && keyed[key] !== undefined) {
child = keyed[key];
keyed[key] = undefined;
// attempt to pluck a node of the same type from the existing children
else if (!child && min < childrenLen) {
for (j = min; j < childrenLen; j++) {
if (children[j] !== undefined && isSameNodeType(c = children[j], vchild, isHydrating)) {
child = c;
children[j] = undefined;
if (j === childrenLen - 1) childrenLen--;
if (j === min) min++;
// morph the matched/found/created DOM child to match vchild (deep)
child = idiff(child, vchild, context, mountAll);
f = originalChildren[i];
if (child && child !== dom && child !== f) {
if (f == null) {
} else if (child === f.nextSibling) {
} else {
dom.insertBefore(child, f);
// remove unused keyed children:
if (keyedLen) {
for (var i in keyed) {
if (keyed[i] !== undefined) recollectNodeTree(keyed[i], false);
// remove orphaned unkeyed children:
while (min <= childrenLen) {
if ((child = children[childrenLen--]) !== undefined) recollectNodeTree(child, false);
/** Recursively recycle (or just unmount) a node and its descendants.
* @param {Node} node DOM node to start unmount/removal from
* @param {Boolean} [unmountOnly=false] If `true`, only triggers unmount lifecycle, skips removal
function recollectNodeTree(node, unmountOnly) {
var component = node._component;
if (component) {
// if node is owned by a Component, unmount that component (ends up recursing back here)
} else {
// If the node's VNode had a ref function, invoke it with null here.
// (this is part of the React spec, and smart for unsetting references)
if (node['__preactattr_'] != null && node['__preactattr_'].ref) node['__preactattr_'].ref(null);
if (unmountOnly === false || node['__preactattr_'] == null) {
/** Recollect/unmount all children.
* - we use .lastChild here because it causes less reflow than .firstChild
* - it's also cheaper than accessing the .childNodes Live NodeList
function removeChildren(node) {
node = node.lastChild;
while (node) {
var next = node.previousSibling;
recollectNodeTree(node, true);
node = next;
/** Apply differences in attributes from a VNode to the given DOM Element.
* @param {Element} dom Element with attributes to diff `attrs` against
* @param {Object} attrs The desired end-state key-value attribute pairs
* @param {Object} old Current/previous attributes (from previous VNode or element's prop cache)
function diffAttributes(dom, attrs, old) {
var name;
// remove attributes no longer present on the vnode by setting them to undefined
for (name in old) {
if (!(attrs && attrs[name] != null) && old[name] != null) {
setAccessor(dom, name, old[name], old[name] = undefined, isSvgMode);
// add new & update changed attributes
for (name in attrs) {
if (name !== 'children' && name !== 'innerHTML' && (!(name in old) || attrs[name] !== (name === 'value' || name === 'checked' ? dom[name] : old[name]))) {
setAccessor(dom, name, old[name], old[name] = attrs[name], isSvgMode);
/** Retains a pool of Components for re-use, keyed on component name.
* Note: since component names are not unique or even necessarily available, these are primarily a form of sharding.
* @private
var components = {};
/** Reclaim a component for later re-use by the recycler. */
function collectComponent(component) {
var name =;
(components[name] || (components[name] = [])).push(component);
/** Create a component. Normalizes differences between PFC's and classful Components. */
function createComponent(Ctor, props, context) {
var list = components[],
if (Ctor.prototype && Ctor.prototype.render) {
inst = new Ctor(props, context);, props, context);
} else {
inst = new Component(props, context);
inst.constructor = Ctor;
inst.render = doRender;
if (list) {
for (var i = list.length; i--;) {
if (list[i].constructor === Ctor) {
inst.nextBase = list[i].nextBase;
list.splice(i, 1);
return inst;
/** The `.render()` method for a PFC backing instance. */
function doRender(props, state, context) {
return this.constructor(props, context);
/** Set a component's `props` (generally derived from JSX attributes).
* @param {Object} props
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {boolean} [opts.renderSync=false] If `true` and {@link options.syncComponentUpdates} is `true`, triggers synchronous rendering.
* @param {boolean} [opts.render=true] If `false`, no render will be triggered.
function setComponentProps(component, props, opts, context, mountAll) {
if (component._disable) return;
component._disable = true;
if (component.__ref = props.ref) delete props.ref;
if (component.__key = props.key) delete props.key;
if (!component.base || mountAll) {
if (component.componentWillMount) component.componentWillMount();
} else if (component.componentWillReceiveProps) {
component.componentWillReceiveProps(props, context);
if (context && context !== component.context) {
if (!component.prevContext) component.prevContext = component.context;
component.context = context;
if (!component.prevProps) component.prevProps = component.props;
component.props = props;
component._disable = false;
if (opts !== 0) {
if (opts === 1 || options.syncComponentUpdates !== false || !component.base) {
renderComponent(component, 1, mountAll);
} else {
if (component.__ref) component.__ref(component);
/** Render a Component, triggering necessary lifecycle events and taking High-Order Components into account.
* @param {Component} component
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {boolean} [] If `true`, component will build and store a DOM node if not already associated with one.
* @private
function renderComponent(component, opts, mountAll, isChild) {
if (component._disable) return;
var props = component.props,
state = component.state,
context = component.context,
previousProps = component.prevProps || props,
previousState = component.prevState || state,
previousContext = component.prevContext || context,
isUpdate = component.base,
nextBase = component.nextBase,
initialBase = isUpdate || nextBase,
initialChildComponent = component._component,
skip = false,
// if updating
if (isUpdate) {
component.props = previousProps;
component.state = previousState;
component.context = previousContext;
if (opts !== 2 && component.shouldComponentUpdate && component.shouldComponentUpdate(props, state, context) === false) {
skip = true;
} else if (component.componentWillUpdate) {
component.componentWillUpdate(props, state, context);
component.props = props;
component.state = state;
component.context = context;
component.prevProps = component.prevState = component.prevContext = component.nextBase = null;
component._dirty = false;
if (!skip) {
rendered = component.render(props, state, context);
// context to pass to the child, can be updated via (grand-)parent component
if (component.getChildContext) {
context = extend(extend({}, context), component.getChildContext());
var childComponent = rendered && rendered.nodeName,
if (typeof childComponent === 'function') {
// set up high order component link
var childProps = getNodeProps(rendered);
inst = initialChildComponent;
if (inst && inst.constructor === childComponent && childProps.key == inst.__key) {
setComponentProps(inst, childProps, 1, context, false);
} else {
toUnmount = inst;
component._component = inst = createComponent(childComponent, childProps, context);
inst.nextBase = inst.nextBase || nextBase;
inst._parentComponent = component;
setComponentProps(inst, childProps, 0, context, false);
renderComponent(inst, 1, mountAll, true);
base = inst.base;
} else {
cbase = initialBase;
// destroy high order component link
toUnmount = initialChildComponent;
if (toUnmount) {
cbase = component._component = null;
if (initialBase || opts === 1) {
if (cbase) cbase._component = null;
base = diff(cbase, rendered, context, mountAll || !isUpdate, initialBase && initialBase.parentNode, true);
if (initialBase && base !== initialBase && inst !== initialChildComponent) {
var baseParent = initialBase.parentNode;
if (baseParent && base !== baseParent) {
baseParent.replaceChild(base, initialBase);
if (!toUnmount) {
initialBase._component = null;
recollectNodeTree(initialBase, false);
if (toUnmount) {
component.base = base;
if (base && !isChild) {
var componentRef = component,
t = component;
while (t = t._parentComponent) {
(componentRef = t).base = base;
base._component = componentRef;
base._componentConstructor = componentRef.constructor;
if (!isUpdate || mountAll) {
} else if (!skip) {
// Ensure that pending componentDidMount() hooks of child components
// are called before the componentDidUpdate() hook in the parent.
// Note: disabled as it causes duplicate hooks, see
// flushMounts();
if (component.componentDidUpdate) {
component.componentDidUpdate(previousProps, previousState, previousContext);
if (component._renderCallbacks != null) {
while (component._renderCallbacks.length) {
if (!diffLevel && !isChild) flushMounts();
/** Apply the Component referenced by a VNode to the DOM.
* @param {Element} dom The DOM node to mutate
* @param {VNode} vnode A Component-referencing VNode
* @returns {Element} dom The created/mutated element
* @private
function buildComponentFromVNode(dom, vnode, context, mountAll) {
var c = dom && dom._component,
originalComponent = c,
oldDom = dom,
isDirectOwner = c && dom._componentConstructor === vnode.nodeName,
isOwner = isDirectOwner,
props = getNodeProps(vnode);
while (c && !isOwner && (c = c._parentComponent)) {
isOwner = c.constructor === vnode.nodeName;
if (c && isOwner && (!mountAll || c._component)) {
setComponentProps(c, props, 3, context, mountAll);
dom = c.base;
} else {
if (originalComponent && !isDirectOwner) {
dom = oldDom = null;
c = createComponent(vnode.nodeName, props, context);
if (dom && !c.nextBase) {
c.nextBase = dom;
// passing dom/oldDom as nextBase will recycle it if unused, so bypass recycling on L229:
oldDom = null;
setComponentProps(c, props, 1, context, mountAll);
dom = c.base;
if (oldDom && dom !== oldDom) {
oldDom._component = null;
recollectNodeTree(oldDom, false);
return dom;
/** Remove a component from the DOM and recycle it.
* @param {Component} component The Component instance to unmount
* @private
function unmountComponent(component) {
var base = component.base;
component._disable = true;
if (component.componentWillUnmount) component.componentWillUnmount();
component.base = null;
// recursively tear down & recollect high-order component children:
var inner = component._component;
if (inner) {
} else if (base) {
if (base['__preactattr_'] && base['__preactattr_'].ref) base['__preactattr_'].ref(null);
component.nextBase = base;
if (component.__ref) component.__ref(null);
/** Base Component class.
* Provides `setState()` and `forceUpdate()`, which trigger rendering.
* @public
* @example
* class MyFoo extends Component {
* render(props, state) {
* return <div />;
* }
* }
function Component(props, context) {
this._dirty = true;
/** @public
* @type {object}
this.context = context;
/** @public
* @type {object}
this.props = props;
/** @public
* @type {object}
this.state = this.state || {};
extend(Component.prototype, {
/** Returns a `boolean` indicating if the component should re-render when receiving the given `props` and `state`.
* @param {object} nextProps
* @param {object} nextState
* @param {object} nextContext
* @returns {Boolean} should the component re-render
* @name shouldComponentUpdate
* @function
/** Update component state by copying properties from `state` to `this.state`.
* @param {object} state A hash of state properties to update with new values
* @param {function} callback A function to be called once component state is updated
setState: function setState(state, callback) {
var s = this.state;
if (!this.prevState) this.prevState = extend({}, s);
extend(s, typeof state === 'function' ? state(s, this.props) : state);
if (callback) (this._renderCallbacks = this._renderCallbacks || []).push(callback);
/** Immediately perform a synchronous re-render of the component.
* @param {function} callback A function to be called after component is re-rendered.
* @private
forceUpdate: function forceUpdate(callback) {
if (callback) (this._renderCallbacks = this._renderCallbacks || []).push(callback);
renderComponent(this, 2);
/** Accepts `props` and `state`, and returns a new Virtual DOM tree to build.
* Virtual DOM is generally constructed via [JSX](
* @param {object} props Props (eg: JSX attributes) received from parent element/component
* @param {object} state The component's current state
* @param {object} context Context object (if a parent component has provided context)
* @returns VNode
render: function render() {}
/** Render JSX into a `parent` Element.
* @param {VNode} vnode A (JSX) VNode to render
* @param {Element} parent DOM element to render into
* @param {Element} [merge] Attempt to re-use an existing DOM tree rooted at `merge`
* @public
* @example
* // render a div into <body>:
* render(<div id="hello">hello!</div>, document.body);
* @example
* // render a "Thing" component into #foo:
* const Thing = ({ name }) => <span>{ name }</span>;
* render(<Thing name="one" />, document.querySelector('#foo'));
function render(vnode, parent, merge) {
return diff(merge, vnode, {}, false, parent, false);
export { BUILD_VERSION, Component, PKG_NAME, PKG_VERSION, h, render };
export { BUILD_VERSION, d as Component, y as Fragment, PKG_NAME, PKG_VERSION, h as createElement, h, E as render };

@@ -8,950 +8,15 @@ (function (global, factory) {

var PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/preact-shim";
var PKG_VERSION = "2.11.3";
var BUILD_VERSION = "2.11.1";
var PKG_VERSION = "2.12.0";
var BUILD_VERSION = "2.12.0";
/** Virtual DOM Node */
function VNode() {}
var n,u,i,t,o,f,r={},e=[],c=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i;function s(n,l){for(var u in l)n[u]=l[u];return n}function a(n){var l=n.parentNode;l&&l.removeChild(n);}function h(n,l,u){var i,t=arguments,o={};for(i in l)"key"!==i&&"ref"!==i&&(o[i]=l[i]);if(arguments.length>3)for(u=[u],i=3;i<arguments.length;i++)u.push(t[i]);if(null!=u&&(o.children=u),"function"==typeof n&&null!=n.defaultProps)for(i in n.defaultProps)void 0===o[i]&&(o[i]=n.defaultProps[i]);return v(n,o,l&&l.key,l&&l.ref)}function v(l,u,i,t){var o={type:l,props:u,key:i,ref:t,__k:null,__:null,__b:0,__e:null,__d:null,__c:null,constructor:void 0};return n.vnode&&n.vnode(o),o}function y(n){return n.children}function d(n,l){this.props=n,this.context=l;}function m(n,l){if(null==l)return n.__?m(n.__,n.__.__k.indexOf(n)+1):null;for(var u;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e)return u.__e;return "function"==typeof n.type?m(n):null}function w(n){var l,u;if(null!=(n=n.__)&&null!=n.__c){for(n.__e=n.__c.base=null,l=0;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e){n.__e=n.__c.base=u.__e;break}return w(n)}}function g(l){(!l.__d&&(l.__d=!0)&&1===u.push(l)||t!==n.debounceRendering)&&((t=n.debounceRendering)||i)(k);}function k(){var n,l,i,t,o,f,r;for(u.sort(function(n,l){return l.__v.__b-n.__v.__b});n=u.pop();)n.__d&&(i=void 0,t=void 0,f=(o=(l=n).__v).__e,(r=l.__P)&&(i=[],t=T(r,o,s({},o),l.__n,void 0!==r.ownerSVGElement,null,i,null==f?m(o):f),$(i,o),t!=f&&w(o)));}function _(n,l,u,i,t,o,f,c,s){var h,v,p,y,d,w,g,k=u&&u.__k||e,_=k.length;if(c==r&&(c=null!=o?o[0]:_?m(u,0):null),h=0,l.__k=b(l.__k,function(u){if(null!=u){if(u.__=l,u.__b=l.__b+1,null===(p=k[h])||p&&u.key==p.key&&u.type===p.type)k[h]=void 0;else for(v=0;v<_;v++){if((p=k[v])&&u.key==p.key&&u.type===p.type){k[v]=void 0;break}p=null;}if(y=T(n,u,p=p||r,i,t,o,f,c,s),(v=u.ref)&&p.ref!=v&&(g||(g=[]),p.ref&&g.push(p.ref,null,u),g.push(v,u.__c||y,u)),null!=y){if(null==w&&(w=y),null!=u.__d)y=u.__d,u.__d=null;else if(o==p||y!=c||null==y.parentNode){n:if(null==c||c.parentNode!==n)n.appendChild(y);else{for(d=c,v=0;(d=d.nextSibling)&&v<_;v+=2)if(d==y)break n;n.insertBefore(y,c);}"option"==l.type&&(n.value="");}c=y.nextSibling,"function"==typeof l.type&&(l.__d=y);}}return h++,u}),l.__e=w,null!=o&&"function"!=typeof l.type)for(h=o.length;h--;)null!=o[h]&&a(o[h]);for(h=_;h--;)null!=k[h]&&A(k[h],k[h]);if(g)for(h=0;h<g.length;h++)z(g[h],g[++h],g[++h]);}function b(n,l,u){if(null==u&&(u=[]),null==n||"boolean"==typeof n)l&&u.push(l(null));else if(Array.isArray(n))for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++)b(n[i],l,u);else u.push(l?l("string"==typeof n||"number"==typeof n?v(null,n,null,null):null!=n.__e||null!=n.__c?v(n.type,n.props,n.key,null):n):n);return u}function x(n,l,u,i,t){var o;for(o in u)o in l||P(n,o,null,u[o],i);for(o in l)t&&"function"!=typeof l[o]||"value"===o||"checked"===o||u[o]===l[o]||P(n,o,l[o],u[o],i);}function C(n,l,u){"-"===l[0]?n.setProperty(l,u):n[l]="number"==typeof u&&!1===c.test(l)?u+"px":null==u?"":u;}function P(n,l,u,i,t){var o,f,r,e,c;if(t?"className"===l&&(l="class"):"class"===l&&(l="className"),"key"===l||"children"===l);else if("style"===l)if(,"string"==typeof u)o.cssText=u;else{if("string"==typeof i&&(o.cssText="",i=null),i)for(f in i)u&&f in u||C(o,f,"");if(u)for(r in u)i&&u[r]===i[r]||C(o,r,u[r]);}else"o"===l[0]&&"n"===l[1]?(e=l!==(l=l.replace(/Capture$/,"")),c=l.toLowerCase(),l=(c in n?c:l).slice(2),u?(i||n.addEventListener(l,N,e),(n.l||(n.l={}))[l]=u):n.removeEventListener(l,N,e)):"list"!==l&&"tagName"!==l&&"form"!==l&&"type"!==l&&!t&&l in n?n[l]=null==u?"":u:"function"!=typeof u&&"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"!==l&&(l!==(l=l.replace(/^xlink:?/,""))?null==u||!1===u?n.removeAttributeNS("",l.toLowerCase()):n.setAttributeNS("",l.toLowerCase(),u):null==u||!1===u?n.removeAttribute(l):n.setAttribute(l,u));}function N(l){this.l[l.type](n.event?n.event(l):l);}function T(l,u,i,t,o,f,r,e,c){var a,h,v,p,m,w,g,k,x,C,P=u.type;if(void 0!==u.constructor)return null;(a=n.__b)&&a(u);try{n:if("function"==typeof P){if(k=u.props,x=(a=P.contextType)&&t[a.__c],C=a?x?x.props.value:a.__:t,i.__c?g=(h=u.__c=i.__c).__=h.__E:("prototype"in P&&P.prototype.render?u.__c=h=new P(k,C):(u.__c=h=new d(k,C),h.constructor=P,h.render=D),x&&x.sub(h),h.props=k,h.state||(h.state={}),h.context=C,h.__n=t,v=h.__d=!0,h.__h=[]),null==h.__s&&(h.__s=h.state),null!=P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&(h.__s==h.state&&(h.__s=s({},h.__s)),s(h.__s,P.getDerivedStateFromProps(k,h.__s))),p=h.props,m=h.state,v)null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&null!=h.componentWillMount&&h.componentWillMount(),null!=h.componentDidMount&&h.__h.push(h.componentDidMount);else{if(null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&k!==p&&null!=h.componentWillReceiveProps&&h.componentWillReceiveProps(k,C),!h.__e&&null!=h.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===h.shouldComponentUpdate(k,h.__s,C)){for(h.props=k,h.state=h.__s,h.__d=!1,h.__v=u,u.__e=i.__e,u.__k=i.__k,h.__h.length&&r.push(h),a=0;a<u.__k.length;a++)u.__k[a]&&(u.__k[a].__=u);break n}null!=h.componentWillUpdate&&h.componentWillUpdate(k,h.__s,C),null!=h.componentDidUpdate&&h.__h.push(function(){h.componentDidUpdate(p,m,w);});}h.context=C,h.props=k,h.state=h.__s,(a=n.__r)&&a(u),h.__d=!1,h.__v=u,h.__P=l,a=h.render(h.props,h.state,h.context),u.__k=b(null!=a&&a.type==y&&null==a.key?a.props.children:a),null!=h.getChildContext&&(t=s(s({},t),h.getChildContext())),v||null==h.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||(w=h.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(p,m)),_(l,u,i,t,o,f,r,e,c),h.base=u.__e,h.__h.length&&r.push(h),g&&(h.__E=h.__=null),h.__e=null;}else u.__e=j(i.__e,u,i,t,o,f,r,c);(a=n.diffed)&&a(u);}catch(l){n.__e(l,u,i);}return u.__e}function $(l,u){n.__c&&n.__c(u,l),l.some(function(u){try{l=u.__h,u.__h=[],l.some(function(n){;});}catch(l){n.__e(l,u.__v);}});}function j(n,l,u,i,t,o,f,c){var s,a,h,v,p,y=u.props,d=l.props;if(t="svg"===l.type||t,null==n&&null!=o)for(s=0;s<o.length;s++)if(null!=(a=o[s])&&(null===l.type?3===a.nodeType:a.localName===l.type)){n=a,o[s]=null;break}if(null==n){if(null===l.type)return document.createTextNode(d);n=t?document.createElementNS("",l.type):document.createElement(l.type),o=null;}if(null===l.type)null!=o&&(o[o.indexOf(n)]=null),y!==d&&(;else if(l!==u){if(null!=o&&(,h=(y=u.props||r).dangerouslySetInnerHTML,v=d.dangerouslySetInnerHTML,!c){if(y===r)for(y={},p=0;p<n.attributes.length;p++)y[n.attributes[p].name]=n.attributes[p].value;(v||h)&&(v&&h&&v.__html==h.__html||(n.innerHTML=v&&v.__html||""));}x(n,d,y,t,c),l.__k=l.props.children,v||_(n,l,u,i,"foreignObject"!==l.type&&t,o,f,r,c),c||("value"in d&&void 0!==d.value&&d.value!==n.value&&(n.value=null==d.value?"":d.value),"checked"in d&&void 0!==d.checked&&d.checked!==n.checked&&(n.checked=d.checked));}return n}function z(l,u,i){try{"function"==typeof l?l(u):l.current=u;}catch(l){n.__e(l,i);}}function A(l,u,i){var t,o,f;if(n.unmount&&n.unmount(l),(t=l.ref)&&z(t,null,u),i||"function"==typeof l.type||(i=null!=(o=l.__e)),l.__e=l.__d=null,null!=(t=l.__c)){if(t.componentWillUnmount)try{t.componentWillUnmount();}catch(l){n.__e(l,u);}t.base=t.__P=null;}if(t=l.__k)for(f=0;f<t.length;f++)t[f]&&A(t[f],u,i);null!=o&&a(o);}function D(n,l,u){return this.constructor(n,u)}function E(l,u,i){var t,f,c;n.__&&n.__(l,u),f=(t=i===o)?null:i&&i.__k||u.__k,l=h(y,null,[l]),c=[],T(u,(t?u:i||u).__k=l,f||r,r,void 0!==u.ownerSVGElement,i&&!t?[i]:f?,c,i||r,t),$(c,l);}n={__e:function(n,l){for(var u;l=l.__;)if((u=l.__c)&&!u.__)try{if(u.constructor&&null!=u.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError)u.setState(u.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError(n));else{if(null==u.componentDidCatch)continue;u.componentDidCatch(n);}return g(u.__E=u)}catch(l){n=l;}throw n}},d.prototype.setState=function(n,l){var u;u=this.__s!==this.state?this.__s:this.__s=s({},this.state),"function"==typeof n&&(n=n(u,this.props)),n&&s(u,n),null!=n&&this.__v&&(this.__e=!1,l&&this.__h.push(l),g(this));},d.prototype.forceUpdate=function(n){this.__v&&(this.__e=!0,n&&this.__h.push(n),g(this));},d.prototype.render=y,u=[],i="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,o=r,f=0;
/** Global options
* @public
* @namespace options {Object}
var options = {
/** If `true`, `prop` changes trigger synchronous component updates.
* @name syncComponentUpdates
* @type Boolean
* @default true
//syncComponentUpdates: true,
/** Processes all created VNodes.
* @param {VNode} vnode A newly-created VNode to normalize/process
//vnode(vnode) { }
/** Hook invoked after a component is mounted. */
// afterMount(component) { }
/** Hook invoked after the DOM is updated with a component's latest render. */
// afterUpdate(component) { }
/** Hook invoked immediately before a component is unmounted. */
// beforeUnmount(component) { }
var stack = [];
/** JSX/hyperscript reviver
* Benchmarks:
* @see
* @public
function h(nodeName, attributes) {
var children = EMPTY_CHILDREN,
for (i = arguments.length; i-- > 2;) {
if (attributes && attributes.children != null) {
if (!stack.length) stack.push(attributes.children);
delete attributes.children;
while (stack.length) {
if ((child = stack.pop()) && child.pop !== undefined) {
for (i = child.length; i--;) {
} else {
if (typeof child === 'boolean') child = null;
if (simple = typeof nodeName !== 'function') {
if (child == null) child = '';else if (typeof child === 'number') child = String(child);else if (typeof child !== 'string') simple = false;
if (simple && lastSimple) {
children[children.length - 1] += child;
} else if (children === EMPTY_CHILDREN) {
children = [child];
} else {
lastSimple = simple;
var p = new VNode();
p.nodeName = nodeName;
p.children = children;
p.attributes = attributes == null ? undefined : attributes;
p.key = attributes == null ? undefined : attributes.key;
return p;
/** Copy own-properties from `props` onto `obj`.
* @returns obj
* @private
function extend(obj, props) {
for (var i in props) {
obj[i] = props[i];
}return obj;
/** Call a function asynchronously, as soon as possible.
* @param {Function} callback
var defer = typeof Promise == 'function' ? Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout;
// DOM properties that should NOT have "px" added when numeric
var IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i;
/** Managed queue of dirty components to be re-rendered */
var items = [];
function enqueueRender(component) {
if (!component._dirty && (component._dirty = true) && items.push(component) == 1) {
( defer)(rerender);
function rerender() {
var p,
list = items;
items = [];
while (p = list.pop()) {
if (p._dirty) renderComponent(p);
/** Check if two nodes are equivalent.
* @param {Element} node
* @param {VNode} vnode
* @private
function isSameNodeType(node, vnode, hydrating) {
if (typeof vnode === 'string' || typeof vnode === 'number') {
return node.splitText !== undefined;
if (typeof vnode.nodeName === 'string') {
return !node._componentConstructor && isNamedNode(node, vnode.nodeName);
return hydrating || node._componentConstructor === vnode.nodeName;
/** Check if an Element has a given normalized name.
* @param {Element} node
* @param {String} nodeName
function isNamedNode(node, nodeName) {
return node.normalizedNodeName === nodeName || node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName.toLowerCase();
* Reconstruct Component-style `props` from a VNode.
* Ensures default/fallback values from `defaultProps`:
* Own-properties of `defaultProps` not present in `vnode.attributes` are added.
* @param {VNode} vnode
* @returns {Object} props
function getNodeProps(vnode) {
var props = extend({}, vnode.attributes);
props.children = vnode.children;
var defaultProps = vnode.nodeName.defaultProps;
if (defaultProps !== undefined) {
for (var i in defaultProps) {
if (props[i] === undefined) {
props[i] = defaultProps[i];
return props;
/** Create an element with the given nodeName.
* @param {String} nodeName
* @param {Boolean} [isSvg=false] If `true`, creates an element within the SVG namespace.
* @returns {Element} node
function createNode(nodeName, isSvg) {
var node = isSvg ? document.createElementNS('', nodeName) : document.createElement(nodeName);
node.normalizedNodeName = nodeName;
return node;
/** Remove a child node from its parent if attached.
* @param {Element} node The node to remove
function removeNode(node) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (parentNode) parentNode.removeChild(node);
/** Set a named attribute on the given Node, with special behavior for some names and event handlers.
* If `value` is `null`, the attribute/handler will be removed.
* @param {Element} node An element to mutate
* @param {string} name The name/key to set, such as an event or attribute name
* @param {any} old The last value that was set for this name/node pair
* @param {any} value An attribute value, such as a function to be used as an event handler
* @param {Boolean} isSvg Are we currently diffing inside an svg?
* @private
function setAccessor(node, name, old, value, isSvg) {
if (name === 'className') name = 'class';
if (name === 'key') ; else if (name === 'ref') {
if (old) old(null);
if (value) value(node);
} else if (name === 'class' && !isSvg) {
node.className = value || '';
} else if (name === 'style') {
if (!value || typeof value === 'string' || typeof old === 'string') { = value || '';
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
if (typeof old !== 'string') {
for (var i in old) {
if (!(i in value))[i] = '';
for (var i in value) {[i] = typeof value[i] === 'number' && IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL.test(i) === false ? value[i] + 'px' : value[i];
} else if (name === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') {
if (value) node.innerHTML = value.__html || '';
} else if (name[0] == 'o' && name[1] == 'n') {
var useCapture = name !== (name = name.replace(/Capture$/, ''));
name = name.toLowerCase().substring(2);
if (value) {
if (!old) node.addEventListener(name, eventProxy, useCapture);
} else {
node.removeEventListener(name, eventProxy, useCapture);
(node._listeners || (node._listeners = {}))[name] = value;
} else if (name !== 'list' && name !== 'type' && !isSvg && name in node) {
setProperty(node, name, value == null ? '' : value);
if (value == null || value === false) node.removeAttribute(name);
} else {
var ns = isSvg && name !== (name = name.replace(/^xlink\:?/, ''));
if (value == null || value === false) {
if (ns) node.removeAttributeNS('', name.toLowerCase());else node.removeAttribute(name);
} else if (typeof value !== 'function') {
if (ns) node.setAttributeNS('', name.toLowerCase(), value);else node.setAttribute(name, value);
/** Attempt to set a DOM property to the given value.
* IE & FF throw for certain property-value combinations.
function setProperty(node, name, value) {
try {
node[name] = value;
} catch (e) {}
/** Proxy an event to hooked event handlers
* @private
function eventProxy(e) {
return this._listeners[e.type]( e);
/** Queue of components that have been mounted and are awaiting componentDidMount */
var mounts = [];
/** Diff recursion count, used to track the end of the diff cycle. */
var diffLevel = 0;
/** Global flag indicating if the diff is currently within an SVG */
var isSvgMode = false;
/** Global flag indicating if the diff is performing hydration */
var hydrating = false;
/** Invoke queued componentDidMount lifecycle methods */
function flushMounts() {
var c;
while (c = mounts.pop()) {
if (c.componentDidMount) c.componentDidMount();
/** Apply differences in a given vnode (and it's deep children) to a real DOM Node.
* @param {Element} [dom=null] A DOM node to mutate into the shape of the `vnode`
* @param {VNode} vnode A VNode (with descendants forming a tree) representing the desired DOM structure
* @returns {Element} dom The created/mutated element
* @private
function diff(dom, vnode, context, mountAll, parent, componentRoot) {
// diffLevel having been 0 here indicates initial entry into the diff (not a subdiff)
if (!diffLevel++) {
// when first starting the diff, check if we're diffing an SVG or within an SVG
isSvgMode = parent != null && parent.ownerSVGElement !== undefined;
// hydration is indicated by the existing element to be diffed not having a prop cache
hydrating = dom != null && !('__preactattr_' in dom);
var ret = idiff(dom, vnode, context, mountAll, componentRoot);
// append the element if its a new parent
if (parent && ret.parentNode !== parent) parent.appendChild(ret);
// diffLevel being reduced to 0 means we're exiting the diff
if (! --diffLevel) {
hydrating = false;
// invoke queued componentDidMount lifecycle methods
if (!componentRoot) flushMounts();
return ret;
/** Internals of `diff()`, separated to allow bypassing diffLevel / mount flushing. */
function idiff(dom, vnode, context, mountAll, componentRoot) {
var out = dom,
prevSvgMode = isSvgMode;
// empty values (null, undefined, booleans) render as empty Text nodes
if (vnode == null || typeof vnode === 'boolean') vnode = '';
// Fast case: Strings & Numbers create/update Text nodes.
if (typeof vnode === 'string' || typeof vnode === 'number') {
// update if it's already a Text node:
if (dom && dom.splitText !== undefined && dom.parentNode && (!dom._component || componentRoot)) {
/* istanbul ignore if */ /* Browser quirk that can't be covered: */
if (dom.nodeValue != vnode) {
dom.nodeValue = vnode;
} else {
// it wasn't a Text node: replace it with one and recycle the old Element
out = document.createTextNode(vnode);
if (dom) {
if (dom.parentNode) dom.parentNode.replaceChild(out, dom);
recollectNodeTree(dom, true);
out['__preactattr_'] = true;
return out;
// If the VNode represents a Component, perform a component diff:
var vnodeName = vnode.nodeName;
if (typeof vnodeName === 'function') {
return buildComponentFromVNode(dom, vnode, context, mountAll);
// Tracks entering and exiting SVG namespace when descending through the tree.
isSvgMode = vnodeName === 'svg' ? true : vnodeName === 'foreignObject' ? false : isSvgMode;
// If there's no existing element or it's the wrong type, create a new one:
vnodeName = String(vnodeName);
if (!dom || !isNamedNode(dom, vnodeName)) {
out = createNode(vnodeName, isSvgMode);
if (dom) {
// move children into the replacement node
while (dom.firstChild) {
} // if the previous Element was mounted into the DOM, replace it inline
if (dom.parentNode) dom.parentNode.replaceChild(out, dom);
// recycle the old element (skips non-Element node types)
recollectNodeTree(dom, true);
var fc = out.firstChild,
props = out['__preactattr_'],
vchildren = vnode.children;
if (props == null) {
props = out['__preactattr_'] = {};
for (var a = out.attributes, i = a.length; i--;) {
props[a[i].name] = a[i].value;
// Optimization: fast-path for elements containing a single TextNode:
if (!hydrating && vchildren && vchildren.length === 1 && typeof vchildren[0] === 'string' && fc != null && fc.splitText !== undefined && fc.nextSibling == null) {
if (fc.nodeValue != vchildren[0]) {
fc.nodeValue = vchildren[0];
// otherwise, if there are existing or new children, diff them:
else if (vchildren && vchildren.length || fc != null) {
innerDiffNode(out, vchildren, context, mountAll, hydrating || props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null);
// Apply attributes/props from VNode to the DOM Element:
diffAttributes(out, vnode.attributes, props);
// restore previous SVG mode: (in case we're exiting an SVG namespace)
isSvgMode = prevSvgMode;
return out;
/** Apply child and attribute changes between a VNode and a DOM Node to the DOM.
* @param {Element} dom Element whose children should be compared & mutated
* @param {Array} vchildren Array of VNodes to compare to `dom.childNodes`
* @param {Object} context Implicitly descendant context object (from most recent `getChildContext()`)
* @param {Boolean} mountAll
* @param {Boolean} isHydrating If `true`, consumes externally created elements similar to hydration
function innerDiffNode(dom, vchildren, context, mountAll, isHydrating) {
var originalChildren = dom.childNodes,
children = [],
keyed = {},
keyedLen = 0,
min = 0,
len = originalChildren.length,
childrenLen = 0,
vlen = vchildren ? vchildren.length : 0,
// Build up a map of keyed children and an Array of unkeyed children:
if (len !== 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var _child = originalChildren[i],
props = _child['__preactattr_'],
key = vlen && props ? _child._component ? _child._component.__key : props.key : null;
if (key != null) {
keyed[key] = _child;
} else if (props || (_child.splitText !== undefined ? isHydrating ? _child.nodeValue.trim() : true : isHydrating)) {
children[childrenLen++] = _child;
if (vlen !== 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < vlen; i++) {
vchild = vchildren[i];
child = null;
// attempt to find a node based on key matching
var key = vchild.key;
if (key != null) {
if (keyedLen && keyed[key] !== undefined) {
child = keyed[key];
keyed[key] = undefined;
// attempt to pluck a node of the same type from the existing children
else if (!child && min < childrenLen) {
for (j = min; j < childrenLen; j++) {
if (children[j] !== undefined && isSameNodeType(c = children[j], vchild, isHydrating)) {
child = c;
children[j] = undefined;
if (j === childrenLen - 1) childrenLen--;
if (j === min) min++;
// morph the matched/found/created DOM child to match vchild (deep)
child = idiff(child, vchild, context, mountAll);
f = originalChildren[i];
if (child && child !== dom && child !== f) {
if (f == null) {
} else if (child === f.nextSibling) {
} else {
dom.insertBefore(child, f);
// remove unused keyed children:
if (keyedLen) {
for (var i in keyed) {
if (keyed[i] !== undefined) recollectNodeTree(keyed[i], false);
// remove orphaned unkeyed children:
while (min <= childrenLen) {
if ((child = children[childrenLen--]) !== undefined) recollectNodeTree(child, false);
/** Recursively recycle (or just unmount) a node and its descendants.
* @param {Node} node DOM node to start unmount/removal from
* @param {Boolean} [unmountOnly=false] If `true`, only triggers unmount lifecycle, skips removal
function recollectNodeTree(node, unmountOnly) {
var component = node._component;
if (component) {
// if node is owned by a Component, unmount that component (ends up recursing back here)
} else {
// If the node's VNode had a ref function, invoke it with null here.
// (this is part of the React spec, and smart for unsetting references)
if (node['__preactattr_'] != null && node['__preactattr_'].ref) node['__preactattr_'].ref(null);
if (unmountOnly === false || node['__preactattr_'] == null) {
/** Recollect/unmount all children.
* - we use .lastChild here because it causes less reflow than .firstChild
* - it's also cheaper than accessing the .childNodes Live NodeList
function removeChildren(node) {
node = node.lastChild;
while (node) {
var next = node.previousSibling;
recollectNodeTree(node, true);
node = next;
/** Apply differences in attributes from a VNode to the given DOM Element.
* @param {Element} dom Element with attributes to diff `attrs` against
* @param {Object} attrs The desired end-state key-value attribute pairs
* @param {Object} old Current/previous attributes (from previous VNode or element's prop cache)
function diffAttributes(dom, attrs, old) {
var name;
// remove attributes no longer present on the vnode by setting them to undefined
for (name in old) {
if (!(attrs && attrs[name] != null) && old[name] != null) {
setAccessor(dom, name, old[name], old[name] = undefined, isSvgMode);
// add new & update changed attributes
for (name in attrs) {
if (name !== 'children' && name !== 'innerHTML' && (!(name in old) || attrs[name] !== (name === 'value' || name === 'checked' ? dom[name] : old[name]))) {
setAccessor(dom, name, old[name], old[name] = attrs[name], isSvgMode);
/** Retains a pool of Components for re-use, keyed on component name.
* Note: since component names are not unique or even necessarily available, these are primarily a form of sharding.
* @private
var components = {};
/** Reclaim a component for later re-use by the recycler. */
function collectComponent(component) {
var name =;
(components[name] || (components[name] = [])).push(component);
/** Create a component. Normalizes differences between PFC's and classful Components. */
function createComponent(Ctor, props, context) {
var list = components[],
if (Ctor.prototype && Ctor.prototype.render) {
inst = new Ctor(props, context);, props, context);
} else {
inst = new Component(props, context);
inst.constructor = Ctor;
inst.render = doRender;
if (list) {
for (var i = list.length; i--;) {
if (list[i].constructor === Ctor) {
inst.nextBase = list[i].nextBase;
list.splice(i, 1);
return inst;
/** The `.render()` method for a PFC backing instance. */
function doRender(props, state, context) {
return this.constructor(props, context);
/** Set a component's `props` (generally derived from JSX attributes).
* @param {Object} props
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {boolean} [opts.renderSync=false] If `true` and {@link options.syncComponentUpdates} is `true`, triggers synchronous rendering.
* @param {boolean} [opts.render=true] If `false`, no render will be triggered.
function setComponentProps(component, props, opts, context, mountAll) {
if (component._disable) return;
component._disable = true;
if (component.__ref = props.ref) delete props.ref;
if (component.__key = props.key) delete props.key;
if (!component.base || mountAll) {
if (component.componentWillMount) component.componentWillMount();
} else if (component.componentWillReceiveProps) {
component.componentWillReceiveProps(props, context);
if (context && context !== component.context) {
if (!component.prevContext) component.prevContext = component.context;
component.context = context;
if (!component.prevProps) component.prevProps = component.props;
component.props = props;
component._disable = false;
if (opts !== 0) {
if (opts === 1 || options.syncComponentUpdates !== false || !component.base) {
renderComponent(component, 1, mountAll);
} else {
if (component.__ref) component.__ref(component);
/** Render a Component, triggering necessary lifecycle events and taking High-Order Components into account.
* @param {Component} component
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {boolean} [] If `true`, component will build and store a DOM node if not already associated with one.
* @private
function renderComponent(component, opts, mountAll, isChild) {
if (component._disable) return;
var props = component.props,
state = component.state,
context = component.context,
previousProps = component.prevProps || props,
previousState = component.prevState || state,
previousContext = component.prevContext || context,
isUpdate = component.base,
nextBase = component.nextBase,
initialBase = isUpdate || nextBase,
initialChildComponent = component._component,
skip = false,
// if updating
if (isUpdate) {
component.props = previousProps;
component.state = previousState;
component.context = previousContext;
if (opts !== 2 && component.shouldComponentUpdate && component.shouldComponentUpdate(props, state, context) === false) {
skip = true;
} else if (component.componentWillUpdate) {
component.componentWillUpdate(props, state, context);
component.props = props;
component.state = state;
component.context = context;
component.prevProps = component.prevState = component.prevContext = component.nextBase = null;
component._dirty = false;
if (!skip) {
rendered = component.render(props, state, context);
// context to pass to the child, can be updated via (grand-)parent component
if (component.getChildContext) {
context = extend(extend({}, context), component.getChildContext());
var childComponent = rendered && rendered.nodeName,
if (typeof childComponent === 'function') {
// set up high order component link
var childProps = getNodeProps(rendered);
inst = initialChildComponent;
if (inst && inst.constructor === childComponent && childProps.key == inst.__key) {
setComponentProps(inst, childProps, 1, context, false);
} else {
toUnmount = inst;
component._component = inst = createComponent(childComponent, childProps, context);
inst.nextBase = inst.nextBase || nextBase;
inst._parentComponent = component;
setComponentProps(inst, childProps, 0, context, false);
renderComponent(inst, 1, mountAll, true);
base = inst.base;
} else {
cbase = initialBase;
// destroy high order component link
toUnmount = initialChildComponent;
if (toUnmount) {
cbase = component._component = null;
if (initialBase || opts === 1) {
if (cbase) cbase._component = null;
base = diff(cbase, rendered, context, mountAll || !isUpdate, initialBase && initialBase.parentNode, true);
if (initialBase && base !== initialBase && inst !== initialChildComponent) {
var baseParent = initialBase.parentNode;
if (baseParent && base !== baseParent) {
baseParent.replaceChild(base, initialBase);
if (!toUnmount) {
initialBase._component = null;
recollectNodeTree(initialBase, false);
if (toUnmount) {
component.base = base;
if (base && !isChild) {
var componentRef = component,
t = component;
while (t = t._parentComponent) {
(componentRef = t).base = base;
base._component = componentRef;
base._componentConstructor = componentRef.constructor;
if (!isUpdate || mountAll) {
} else if (!skip) {
// Ensure that pending componentDidMount() hooks of child components
// are called before the componentDidUpdate() hook in the parent.
// Note: disabled as it causes duplicate hooks, see
// flushMounts();
if (component.componentDidUpdate) {
component.componentDidUpdate(previousProps, previousState, previousContext);
if (component._renderCallbacks != null) {
while (component._renderCallbacks.length) {
if (!diffLevel && !isChild) flushMounts();
/** Apply the Component referenced by a VNode to the DOM.
* @param {Element} dom The DOM node to mutate
* @param {VNode} vnode A Component-referencing VNode
* @returns {Element} dom The created/mutated element
* @private
function buildComponentFromVNode(dom, vnode, context, mountAll) {
var c = dom && dom._component,
originalComponent = c,
oldDom = dom,
isDirectOwner = c && dom._componentConstructor === vnode.nodeName,
isOwner = isDirectOwner,
props = getNodeProps(vnode);
while (c && !isOwner && (c = c._parentComponent)) {
isOwner = c.constructor === vnode.nodeName;
if (c && isOwner && (!mountAll || c._component)) {
setComponentProps(c, props, 3, context, mountAll);
dom = c.base;
} else {
if (originalComponent && !isDirectOwner) {
dom = oldDom = null;
c = createComponent(vnode.nodeName, props, context);
if (dom && !c.nextBase) {
c.nextBase = dom;
// passing dom/oldDom as nextBase will recycle it if unused, so bypass recycling on L229:
oldDom = null;
setComponentProps(c, props, 1, context, mountAll);
dom = c.base;
if (oldDom && dom !== oldDom) {
oldDom._component = null;
recollectNodeTree(oldDom, false);
return dom;
/** Remove a component from the DOM and recycle it.
* @param {Component} component The Component instance to unmount
* @private
function unmountComponent(component) {
var base = component.base;
component._disable = true;
if (component.componentWillUnmount) component.componentWillUnmount();
component.base = null;
// recursively tear down & recollect high-order component children:
var inner = component._component;
if (inner) {
} else if (base) {
if (base['__preactattr_'] && base['__preactattr_'].ref) base['__preactattr_'].ref(null);
component.nextBase = base;
if (component.__ref) component.__ref(null);
/** Base Component class.
* Provides `setState()` and `forceUpdate()`, which trigger rendering.
* @public
* @example
* class MyFoo extends Component {
* render(props, state) {
* return <div />;
* }
* }
function Component(props, context) {
this._dirty = true;
/** @public
* @type {object}
this.context = context;
/** @public
* @type {object}
this.props = props;
/** @public
* @type {object}
this.state = this.state || {};
extend(Component.prototype, {
/** Returns a `boolean` indicating if the component should re-render when receiving the given `props` and `state`.
* @param {object} nextProps
* @param {object} nextState
* @param {object} nextContext
* @returns {Boolean} should the component re-render
* @name shouldComponentUpdate
* @function
/** Update component state by copying properties from `state` to `this.state`.
* @param {object} state A hash of state properties to update with new values
* @param {function} callback A function to be called once component state is updated
setState: function setState(state, callback) {
var s = this.state;
if (!this.prevState) this.prevState = extend({}, s);
extend(s, typeof state === 'function' ? state(s, this.props) : state);
if (callback) (this._renderCallbacks = this._renderCallbacks || []).push(callback);
/** Immediately perform a synchronous re-render of the component.
* @param {function} callback A function to be called after component is re-rendered.
* @private
forceUpdate: function forceUpdate(callback) {
if (callback) (this._renderCallbacks = this._renderCallbacks || []).push(callback);
renderComponent(this, 2);
/** Accepts `props` and `state`, and returns a new Virtual DOM tree to build.
* Virtual DOM is generally constructed via [JSX](
* @param {object} props Props (eg: JSX attributes) received from parent element/component
* @param {object} state The component's current state
* @param {object} context Context object (if a parent component has provided context)
* @returns VNode
render: function render() {}
/** Render JSX into a `parent` Element.
* @param {VNode} vnode A (JSX) VNode to render
* @param {Element} parent DOM element to render into
* @param {Element} [merge] Attempt to re-use an existing DOM tree rooted at `merge`
* @public
* @example
* // render a div into <body>:
* render(<div id="hello">hello!</div>, document.body);
* @example
* // render a "Thing" component into #foo:
* const Thing = ({ name }) => <span>{ name }</span>;
* render(<Thing name="one" />, document.querySelector('#foo'));
function render(vnode, parent, merge) {
return diff(merge, vnode, {}, false, parent, false);
exports.Component = Component;
exports.Component = d;
exports.Fragment = y;
exports.PKG_NAME = PKG_NAME;
exports.createElement = h;
exports.h = h;
exports.render = render;
exports.render = E;

@@ -958,0 +23,0 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((e=e||self)["@hpcc-js/preact-shim"]={})}(this,function(e){"use strict";function t(){}var n={},o=[],r=[];function i(e,t){for(var n in t)e[n]=t[n];return e}var l="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,a=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i,p=[];function s(e){!e._dirty&&(e._dirty=!0)&&1==p.push(e)&&l(c)}function c(){var e,t=p;for(p=[];e=t.pop();)e._dirty&&T(e)}function u(e,t,n){return"string"==typeof t||"number"==typeof t?void 0!==e.splitText:"string"==typeof t.nodeName?!e._componentConstructor&&f(e,t.nodeName):n||e._componentConstructor===t.nodeName}function f(e,t){return e.normalizedNodeName===t||e.nodeName.toLowerCase()===t.toLowerCase()}function d(e){var t=i({},e.attributes);t.children=e.children;var n=e.nodeName.defaultProps;if(void 0!==n)for(var o in n)void 0===t[o]&&(t[o]=n[o]);return t}function _(e){var t=e.parentNode;t&&t.removeChild(e)}function v(e,t,n,o,r){if("className"===t&&(t="class"),"key"===t);else if("ref"===t)n&&n(null),o&&o(e);else if("class"!==t||r)if("style"===t){if(o&&"string"!=typeof o&&"string"!=typeof n||(||""),o&&"object"==typeof o){if("string"!=typeof n)for(var i in n)i in o||([i]="");for(var i in o)[i]="number"==typeof o[i]&&!1===a.test(i)?o[i]+"px":o[i]}}else if("dangerouslySetInnerHTML"===t)o&&(e.innerHTML=o.__html||"");else if("o"==t[0]&&"n"==t[1]){var l=t!==(t=t.replace(/Capture$/,""));t=t.toLowerCase().substring(2),o?n||e.addEventListener(t,m,l):e.removeEventListener(t,m,l),(e._listeners||(e._listeners={}))[t]=o}else if("list"!==t&&"type"!==t&&!r&&t in e)!function(e,t,n){try{e[t]=n}catch(e){}}(e,t,null==o?"":o),null!=o&&!1!==o||e.removeAttribute(t);else{var p=r&&t!==(t=t.replace(/^xlink\:?/,""));null==o||!1===o?p?e.removeAttributeNS("",t.toLowerCase()):e.removeAttribute(t):"function"!=typeof o&&(p?e.setAttributeNS("",t.toLowerCase(),o):e.setAttribute(t,o))}else e.className=o||""}function m(e){return this._listeners[e.type](e)}var h=[],y=0,b=!1,C=!1;function x(){for(var e;e=h.pop();)e.componentDidMount&&e.componentDidMount()}function g(e,t,n,o,r,i){y++||(b=null!=r&&void 0!==r.ownerSVGElement,C=null!=e&&!("__preactattr_"in e));var l=N(e,t,n,o,i);return r&&l.parentNode!==r&&r.appendChild(l),--y||(C=!1,i||x()),l}function N(e,t,n,o,r){var i=e,l=b;if(null!=t&&"boolean"!=typeof t||(t=""),"string"==typeof t||"number"==typeof t)return e&&void 0!==e.splitText&&e.parentNode&&(!e._component||r)?e.nodeValue!=t&&(e.nodeValue=t):(i=document.createTextNode(t),e&&(e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.replaceChild(i,e),k(e,!0))),i.__preactattr_=!0,i;var a,p,s=t.nodeName;if("function"==typeof s)return function(e,t,n,o){var r=e&&e._component,i=r,l=e,a=r&&e._componentConstructor===t.nodeName,p=a,s=d(t);for(;r&&!p&&(r=r._parentComponent);)p=r.constructor===t.nodeName;r&&p&&(!o||r._component)?(B(r,s,3,n,o),e=r.base):(i&&!a&&(U(i),e=l=null),r=P(t.nodeName,s,n),e&&!r.nextBase&&(r.nextBase=e,l=null),B(r,s,1,n,o),e=r.base,l&&e!==l&&(l._component=null,k(l,!1)));return e}(e,t,n,o);if(b="svg"===s||"foreignObject"!==s&&b,s=String(s),(!e||!f(e,s))&&(a=s,(p=b?document.createElementNS("",a):document.createElement(a)).normalizedNodeName=a,i=p,e)){for(;e.firstChild;)i.appendChild(e.firstChild);e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.replaceChild(i,e),k(e,!0)}var c=i.firstChild,m=i.__preactattr_,h=t.children;if(null==m){m=i.__preactattr_={};for(var y=i.attributes,x=y.length;x--;)m[y[x].name]=y[x].value}return!C&&h&&1===h.length&&"string"==typeof h[0]&&null!=c&&void 0!==c.splitText&&null==c.nextSibling?c.nodeValue!=h[0]&&(c.nodeValue=h[0]):(h&&h.length||null!=c)&&function(e,t,n,o,r){var i,l,a,p,s,c=e.childNodes,f=[],d={},v=0,m=0,h=c.length,y=0,b=t?t.length:0;if(0!==h)for(var C=0;C<h;C++){var x=c[C],g=x.__preactattr_,w=b&&g?x._component?x._component.__key:g.key:null;null!=w?(v++,d[w]=x):(g||(void 0!==x.splitText?!r||x.nodeValue.trim():r))&&(f[y++]=x)}if(0!==b)for(var C=0;C<b;C++){p=t[C],s=null;var w=p.key;if(null!=w)v&&void 0!==d[w]&&(s=d[w],d[w]=void 0,v--);else if(!s&&m<y)for(i=m;i<y;i++)if(void 0!==f[i]&&u(l=f[i],p,r)){s=l,f[i]=void 0,i===y-1&&y--,i===m&&m++;break}s=N(s,p,n,o),a=c[C],s&&s!==e&&s!==a&&(null==a?e.appendChild(s):s===a.nextSibling?_(a):e.insertBefore(s,a))}if(v)for(var C in d)void 0!==d[C]&&k(d[C],!1);for(;m<=y;)void 0!==(s=f[y--])&&k(s,!1)}(i,h,n,o,C||null!=m.dangerouslySetInnerHTML),function(e,t,n){var o;for(o in n)t&&null!=t[o]||null==n[o]||v(e,o,n[o],n[o]=void 0,b);for(o in t)"children"===o||"innerHTML"===o||o in n&&t[o]===("value"===o||"checked"===o?e[o]:n[o])||v(e,o,n[o],n[o]=t[o],b)}(i,t.attributes,m),b=l,i}function k(e,t){var n=e._component;n?U(n):(null!=e.__preactattr_&&e.__preactattr_.ref&&e.__preactattr_.ref(null),!1!==t&&null!=e.__preactattr_||_(e),w(e))}function w(e){for(e=e.lastChild;e;){var t=e.previousSibling;k(e,!0),e=t}}var S={};function P(e,t,n){var o,r=S[];if(e.prototype&&e.prototype.render?(o=new e(t,n),,t,n)):((o=new M(t,n)).constructor=e,o.render=L),r)for(var i=r.length;i--;)if(r[i].constructor===e){o.nextBase=r[i].nextBase,r.splice(i,1);break}return o}function L(e,t,n){return this.constructor(e,n)}function B(e,t,o,r,i){e._disable||(e._disable=!0,(e.__ref=t.ref)&&delete t.ref,(e.__key=t.key)&&delete t.key,!e.base||i?e.componentWillMount&&e.componentWillMount():e.componentWillReceiveProps&&e.componentWillReceiveProps(t,r),r&&r!==e.context&&(e.prevContext||(e.prevContext=e.context),e.context=r),e.prevProps||(e.prevProps=e.props),e.props=t,e._disable=!1,0!==o&&(1!==o&&!1===n.syncComponentUpdates&&e.base?s(e):T(e,1,i)),e.__ref&&e.__ref(e))}function T(e,t,n,o){if(!e._disable){var r,l,a,p=e.props,s=e.state,c=e.context,u=e.prevProps||p,f=e.prevState||s,_=e.prevContext||c,v=e.base,m=e.nextBase,b=v||m,C=e._component,N=!1;if(v&&(e.props=u,e.state=f,e.context=_,2!==t&&e.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===e.shouldComponentUpdate(p,s,c)?N=!0:e.componentWillUpdate&&e.componentWillUpdate(p,s,c),e.props=p,e.state=s,e.context=c),e.prevProps=e.prevState=e.prevContext=e.nextBase=null,e._dirty=!1,!N){r=e.render(p,s,c),e.getChildContext&&(c=i(i({},c),e.getChildContext()));var w,S,L=r&&r.nodeName;if("function"==typeof L){var M=d(r);(l=C)&&l.constructor===L&&M.key==l.__key?B(l,M,1,c,!1):(w=l,e._component=l=P(L,M,c),l.nextBase=l.nextBase||m,l._parentComponent=e,B(l,M,0,c,!1),T(l,1,n,!0)),S=l.base}else a=b,(w=C)&&(a=e._component=null),(b||1===t)&&(a&&(a._component=null),S=g(a,r,c,n||!v,b&&b.parentNode,!0));if(b&&S!==b&&l!==C){var E=b.parentNode;E&&S!==E&&(E.replaceChild(S,b),w||(b._component=null,k(b,!1)))}if(w&&U(w),e.base=S,S&&!o){for(var V=e,W=e;W=W._parentComponent;)(V=W).base=S;S._component=V,S._componentConstructor=V.constructor}}if(!v||n?h.unshift(e):N||e.componentDidUpdate&&e.componentDidUpdate(u,f,_),null!=e._renderCallbacks)for(;e._renderCallbacks.length;)e._renderCallbacks.pop().call(e);y||o||x()}}function U(e){var t=e.base;e._disable=!0,e.componentWillUnmount&&e.componentWillUnmount(),e.base=null;var n=e._component;n?U(n):t&&(t.__preactattr_&&t.__preactattr_.ref&&t.__preactattr_.ref(null),e.nextBase=t,_(t),function(e){var;(S[t]||(S[t]=[])).push(e)}(e),w(t)),e.__ref&&e.__ref(null)}function M(e,t){this._dirty=!0,this.context=t,this.props=e,this.state=this.state||{}}i(M.prototype,{setState:function(e,t){var n=this.state;this.prevState||(this.prevState=i({},n)),i(n,"function"==typeof e?e(n,this.props):e),t&&(this._renderCallbacks=this._renderCallbacks||[]).push(t),s(this)},forceUpdate:function(e){e&&(this._renderCallbacks=this._renderCallbacks||[]).push(e),T(this,2)},render:function(){}}),e.BUILD_VERSION="2.11.1",e.Component=M,e.PKG_NAME="@hpcc-js/preact-shim",e.PKG_VERSION="2.11.3",e.h=function(e,n){var i,l,a,p,s=r;for(p=arguments.length;p-- >2;)o.push(arguments[p]);for(n&&null!=n.children&&(o.length||o.push(n.children),delete n.children);o.length;)if((l=o.pop())&&void 0!==l.pop)for(p=l.length;p--;)o.push(l[p]);else"boolean"==typeof l&&(l=null),(a="function"!=typeof e)&&(null==l?l="":"number"==typeof l?l=String(l):"string"!=typeof l&&(a=!1)),a&&i?s[s.length-1]+=l:s===r?s=[l]:s.push(l),i=a;var c=new t;return c.nodeName=e,c.children=s,c.attributes=null==n?void 0:n,c.key=null==n?void 0:n.key,c},e.render=function(e,t,n){return g(n,e,{},!1,t,!1)},Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
!function(e,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?n(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],n):n((e=e||self)["@hpcc-js/preact-shim"]={})}(this,function(e){"use strict";var n,t,l,_,o,r={},u=[],i=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i;function s(e,n){for(var t in n)e[t]=n[t];return e}function c(e){var n=e.parentNode;n&&n.removeChild(e)}function p(e,n,t){var l,_=arguments,o={};for(l in n)"key"!==l&&"ref"!==l&&(o[l]=n[l]);if(arguments.length>3)for(t=[t],l=3;l<arguments.length;l++)t.push(_[l]);if(null!=t&&(o.children=t),"function"==typeof e&&null!=e.defaultProps)for(l in e.defaultProps)void 0===o[l]&&(o[l]=e.defaultProps[l]);return f(e,o,n&&n.key,n&&n.ref)}function f(e,t,l,_){var o={type:e,props:t,key:l,ref:_,__k:null,__:null,__b:0,__e:null,__d:null,__c:null,constructor:void 0};return n.vnode&&n.vnode(o),o}function a(e){return e.children}function d(e,n){this.props=e,this.context=n}function h(e,n){if(null==n)return e.__?h(e.__,e.__.__k.indexOf(e)+1):null;for(var t;n<e.__k.length;n++)if(null!=(t=e.__k[n])&&null!=t.__e)return t.__e;return"function"==typeof e.type?h(e):null}function y(e){var n,t;if(null!=(e=e.__)&&null!=e.__c){for(e.__e=e.__c.base=null,n=0;n<e.__k.length;n++)if(null!=(t=e.__k[n])&&null!=t.__e){e.__e=e.__c.base=t.__e;break}return y(e)}}function v(e){(!e.__d&&(e.__d=!0)&&1===t.push(e)||_!==n.debounceRendering)&&((_=n.debounceRendering)||l)(m)}function m(){var e,n,l,_,o,r,u;for(t.sort(function(e,n){return n.__v.__b-e.__v.__b});e=t.pop();)e.__d&&(l=void 0,_=void 0,r=(o=(n=e).__v).__e,(u=n.__P)&&(l=[],_=S(u,o,s({},o),n.__n,void 0!==u.ownerSVGElement,null,l,null==r?h(o):r),P(l,o),_!=r&&y(o)))}function k(e,n,t,l,_,o,i,s,p){var f,a,d,y,v,m,k,b=t&&t.__k||u,w=b.length;if(s==r&&(s=null!=o?o[0]:w?h(t,0):null),f=0,n.__k=g(n.__k,function(t){if(null!=t){if(t.__=n,t.__b=n.__b+1,null===(d=b[f])||d&&t.key==d.key&&t.type===d.type)b[f]=void 0;else for(a=0;a<w;a++){if((d=b[a])&&t.key==d.key&&t.type===d.type){b[a]=void 0;break}d=null}if(y=S(e,t,d=d||r,l,_,o,i,s,p),(a=t.ref)&&d.ref!=a&&(k||(k=[]),d.ref&&k.push(d.ref,null,t),k.push(a,t.__c||y,t)),null!=y){if(null==m&&(m=y),null!=t.__d)y=t.__d,t.__d=null;else if(o==d||y!=s||null==y.parentNode){e:if(null==s||s.parentNode!==e)e.appendChild(y);else{for(v=s,a=0;(v=v.nextSibling)&&a<w;a+=2)if(v==y)break e;e.insertBefore(y,s)}"option"==n.type&&(e.value="")}s=y.nextSibling,"function"==typeof n.type&&(n.__d=y)}}return f++,t}),n.__e=m,null!=o&&"function"!=typeof n.type)for(f=o.length;f--;)null!=o[f]&&c(o[f]);for(f=w;f--;)null!=b[f]&&E(b[f],b[f]);if(k)for(f=0;f<k.length;f++)C(k[f],k[++f],k[++f])}function g(e,n,t){if(null==t&&(t=[]),null==e||"boolean"==typeof e)n&&t.push(n(null));else if(Array.isArray(e))for(var l=0;l<e.length;l++)g(e[l],n,t);else t.push(n?n("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e?f(null,e,null,null):null!=e.__e||null!=e.__c?f(e.type,e.props,e.key,null):e):e);return t}function b(e,n,t){"-"===n[0]?e.setProperty(n,t):e[n]="number"==typeof t&&!1===i.test(n)?t+"px":null==t?"":t}function w(e,n,t,l,_){var o,r,u,i,s;if(_?"className"===n&&(n="class"):"class"===n&&(n="className"),"key"===n||"children"===n);else if("style"===n)if(,"string"==typeof t)o.cssText=t;else{if("string"==typeof l&&(o.cssText="",l=null),l)for(r in l)t&&r in t||b(o,r,"");if(t)for(u in t)l&&t[u]===l[u]||b(o,u,t[u])}else"o"===n[0]&&"n"===n[1]?(i=n!==(n=n.replace(/Capture$/,"")),s=n.toLowerCase(),n=(s in e?s:n).slice(2),t?(l||e.addEventListener(n,x,i),(e.l||(e.l={}))[n]=t):e.removeEventListener(n,x,i)):"list"!==n&&"tagName"!==n&&"form"!==n&&"type"!==n&&!_&&n in e?e[n]=null==t?"":t:"function"!=typeof t&&"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"!==n&&(n!==(n=n.replace(/^xlink:?/,""))?null==t||!1===t?e.removeAttributeNS("",n.toLowerCase()):e.setAttributeNS("",n.toLowerCase(),t):null==t||!1===t?e.removeAttribute(n):e.setAttribute(n,t))}function x(e){this.l[e.type](n.event?n.event(e):e)}function S(e,t,l,_,o,r,u,i,c){var p,f,h,y,v,m,b,w,x,S,P=t.type;if(void 0!==t.constructor)return null;(p=n.__b)&&p(t);try{e:if("function"==typeof P){if(w=t.props,x=(p=P.contextType)&&_[p.__c],S=p?x?x.props.value:p.__:_,l.__c?b=(f=t.__c=l.__c).__=f.__E:("prototype"in P&&P.prototype.render?t.__c=f=new P(w,S):(t.__c=f=new d(w,S),f.constructor=P,f.render=D),x&&x.sub(f),f.props=w,f.state||(f.state={}),f.context=S,f.__n=_,h=f.__d=!0,f.__h=[]),null==f.__s&&(f.__s=f.state),null!=P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&(f.__s==f.state&&(f.__s=s({},f.__s)),s(f.__s,P.getDerivedStateFromProps(w,f.__s))),y=f.props,v=f.state,h)null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&null!=f.componentWillMount&&f.componentWillMount(),null!=f.componentDidMount&&f.__h.push(f.componentDidMount);else{if(null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&w!==y&&null!=f.componentWillReceiveProps&&f.componentWillReceiveProps(w,S),!f.__e&&null!=f.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===f.shouldComponentUpdate(w,f.__s,S)){for(f.props=w,f.state=f.__s,f.__d=!1,f.__v=t,t.__e=l.__e,t.__k=l.__k,f.__h.length&&u.push(f),p=0;p<t.__k.length;p++)t.__k[p]&&(t.__k[p].__=t);break e}null!=f.componentWillUpdate&&f.componentWillUpdate(w,f.__s,S),null!=f.componentDidUpdate&&f.__h.push(function(){f.componentDidUpdate(y,v,m)})}f.context=S,f.props=w,f.state=f.__s,(p=n.__r)&&p(t),f.__d=!1,f.__v=t,f.__P=e,p=f.render(f.props,f.state,f.context),t.__k=g(null!=p&&p.type==a&&null==p.key?p.props.children:p),null!=f.getChildContext&&(_=s(s({},_),f.getChildContext())),h||null==f.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||(m=f.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(y,v)),k(e,t,l,_,o,r,u,i,c),f.base=t.__e,f.__h.length&&u.push(f),b&&(f.__E=f.__=null),f.__e=null}else t.__e=N(l.__e,t,l,_,o,r,u,c);(p=n.diffed)&&p(t)}catch(e){n.__e(e,t,l)}return t.__e}function P(e,t){n.__c&&n.__c(t,e),e.some(function(t){try{e=t.__h,t.__h=[],e.some(function(e){})}catch(e){n.__e(e,t.__v)}})}function N(e,n,t,l,_,o,i,s){var c,p,f,a,d,h=t.props,y=n.props;if(_="svg"===n.type||_,null==e&&null!=o)for(c=0;c<o.length;c++)if(null!=(p=o[c])&&(null===n.type?3===p.nodeType:p.localName===n.type)){e=p,o[c]=null;break}if(null==e){if(null===n.type)return document.createTextNode(y);e=_?document.createElementNS("",n.type):document.createElement(n.type),o=null}if(null===n.type)null!=o&&(o[o.indexOf(e)]=null),h!==y&&(;else if(n!==t){if(null!=o&&(,f=(h=t.props||r).dangerouslySetInnerHTML,a=y.dangerouslySetInnerHTML,!s){if(h===r)for(h={},d=0;d<e.attributes.length;d++)h[e.attributes[d].name]=e.attributes[d].value;(a||f)&&(a&&f&&a.__html==f.__html||(e.innerHTML=a&&a.__html||""))}(function(e,n,t,l,_){var o;for(o in t)o in n||w(e,o,null,t[o],l);for(o in n)_&&"function"!=typeof n[o]||"value"===o||"checked"===o||t[o]===n[o]||w(e,o,n[o],t[o],l)})(e,y,h,_,s),n.__k=n.props.children,a||k(e,n,t,l,"foreignObject"!==n.type&&_,o,i,r,s),s||("value"in y&&void 0!==y.value&&y.value!==e.value&&(e.value=null==y.value?"":y.value),"checked"in y&&void 0!==y.checked&&y.checked!==e.checked&&(e.checked=y.checked))}return e}function C(e,t,l){try{"function"==typeof e?e(t):e.current=t}catch(e){n.__e(e,l)}}function E(e,t,l){var _,o,r;if(n.unmount&&n.unmount(e),(_=e.ref)&&C(_,null,t),l||"function"==typeof e.type||(l=null!=(o=e.__e)),e.__e=e.__d=null,null!=(_=e.__c)){if(_.componentWillUnmount)try{_.componentWillUnmount()}catch(e){n.__e(e,t)}_.base=_.__P=null}if(_=e.__k)for(r=0;r<_.length;r++)_[r]&&E(_[r],t,l);null!=o&&c(o)}function D(e,n,t){return this.constructor(e,t)}n={__e:function(e,n){for(var t;n=n.__;)if((t=n.__c)&&!t.__)try{if(t.constructor&&null!=t.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError)t.setState(t.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError(e));else{if(null==t.componentDidCatch)continue;t.componentDidCatch(e)}return v(t.__E=t)}catch(n){e=n}throw e}},d.prototype.setState=function(e,n){var t;t=this.__s!==this.state?this.__s:this.__s=s({},this.state),"function"==typeof e&&(e=e(t,this.props)),e&&s(t,e),null!=e&&this.__v&&(this.__e=!1,n&&this.__h.push(n),v(this))},d.prototype.forceUpdate=function(e){this.__v&&(this.__e=!0,e&&this.__h.push(e),v(this))},d.prototype.render=a,t=[],l="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,o=r,e.BUILD_VERSION="2.12.0",e.Component=d,e.Fragment=a,e.PKG_NAME="@hpcc-js/preact-shim",e.PKG_VERSION="2.12.0",e.createElement=p,e.h=p,e.render=function(e,t,l){var _,i,s;n.__&&n.__(e,t),i=(_=l===o)?null:l&&l.__k||t.__k,e=p(a,null,[e]),s=[],S(t,(_?t:l||t).__k=e,i||r,r,void 0!==t.ownerSVGElement,l&&!_?[l]:i?,s,l||r,_),P(s,e)},Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
"name": "@hpcc-js/preact-shim",
"version": "2.11.3",
"version": "2.12.0",
"description": "hpcc-js - preact shim",

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"preact": "8.2.1"
"preact": "10.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@hpcc-js/bundle": "^2.10.5",
"@hpcc-js/bundle": "^2.10.6",
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"rimraf": "2.6.3",

@@ -57,3 +58,3 @@ "rollup": "1.20.2",

"homepage": "",
"gitHead": "2c0385b939c1b43b7d04a3a788161aec6238543b"
"gitHead": "3d34b62ee97cc3bad2e3902d4393db6dc69ac6f6"
export declare const PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/preact-shim";
export declare const PKG_VERSION = "2.11.3";
export declare const BUILD_VERSION = "2.11.1";
export declare const PKG_VERSION = "2.12.0";
export declare const BUILD_VERSION = "2.12.0";
export * from "./__package__";
export { h, Component, render } from "preact";
export { createElement, Component, Fragment, FunctionComponent, h, render } from "preact";

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