Advanced tools
1.1.1 (October 27, 2020)
1.1.0 (September 18, 2020)
plugin to enforce consistent ordering of import
statements in JavaScript module files #219, #84eslint-plugin-jsdoc
plugin #218eslint-plugin-sort-destructure-keys
plugin #218Changelog
1.0.0 (July 31, 2020)
by default in PHPCS #177$namespace.php
in function files #99FunctionCallSignature
inconsistency in phpcbf #200.editorconfig
for YAML & Markdown files #175package.json
files with tabs #175.editorconfig
to project root #175readme.md
to README.md
description #175package.json
files meta #175<file>
, <basepath>
and testVersion
from ruleset #187, #198Changelog
0.8.0 (January 29, 2020)
PHPCS rule #166!important
in CSS #164eslint-plugin-sort-destructure-keys
package #179stylelint-config-wordpress
package to v15 from v13 #165at-rule
line break for if/else/elseif
0.7.0 (June 5, 2019)
from NamespaceDirectoryNameSniff
/ json_decode
function usage #97Changelog
0.6.0 (April 2, 2019)
dir from the NamespaceExclusionTest #112phpcodesniffer-standard
rule exclusion #114https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/releases
* Added new Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyPHPStatement sniff
* Warns when it finds empty PHP open/close tag combinations or superfluous semicolons
* Added new Generic.Formatting.SpaceBeforeCast sniff
* Ensures there is exactly 1 space before a type cast, unless the cast statement is indented or multi-line
* Added new Generic.VersionControl.GitMergeConflict sniff
* Detects merge conflict artifacts left in files
* Added Generic.WhiteSpace.IncrementDecrementSpacing sniff
* Ensures there is no space between the operator and the variable it applies to
* Added PSR12.Functions.NullableTypeDeclaration sniff
* Ensures there is no space after the question mark in a nullable type declaration
* Added new Generic.PHP.LowerCaseType sniff-Ensures PHP types used for type hints, return types, and type casting are lowercase
* Added new Generic.WhiteSpace.ArbitraryParenthesesSpacing sniff
* Generates an error for whitespace inside parenthesis that don't belong to a function call/declaration or control structure
* Generates a warning for any empty parenthesis found
* Allows the required spacing to be set using the spacing sniff property (default is 0)
* Allows newlines to be used by setting the ignoreNewlines sniff property (default is false)
* Added new PSR12.Classes.ClassInstantiation sniff
* Ensures parenthesis are used when instantiating a new class
* Added new PSR12.Keywords.ShortFormTypeKeywords sniff
* Ensures the short form of PHP types is used when type casting
* Added new PSR12.Namespaces.CompundNamespaceDepth sniff
* Ensures compound namespace use statements have a max depth of 2 levelsThe max depth can be changed by setting the 'maxDepth' sniff property in a ruleset.xml file
* Added new PSR12.Operators.OperatorSpacing sniff-Ensures operators are preceded and followed by at least 1 space